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Anyone willing to make a comment?

It couldn't have been not approved because of space bending, the transposition cannon already does that.

It couldn't be because of wormholes, those have clearly been used before.

It can't be because of other universes, the TTD has already established that they do exsist though travel to them has been phased out of the role play.

Gameplay issues have already been addressed and no new ones have been brought up. This is hardly has bad as anything Yamatai or the NDI use and if wes does want Nepleslia to have a military either new tech for them needs to be approved or they will have to use star army tech that bypasses the normal approval process so they can be on par with everyone else. Clearly a device like this would be in the best intrest of the role play.

So then?...
The role-play has enough device that generate potentially infinite energy around already. The one you posted was both more dangerous than aether ones and more difficult to operate.

There's no need for it.
No need is not basis for not approval considering that Nepleslia does not have acsess to the same type of aether generators or hyperspace taps that other organisations use.

ONTOP of that the device perfectly exemplifies the Nepleslian 'way' of doing things for lack of a better word. The KFY aether systems are naturally small while the NDI equivilent generate exsesive amounts of power (and I would assume would be overly large) while the Nepleslian one is crude and dangerous which is a major theme of all Nepleslian role plays.

This would also help establish a different technology path of nepleslia to follow so its ships would not have to be copies of either NDI or KFY ships.

It may not be needed elsewhere but the need is clear for NAM.

So what is stopping it from approval?
Uso, this thing did Four different things.

It generated power in some way which, when applied to normal science, means it can't make energy. It can create a field of gravity that can counter planetary gravity. It can be used as a weapon with an obsenly large range and "Total Annilation" level power. And it can serve as a Faster then light propultion feild.

What this device exemplifies is your utter lack of restraint for making "Super Tech."
So it is technologically impossible to make a device which does four things at once?


Your bit about how it can't generate energy is total bullshit, there is just no other word to use. Naturally anything that deals with large amounts of mass will have gravotational properties. The device simply exploits something that would be there normally. Anti-gravity technology is covered in the RP in many different places from the artificial gravity systems of ships to the 'anti-gravity' fields produced by the CFS. Most weapons now are at the total level of damage even though they would not totaly destroy a target. Starship weapons need to have incresingly powerful discriptions in order to compinsate for the decline of role play effectiveness of those discriptions. FTL systems are covered extensively in the CFS and hyperspace fold drive, the latter of which being more in common with the toaster than other devices.

The CFS already does multiple things at once, so does pantheon, so does the HSCS...

That aside stop trying to turn this into a flame war Cora. Why don't you go RP with someone instead?
How the hell can you generate energy by intersecting a different universe?!?!

Explain that!
Using a wormhole to channel either super-heated matter or electromagnetic energy. What more do you want?
I belive this was covered in the original thread by the toaster discription itself.

The point of intersection allows the energy and matter in the other universe to temporarily well up inside the device so energy can be syphoned off. I would assume that the NDI hyperspace tap works in much the same way as far as converting energy to power.
More than enough to run the systems on the ship that this is intended for. With one 'charge' it could technically produce around 4x10**69 Joules.
I ment in percentage. As in, how much of the "Raw Material" is converted into useable energy?
Eventually near 99% would be able to be converted into useable power because the energy that isn't use would ebb back into its original universe.
How muchy energy is lost in the process? I know it's not just 1%, since the Law Conservation of energy state that a percentage is always lost as waste energy(Heat, light or radiation) as a result of work(IE the conversion process).
A small amount of waste is lost to the device itself while the bulk is lost back into the universe in which it came from. Because that would be just a pocket of space so to speak there is no where else for the energy to go but back into the syphon so it can be converted to useable power.
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