Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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Approved Character Toshiro Saito

Forsaken Shadow

Inactive Member
Name: Toshiro Saito (All surnames arranged by American standard for simplicities sake.)

General Information
Species: Yamataian
Gender: Male
Age: 25

Family (or Creators):
Father: Utamara Arai (All contact cut off)
Mother: Izumi Arai (All contact cut off)

Faction: Independent
Occupation: Cook/Pilot
Rank: None
Current Assignment: N/A

Physical Characteristics
Height: 1.75 Meters (5'9â€
(Dont know if I can post here or not.)
Well I liked it and I dont see any problems whit it either.

Noticed this.
Your character is fluent in English.

dident find anything else good Storry anyway.
Character approved.
damn you Wes and letting unemployed people get all 7 skills when they were only allowed 4. Or else I get to plug on 3 skills for Mak.... I'm almost the only one that follows that rule.
Didn't we come to the conclusion that that was basicaly only for people who had basicly had NO previous jobs?

In any case, this person was in the SA, and so would have had all of the skills that any character would have joining the SA. Therefore 7 or actually more since he spent four years there. Which leads me on to the next point.

In the absence of Thad and Zack, I find myself pulling the line about his history. I liked it actually, although it could be said that it was a little to long and involved him too much. For example saying that he served in the Star Army for four years, that should be RPed out in some peoples views. It's an important thing for the character, and important details that involve your character doing things (such as excellling as a cook, spening four years in the army etc.) should be RPed out.

Not that this makes any differance given that your character has already been approved. It's just that traditionally Thad or I, occasionaly Zack, make this point, and sometimes people listen. Sometimes they don't.

I don't expect you to. However I do like this character, and the art is intresting. Good work.
The problem with rping out ex-military stuff is that most people don't plan that far ahead, to the fact that they plan to play a character for years in yamatai, then drop out to join pirates. I would think as long as the condition is not unique (there has to be more than one person that leaves the army on occasion after all) and isn't too special, it would be ok to assume in the history, as long as they don't say they were a superb soldier and gained numerous medals (thats obviously rp-only territory). Being in the military for four years is in this case like working in a store for four years, its a previous job that they left, everyone has these on occasion in their history.
Zakalwe said:
For example saying that he served in the Star Army for four years, that should be RPed out in some peoples views. It's an important thing for the character, and important details that involve your character doing things (such as excellling as a cook, spening four years in the army etc.) should be RPed out.

I see your points. However Rine invited me to play in his pirate plot arc, and I spoke to him about being ex-military and he gave me the okay. I then consulted Wes about military tour time, and was given the four years. I agree that four years is a lot of un-RPed time; however by the same token I would need to almost write a book about this character to have four years of tour duty cleared.

I do not think that excelling as a cook needs to fully RP-ed out. While yes excelling at something takes time, I did place his family in charge of a high class resturant and had him working there for that specific purpose. It is not uncommon for someone to be very talented in certain fields by his age especially if they have been doing it for their entire life. While making him an excellent cook, I did not make him a crack pilot. He simply spent more time in the kitchen than in the pilot's pit. He is not superior in other fields, simply capable; however in time he may become the crack shot pilot that he dreams of.

Oh well, I suppose that we will agree to disagree.
I'd don't particularly disagree, you're case is not the worst by far, it's acceptable. However it's just a point that I'll need to be making for the next two weeks.

No more complaints from me, the skills are good, personality good, physical characteristics good, name good. And the history is good really.

So we can agree to agree!

It's not the perfect situation, though. But you have clearance from the highest people: Wes and the plot GM.
You could make it a one month, or few week stay in the military. The character wouldn't suffer any in gameplay and things will make more sense because I seriously doubt that you can pull off playing a soldier who has been in the army for four years. There are a lot of wars you didn't participate in that you would have needed to in order to play it properly.
Not all Army personnel go to those wars. There is Homeland defense and the such. I mean he could have been in a million different places that weren't attacked.....
The thing about the wars, all million places that he could have been were attacked. There is no planet and no location that hasn't been attacked in the past 4 years.
Or possibly he could have been in the Kitchen through all of the battles. Fighting is hungry work after all.

I will state again that I believe that the history does not need changing, just that it is something to remember next time, and that since this character is already approved, there is no real point getting into a long discussion about it.
I think it is something that needs to be changed, there are things you pick up from RPing a character in the military that you can't just imitate so easily and it really shows when a history dosen't match up to how a character is played.
your the only one Uso and since wes runs the place and approves nothing has to be changed..... though I would still like to plug on 3 more skills for my Makter.
Kayto Styles said:
I would still like to plug on 3 more skills for my Makter.
You can add as many skill areas as you want if you role-play him learning them.
your the only one Uso

First off it is you're

Just because I'm the only one that thinks that way doesn't mean I am wrong. I just have a different standard of what I'd like to see admited into the site than a lot of the newer paople.
that way dosen't mean I am wrong

Second off its doesn't

Hee hee, sorry couldn't help it. I know, that was so pointless. I'm not trying to instigate I'm just going a little bit insane. ^^