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Torment (Pheremone-based Drug)


Inactive Member

Emrys Industries ‘Agony' pheromone based drug was certainly effective, but there where certain ... problems with it. It could be unreliable, and its complicated nature, affecting so many parts of the brain and body made it, and a trade mark of its designer, was almost needlessly so. And as such Seru decided that he would create a revised version of the drug, simpler and yet more effective. The purpose of this drug? Seru is not always a nice man, and those that betray him, his company, or attack him, in his eyes need to be punished. And yet physical punishment is too mundane, not subtle, and certainly not cultured. It was far more appealing to Seru to be able to inject those people he thought deserved it with a shot of a pain inducing drug that would create a sensation worse that anything they could otherwise possibly have. Agony, for all its good purposes was not this drug. It was a drug designed by a depraved man for his sad-masochistic pleasures, and for a variety of reasons not fit for comment here, although it created a great amount of pain, it was not the sort that Seru really wanted.

Torment works in a very different way to Agony. It affects three parts of the brain: the Rostral anterior cingulated (which helps determine how much pain you are feeling), the Insular cortex (which receives and sorts signals from the body about paint), and the Nucleus accumbens (which tells you how important the pain is, and thus how much pain you're feeling). In effect the pheromones tell the Insular cortex that pain is coming from all over the body, every neuron, and then tells the Nucleus accumbens that the pain is the most important it can be, and so in combination with the Rostral anterior cingulated which is effected in a similar fashion, the brain is told that it is feeling the worst pain possible, all over the body. This pain is worse than anything that any other source could possibly induce, any physical torture, anything at all. Its pain can not really be likened to anything, because as of yet no-one has gone through the process and maintained their sanity, becoming instead gibbering wrecks fit only for screaming, pleading and completely out of their mind. The pain itself lasts for as long as that particular version of the drug is designed to, for there are many different versions, from ten or so seconds to hours.

That is however the most extreme version of the drug. Seru did think that possibly driving the person insane was a little extreme, and the pain was excessive, and so there are a huge variety of the drugs, varying on the level of pain, what part of the body will be in pain and for how long. This can vary from a bad pain that will not go away for hours, or to a feeling comparable to having your head dipped in alkaline lava while having your eyes gorged out with an ice pick. That one however only tends to last a minute or so.

Most of the varieties begin to take effect within a few heartbeats.

None of these drugs are on sale to the public, Seru wouldn't do that to people. They are for Emrys Industries use only, although if the Yamataian Empire, SAINT, Star Army, NovaCorp, or other respectable bodies were particularly interested a deal could be worked out.

There is no price established.
Zac, you do realizwe pain strong enough to eradicate sanity also has the possibility of causing death right?

And the brain also as a sort of shutoff when too much pain is delivered. Thus why traumatic pain normally leads to unconiousness.(sp?)

Not to mention the level of complexity it would require for a sent based pheremone derived drug to effect three very spesfic, and intertwined parts of the humanoid brain. Though if this were designed to work on Humans/Gershin/Nelpeslians, I'd hardly call it a univeral torture drug since other species have different brain structures.

Aside from the SA's laws on torture...

Those that Seru would wish this drug used against are largely in Nepleslia. It won't be in Star Army territory, so it won't apply.

The drug ensures that the subject does not die of the experiance through making sure that the heart keeps on beating, and the lungs keep on breathing, and generally that the body doesn't stop working.

These Pheremones have nothing to do with scent. They're more simmilar to hormones really, chemical messangers. I don't think that Geshrin have significantly different brain structure, they might do of course. And who said it was universal?
Well, the drug apparently works on more then those three parts of the brain if it keeps it's subject alive doesn't it.

And for a pheremone based drug it sure does a lot.

And Pheremones which you said this drug is based on, are sent related

If these are more based on hormones, then Seru must be custom building some kind of gland or creature that can make them.

This has already been brough up ...

They're synthetic, but there is no name for that. They are like Hormones, but artificial. They are like Pheremones in that they effect others. Seru decided to call them Pheremone-based Drugs because it sounded relatively good and they couldn't think of anything better.

We had a long discussion on this before.

They're made artificially. In a machine. They're very complicated, true, but what's wrong with that?
Nothings wrong with it being synthetic, but the fact is can unleash either sever bouts or an eternity of pain and keep the subject alive at the same time makes it alittle too powerful.
Hmm, I see very little wrong with the "Torment" "Pheromone"... but I do have some suggestions to overcome the death risk, and sanity issue.

First off, to maintain the life of the victim, I would suggest the use of life supporting machines to ensure that the victim does not go and strain themselves too much. Be sure to restrain the victim properly to ensure that they do not flail about and thrash in pain to the point of causing themselves or the person who is entrusted with their "care" any harm. Additionally, make sure the individual is properly braced so they do not thrash and flail to the point of breaking their own neck or spine. I would also suggest including some nano-machines in the package that would act as replacement nerve endings in the situation of a neural "burn out". Such as when a person's psychological response is so intense to the point of causing termination of the nerves and tissues that are perceiving the pain.

As for the sanity of the subject, I would suggest using a drug that would act upon the victim's memories. Prevent the victim from remembering their torture other than the vague recollection of something being horribly wrong. A subconscious response that would be enough to induce bed wetting in the victim, additionally, a subconscious suggestion (hypnotism) that would trigger a full recollection of the experience would be excellent for controlling the victim after the initial torture.

Erm... pardon me, the little angel on my shoulder just told me to stop being evil. Either way, I think this is quite a handy torture device, and it would go very well with the "Lorath Slave Collar" that will soon be available for export.
No matter what techniques you use, you can't keep someone conscious when he's suffering a great deal of pain.

Lengthy great deals of pain, like this drug tends to give, induces coma.

In coma, you feel pain (depends of the coma type, but most of the time, someone in coma reacts when you pinch his/her finger nails or nipples), but you're not conscious of it, torturing someone already unconscious is kind of pointless.
sada sakue said:
In coma, you feel pain (depends of the coma type, but most of the time, someone in coma reacts when you pinch his/her finger nails or nipples), but you're not conscious of it, torturing someone already unconscious is kind of pointless.

This calls for forced data purge from the subject through the use of cybernetic devices. Additionaly, if the torture is meant for punishment or something of the sort, just sever a finger each day the person is.... ya know... I should really stop being evil.
Alright, this went through quite a hard time, but I think managed to get through alright. So what is stopping its approval?

For the argument of Coma inducement I will simply state that the drug is specially designed to force the brain not to slip into a coma through making sure that the brain itself is not traumatised, forcing the target to remain conscious.
Coma is not induced due to brain damage in some cases. There are documented cases where the human brain has produced disabilities due to stimulus induced by the senses. Such as blindness upon the sight of a horrible accedent, or being deaf after hearing something very traumatic.

Thus, if a person were to be under severe torture, such as... maybe having their skin flayed from their body... they would most likely pass out from the severe strain upon their psychie. The legnth of this unconcious state can indeed last long enough to be dubbed a "coma"
Just to keep this clear, if you could bring some example of where severe pain has caused a coma through pure mentality rather than brain chemistry that would be great. Otherwise it's weasel words.
Weasel words? Why dear lad, you speak such harsh words!

To validate my words as more than squeeks from a rodent, I would like to point to the following:

http://www.wrongdiagnosis.com/c/coma/causes.htm -> http://www.wrongdiagnosis.com/s/shock/causes.htm

Thank you, dear word spewer. But honestly, I wish you luck with your attempts to introduce a method of torture that would simply take the fun out of information extraction and punishment. The manual methods are so much more entertaining and sadistic.

So keep your "Torment", i'd like to stick to my spanish inquisition style.
Thank you for providing these sources. I presume you meant me to see Shock as the cause of a Coma, and good on you.

Now Shock is a 'Sudden drop in blood pressure (hypotension)' which can, indeed, be brought on by severe pain. However, it should be remembered that the actuall conditition is a sudden drop in blood pressure, and that can be avoided through manipulation of brain chemistery by pheremones, as forcing the heart to keep on in a nice routine pattern, and generally not letting blood pressure drop.

As such, the Shock brought on by pain can be avoided, and is in this drug.
I suggest that this remain un-approved

-No drug has no side effects. Keep in mind that after a while the body is likely to ‘memorize' the pain and it will no longer be registered by the brain unless you continue to inject ever increasing amounts of drug into the body which will eventually kill the person because their natural chemical producers will be so messed up. An everlasting version of the drug (that doesn't hijack the body's systems like a virus) is extremely unlikely.
-You can't say for certain that a person will be driven mad by this.

The whole ‘drug with no side effects nonsense' aside there would be no problem with this. It could be Approved immediately once the everlasting bit is removed.

Also, Cora, remember that this is a tech discussion thread. Because the tech breaks the law does not mean that the tech can not be approved.
I counter your non-everlasting pain statement with Chronic Pain.

That can last for years and your body never gets used to it or phases it out.
Chronic pain is caused by a many factors occuring to create the pain sensation at different times or by a growing cancer in the body, not by the type of drug interaction that this would cause.
The drug would break down, the only way to maintain its effect is to keep administering more of it. Also, a tolerance would be built up, so you'd need more each time. There will be side effects since it's travelling through the entire body and affecting places it wasn't specifically designed to.
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