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Yamatai News (YINN) Tokyo's Cleanup: Phase Two

Old (Furui) Tokyo-

Previously, we reported in the planting of sunflowers by Taisa Kage Yaichiro planted sunflowers through Furui Tokyo to assist in radiation cleanup. Now that the first set of sunflowers has finished their life cycle, the second phase of cleanup has begun.

Kage-Taisa has completed a simplified version of the Fabrication Areas of starships, the Fabrication Chamber, in a footprint which can fit in an SSCC-Medium and can thus be driven about on the back of a truck. Combined with the CAMIE M11 Construction Mecha provided by him, it is now possible to enter the damaged site safely and perform more comprehensive decontamination, processing both damaged components and radioactive matter into raw materials and components for reconstruction. It is even possible to make more Fabrication Chambers and CAMIE as the project progresses!

He is now seeking personnel to perform this task either in exchange for rights to some of the salvaged items or, for those who stick with the project long term, a residence in the rebuilt Tokyo. Preference goes to those citizens who once lived in or were conceived in Tokyo or the United Outer Colonies and either have existing proof of or obtain citizenship. Bodies that are recovered are to be kept, and items normally illegal for ownership or irradiated must be returned and broken down respectively in any scenario. Out of a desire to maintain universal safety standards, companies are not permitted to act as subcontractors without yielding to on site control and government standards.

It is expected that the die-hard survivors of the old UOC will make the most of this opportunity, and the Senator of Jiyuu and government at large has been invited to openly assist in the management of the effort where desired.

(OOC: I planned to wait a bit longer, but if there are players who need a new residence or faction ASAP this seemed an proper opportunity for them to find an in. I hope to have a salvage list ready for submission soon for those who seek to salvage for profit instead of homes.)