Wiki is updated with some stuff.
Doshii Jun said:
The only thing I can nitpick is her tonfa — that should be made of Yamataium, and stated as such. She'll need such a regenerative weapon, considering her self-reliant style of crimefighting.
That's a really rad idea, thanks!
Doshii Jun said:
The tonfa also is such a great weapon for police. Excellent choice there; I expected a jitte, and am pleasantly surprised.
I thought about it. It's traditional and cool but it's more a symbol of office than something practical.
Doshii Jun said:
That she isn't a "warrior" is so cool. I like that focus for a fukei; she isn't a warfighter first, but a justicebringer. Her concern is not the criminal as much as the crime, it seems — she isn't ignoring the former, but righting the wrong means more than punishing the wicked.
Thanks. Yeah, definitely law before fighting. If it were the other way around she'd just be a gunsotsu or an eihei. But to be clear, she is still a skilled killer when it comes down to it. As I assume all Ketsurui Samurai are.
I was discussing Arahoshi with Gallant earlier. My thread about this in the other forum had that class as a possibility and I went with Fukei because they seem kind of like two sides of the same coin. Both are able/encouraged to go help Yamataians.
But in the Arahoshi's case that seems to be through spiritual guidance and mediation with their combat abilities reserved for dire situations. I'd think each Arahoshi would also be really well versed in some sort of useful agri or social science. Nerdy monk like dudes; Jedi Consulars.
Fukei seem similar in that they're also focused on writing wrongs, except they do it on a "get rid of the wrong" level. Where the Arahoshi brings justice through their presence and help, the Fukei has the authority and force of law behind their active pursuit of injustice. Like Jedi Guardians.
In the end, I wanted to play a sick-ass murderer capable of compassion rather than a compassionate guru capable of sick-ass murders.
Doshii Jun said:
I'd like to see some detail of her obi, even if she has no specific fighting style (beyond specific weapons).
I added in descriptions of her weapons and also how she fights when unarmed. For the latter, I expanded on a tidbit included in N. Saiga's skill section.
When making her I was confused about how martial styles/budo worked. Some stuff I've read indicates that your chosen budo is dictated by your class. Other stuff I've read seems to suggest that budo are just different martial schools that you can choose.
If it's the latter, she practices whatever ketsurui kenjutsu style favors a guarded offense. You know, easy to make blocks and waits for opportunity strikes. This would be combined with the tonfajutsu described in that one paragraph. I can come up with a weird Yamataian name for both budo if you want, though I'm a little spent on cool Japanese names that are hopefully accurate and grammatically correct.
Doshii Jun said:
I imagine her as a (even THE) leading authority among the fukei-class because of her age and time of service.
I'd rather not have her be "THE" leading authority on the class. Maybe like "wink-wink-nudge-nudge yeah she actually is," if you want, but from an IC perspective she has remained distant from Samurai House and its students.
Though she has been a sensei by way of educating bright-eyed young companions, she isn't classified as a "Ketsurui Samurai Sensei-no-budô." She might be someday, if she survives that long, but that will happen when the drive to shepherd entire generations of fukei pops into her head and presents itself as the correct path.
I imagine that some samurai are like "yo, time to call tokuko" when they need some specific scholarly knowledge of the law or philosophical perspectives on justice. But I'm sure that some other samurai only know her by her reputation and package her identity into a group with whichever other fukei operate as carte blanche Yamataian judges.
She's also really humble despite her age, probably. Her sword, whose details I added in, is the only extra reward she's taken from the empire for her service.
She's like this in the way that she doesn't see why anyone would make a big deal about her accomplishments or her career. It's just what's right for her and, hopefully, the empire.
Think of Qui-Gonn from Star Wars (but less freakin' maverick) or Dredd. People know of them and their feats but they're just cogs in their own minds and have reconciled that. But they recognize that importance.
Doshii Jun said:
If you need a tag-along, or someone to interact with at the start, I've got someone
who could help ...
Yeah. That'd be rad. Maybe we can progressively add cool kids to this fellowship. Seems like the Yugumo Culster's actually chock full of Ketsurui Samurai.
PS: Any references to Star Wars in this post have been for the benefit of scifi geeks who can relate more easily to Jedi than the historical samurai that inspired them, not because I like really want to play a Yamataian Jedi.