Star Army

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Approved Character Tom Freeman


Inactive Member

Name: Tom Freeman

General Information
Species: Yamatain
Gender: Male
Age: 25

Father: Albert Freeman (Alive)
Mother: Lillian Freeman (Alive)

Faction: Star Army
Occupation: Caretaker, Technical Sentry
Rank: Nito Heisho
Current Assignment: YSS Miharu

Physical Characteristics

Height: 6 feet, 2 inches (184 centimeters)
Weight: 155 pounds (70 kg)

Build and Skin Color: Lithe and limber. Not particularly muscular, but very well toned. Very smooth, flesh-colored skin.

Face and Eye Color: Warm expression, usually complemented with a smile. The small skin creases along his eyes hints at prolonged exposure to the cold. He has grey eyes.

Hair color and Style: His yellow hair is kept spiky, with a wild flair to it.

Psychological Characteristics

Personality: Tom Freeman is a boisterous, carefree person who treats all acquaintances like good friends. He loves the thrill of new challenges and experiences and meets difficult situations head-on. He is good natured and will always give of himself.

During his time on the Mikomi, Freeman was briefly stranded on a hostile planet. The ordeal revealed a potential association towards loneliness and depression. He also is seemingly estranged with his father.

Tom tries to conceal, from both the outside world and himself, any problems, choosing to let his jovial attitude dictate how he should behave. This tends to put him on ends with superiors at times, particularly when Rufus Sydney demoted him for abusing the communication system to greet newcomers to the YSS Mikomi.

That is not to say that Tom hasn't matured to some degree. The repeatedly-shocking and combat-intensive experiences he had on the Mikomi have hardened him considerably, but he would never show this outwardly.

Recently, however, Tom has become more humanitarian in his ideals, slowly becoming sick with war and the dehumanizing experiences that come with it.

For the most part, Tom does a good job at hiding his inner self to the world. However, when Tom dances alone, the intensity of his movement at times starkly contrasts his normally pleasant demeanor.

Likes: Suzuka Yukari, Dancing, cooking, hosting (and participating in) parties, performing arts, drinking, romance, new experiences, cold weather, independence.

Dislikes: War and destruction, being alone, drones, stuffy superiors and people who don't know how to cut loose once in a while, hot climates, mindless subservience or idolization.

Goals: Tom's current goal is to simply be happy and enjoy the ride life gives him.


Tom was born in Yamatai in the small hamlet of Ralt. There, he lived the years of his youth as a mechanic and proud member of the Ralt Ice Theatre Troupe, a performing arts group which provided entertainment for travelers. The quaint environment of Ralt, however, grew on Tom's nerves as he entered his teen years and, against the wishes of his father, he left Ralt for Central Uesureya and embraced the whirlwind of activity in the city, frequenting clubs and other places where he could dance the night away. His lifestyle quickly caught up with him, however, and he joined the Star Army to make money and find new adventures.

After an uneventful stint on the (then) YSS Destiny, Tom was transferred to the YSS Mikomi, where he served for over a year. While on the ship, Tom made many friends, most of whom were, unfortunately, killed in action. He was stranded on Bowhordia at the mercy of the drones, but managed to survive and was rescued. After the mission, he filed a request for transfer.

Tom had a passive love interest in medic Ghi To during his stay on the Mikomi, but her sudden transfer dashed those dreams. Tom, however, looks forward to the day when the two will meet again.

Unfortunately for Ghi, Tom has now fallen in love with one of his superior officers while on the YSS Miharu, Suzuka Yukari. The budding romance began when Tom first transferred to the Miharu and met the lovely lady. Something (perhaps their complementary personalities) sparked between the two shortly after a simulated armor training run. The rest, ironically, is history.


Entertainment: Having been in a performance troupe, Tom is able to act, sing and perform in front of audiences. He can perform some acrobatics as well, but Tom really shines when it comes to dancing. He can be fluid and awe-inspiringly graceful. He is also familiar with most forms of dance, and will pick up any unfamiliar styles with great enthusiasm. Tom's pretty good at hosting parties too, and is (in his own words) a 'kickin-rad' party cook.

Domestic: By necessity, living in Ralt causes everyone to serve a key part in maintaining the town's way of life. Tom knows how to fish, hunt wildlife, cook, clean, tailor damaged clothing and everything else one would need to know in a rural arctic climate.

Communication: Tom is familiar with basic radio operation and procedures and can make transmissions to and receive transmissions from other characters through headsets, starships, power armor, and shuttles in both combat and non-combat conditions. Tom is fluent in English and Japanese and can speak and write both correctly and efficiently and can write reports, fill forms, issue orders under fire, etc.

Fighting and Physical: Tom received hand-to-hand and weapons combat traning and had several first-hand tests on the YSS Mikomi. Tom is skilled and experienced in combat both in Yamatai-like conditions and in zero-gravity, with and without weapons. Weapons Tom is trained in include energy pistols, knives, and power armor. Tom is fairly skilled with axes as a result of chopping wood and is a decent shot with a rifle. Tom is also in excellent physical shape, very agile and extremely flexible.

Information Technology: Tom is capable of operating any computer system that uses the Kessaku OS, found on all Star Army starships. He is proficient in entering and/or searching for information.

Mathematics: Tom received basic mathematics training, to including up to algebra and trigonometry.

Maintenance and Repair: Tom is familiar with and able to fix most problems with starship components and to an extent, systems. While not necessarily well-versed on how a part functions and the theory behind each, they will be able to keep things operating within normal parameters. Tom is also a jack-of-all-trades type of mechanic when it comes to vehicles and planes, but has not had any formal training in vehicle construction or design.
Character approved.
Very nice. I like the goal, personality, and history. The history was detailed without being....too detailed, which is a good thing. Good job.
Updated age, ranking, personality, goal, and history for the character. Also added little snippets to some of the skills.

Changed species to Yamatain as well.

August 13th edit: Added more likes/dislikes
edit: added more to history and added Yukari to Tom's likes (duh)!

Oh, and art!

And I need to figure out how much KS the bastard has. :P
Tom Freeman artwork resize so to not break forum tables:

Tom Freeman, avatar sized:

For KS, it's nothing too complicated. You go refer to your orders and look for how many weeks Tom was a certain rank. If, for example, Tom ends up being paid 200 for 13 weeks and 250 for 25 weeks; well, it's the simple matter of counting (200x13)+(250x25) for your total earnings.
Unfortunately, avatar does not fit within parameters. I tried to do it and the forum was like NO YOU SUCK.


Pay calculated as follows:

5300 KS as stands (startup bonus 3000 plus all weeks of pay calculated at varying ranks. (no pay for weeks while out of the army). Any signing bonuses or mission completion bonuses for the Mikomi or Miharu?)

Fixed for great justice. With transparency too. *sticks tongue out at Fian* ~_^

(seriously, spare us continually looking at the white background, please ^_^; )