Star Army

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP Tragedy of the White Wolf

Jack Pine

Inactive Member
RP Date
YE 40, 2 months after exodus
RP Location
Sirris VI: Obsidian City: Hospital
The hospital was rather quiet other then the faint sounds of nurses moving carts of everything from drugs to equipment. Most of the rooms were empty too, the months following the exodus, as well as the beginning of colonization was peaceful. However, there was one room that had one particular occupant, a certain lupine beauty with snow white fur.

Neera had been stuck in her coma for around two months now after the boarding of the Anvil. Since then, she had neither stirred, or changed in condition.

There was no feasible way David could have blamed himself for the sequence of shitty events that had transpired that day yet he still couldn't help but feel guilty for not being there, but from the moment David got back and learnt of the wolven woman's condition he'd done nothing but blame himself - for what even?

The attack had come so suddenly and by the time anybody knew what was happening it was already upon them, sending that scouting shuttle crashing down to the planet - but David still felt like he'd betrayed Neera in some way, he said he'd always be there but what was meant to be a simple scouting party snowballed into a month of hell.

But never again, which was why David was currently sat beside Neera's bed - his beard and hair more unkempt than usual despite having gotten both cleaned up once back to civilization, a datapad in hand as David finished reading out a few of the more positive news articles that had happened throughout the new city.

He went silent for a moment, lowered the datapad and swallowed thickly, "I'm so sorry..." he muttered out - seeing the wolf in this state... it wasn't right, plain and simple.

The only response he would get was the steady beep of a monitor, the only sound in the room other then himself. Methods had been put into place to keep her sleeping body in healthy condition. Nutrients were administered to the body via IV, and massage thereapy was used to reduce muscle degradation. Combined with a new medical process using small injections of nanoes, she looked almost no different then the day he had seen her before taking that fateful shuttle ride.

A nurse entered the room, a small tray in her hands as she quietly walked around to adminsiter one of these injections. They were done regularly every four hours, and give how long David normally stayed, would be used to the routine by now. But today there would be another person to enter.

"I appreciate the dedication, it's nice to know she has company even when I can't provide that...seems like I'm a sorry excuse for a father lately.", Came the familiar voice of Jack as he walked in, a sad smile on his face as he said this.

David had been in a haze as the nurse entered, but as the snow-haired leader entered he blinked a few times almost instinctively to clear his eyes before rising to a stand with the air of the Nepleslian Marine it was known he had once been. "I'm sure she'd understand, sir, if there was one thing she knows it is how to set priorities," the Geshrin mused with a soft exhale and an equally sad smile as he watched Neera's resting form, she reminded him of freshly fallen snow - as if she was about to wake up as she had every other morning before that fateful day.

"At ease, neither of us are uniform.", Jack said tugging on the leather jacket he wore. He walked around to the side of the bed after the nurse finished, and gently took her hand. "Family should always be a priority David, something I've not been very good at keeping with lately. She still doens't know what happened to her brother Adilis.....Fate has a way of being cruel at the worst of times.", He added as he stood there holding her hand, as if that would will her awake. Yet still, nothing changed, and he dipped his head know it wouldn't.

David gave a small nod and his shoulders relaxed a fraction, technically he was at ease though sometimes it was easier to play soldier than deal with the realities put before you as a man. "You love your family, yes?" the Geshrin asked, though he may have looked younger he had been around for significantly more time than the other man before him - the question was phrased in a way where it was leading into something, and heavily suggesting that of course - the answer would be a yes.

"Yes I do.", Jack answered with a determination. Despite it having been two months, the rage he had felt during the attack was still fresh in his mind. The taking of his son, and the execution he gave Thomas were like flashes through his mind. He gave her hand a slight squeeze as his thumb rubbed the side of her hand. It was clear they had been keeping her fur trimmed as well, but her hair had been left to grow out. It was almost to the ankle in length, the long white locks of air layed over the shoulder and down her sleeping front.

Once more David gave a slow nod, thankful his phrasing and emphasis on certain words hadn't gone unnoticed during these tragic times - he had been restraining himself to give her father some one-on-one time but the tanned man couldn't wait any longer, moving forwards to gently brush one lock of Neera's white hair out of her face with a not-quite-content sigh before he got to the point.

"Then when she wakes up, your daughter - who is a strong, intelligent, caring woman, will tell you herself that she knows all this work you busy yourself with is to build a better future for your people. There was no way you could have known what was coming but you're doing the best you can with the pieces left over," David spoke, they were words he himself needed to hear but... it was different, easier to help someone else understand than himself.

A few tears ran down his cheeks with those words, "Good, because I'll still apologize regardless when she wakes up. She's her father's girl, she'll pull out of this like a champ."

Jack finally let go of her hand after a long moment and started walking back towards the door. As he did, he paused to give David a pat on the shoulder. "I know she'd be happy to know she has you watching over her. Keep her safe David.", he added with a nod.

"Always," David spoke back with a nod, it was such an inconsequential thought to have at that moment but it crossed his mind for the briefest of periods - it wasn't like there was any reason to hide the fact but the Geshrin did briefly wonder if Neera's father knew the specifics of their exact relationship.

"Try to get some sleep if you can, I imagine you'll want to be running on maximum when she wakes up," David finished optimistically, that Nepleslian resillience in his blood shining through as he offered a small yet welcoming smile.

"That's if the kids don't mob me first to ask how their big sis is doing. And you take easy yourself, once she's back and better, I'll need you ready. Still a long road ahead until this place is home.", Jack stated just before he was out the door. The room suddenly finding itself quiet once again, the steady beep once again the only sound.

Once it was just them alone again in the room David sighed, the sooner he was called back into it meant the sooner she was awake and he was okay with that - but for the moment? she was still out, so the tanned Geshrin gingerly leant on the bed next to her and leant forward to place a loving kiss on Neera's forehead.

"You still managed to look beautiful through all this, I hope you know that..." he complimented her, hoping that somewhere a small part of the Lupine's conciousness could hear his caring words.

Something at that moment changed, the sound almost lost over the beep, but even that gave it away partially. The steady rhythm that had plagued the room from the monitor, had a brief yet noticeable disturbance of time between beeps. As well, the sound of fabric moving was feint, as her the fingers on her left hand shifted some.

After having spent so long listening to those familiar noises David's ears picked up the disturbance instantly, his eyes looking over to the limb in question as his brown furrowed and David gulped. "...Neera?" the Geshrin asked, it may have been the lack of sleep playing with his senses so David didn't want to get his hopes too high... but if there was that chance he had heard correctly...

Yet again, it followed, her hand shifted again at his call. The beep difference was more noticeable this time. Her eye lids twitched this time as well, signs of further awakening.

That was all he needed her to do, where usually David's hands were almost too precise they now fumbled somewhat as he reached up to depress a button to call a nurse in - a mixed look of relief and anticipation across his face as one hand now moved to trace along Neera's jawline.

"You keep doing whatever you are doing in there, okay babe?" he coaxed her on, so hopeful that maybe the wolven beauty was finally coming back to the world - it would be disorientating, it wouldn't be pretty but if she woke up now... he would be overjoyed.

Rapid foot falls could be heard before the doctor and a couple nurses rushed into the room.

"Sir please step back.", Doctor said befor quickly checking over the monitor read outs. The nurse checking the IVs and preping supplies. The doctor then came around after seeing the hand move again, "She's reacting to outside stimuli, this is good. With a boost, we may be able to jumpstart her for a lack of a better term. When I say so mister Maverock, I need you to take her side and call her name."

The doctor gave a slew of orders to the nurses who dutifully executed them all, switching out IVs as well as adding something into the feed. The other handed the doctor a hypo injector, which he checked that it was set as requested, before injecting the contents into her neck.

"Now Mister Maverock."

Of course David did as he was instructed, moving aside to allow them access to Neera's sleeping form before moving back in to provide said stimuli to her system - one of his tanned hands carefully wrapped around her white, fuzzy ones when the order to call her name came through.

"C'mon Neera, come back to us."

The monitors began to beep faster as the drugs took effect, her breathing a little faster, but it was when he called her name that the coma was broken. Her eyes shot open as she gasped, her hands gripping hard, a look of fear suddenly in her eyes. At first they darted around panicked until she saw David. Seeing him she latched on, almost throwing her self against him as her weakened arms wrapped around him. "David, w-where am I?! What is this place?"

"Hey hey hey shhhh, you're okay," David spoke back to her in a soothing voice, sure he was overcome with joy that Neera was finally awake after what felt like an eternity - but it was clear she was experiencing confusion, fear and a whole other slew of emotions so his priority was to help the Lupine get her bearings.

The Geshrin hugged her back protectively, supporting the wolf's body in his arms as David took a moment to blink back a few tears to stay strong for her before continuing, "You're in a hospital... on the new planet, we were attacked and you got put in a coma but... god, I missed you."

"B-but I was in the hangar, and the doors, and they w-wouldn't stop coming......I thought I was gonna die...just like everyone else.", She stammered trying to remember how she had gotten there, wondering in some small way if she really had died. Her last words were quiet as she buried her face against his shoulder.

David continued to embrace her, his grip firm around her as he held Neera close like he would never let go, "I know it must be confusing but you're safe now, Neera, we'll work through this together," David promised her, in her current state there was no way he'd bring up the whole crashed shuttle incident nor what had happened to her insectile brother - not yet, she needed time to process all this before dealing with that.

Her panic was replaced with only more confusion, "W-w-wait, hospital, b-but we've only just long have I been here?" There was no way this had been built so soon, and it caused her heart to sink. Time must have clearly passed, meaning she had been in this bed for Godess knows how long. Her body felt weak, and even just glancing at her arms. She had the sinking feeling that she had been here for a long time.

He let out a slow exhale over the Wolf's shoulder before moving back slightly to look into her eyes, David tried to be as gentle as he could with the next words but there was no way to be subtle about the horrors that had occured - still, he held her in his arms and spoke softly.

"It's been... a little over two months~"

"That's it? Just two months?", She seemed almost disappointed with that answer, "I was worried it was going to have been a long time." Neera blinked at him for a moment as if taking in his appearance for the first time, "Have you been coming here everyday?"

"Every day I can be here, here I've been," David admitted with a small smile, he was at least relieved she hadn't completely freaked out when hearing how long she'd been out for - though he may have been keeping the reason for not being by her side through every moment of it a secret to Neera, it was only with good intentions in mind.

"What all happened while I was out? have a beard, which don't get me wrong, it's just weird to see you with one. It's like yesterday I saw you with a trimmed face.", Neera asked idly beginning to play with the hanging scruff on his face. It may have been because the drugs were wearing off still, or just the oddity of it even being there in her mind, but she had the urge to mess with it.

He couldn't help but chuckle slightly at her comments, one of David's hand drifting up to cradle one of her paws lovingly as he leant into her hand and spoke, "Honey, I've always had a beard - since before I met you at least... a lot has happened but first how are you feeling?" he asked, taking her hand to plant a gentle kiss on the back of Neera's palm.

"Fuzzy.....I meant mentally. Are you sure?", She lightly brushed the hairs with a finger tip, but her cheeks flushed as he kissed her hand. It caused a pause in her distracted state, before she looked up to his eyes. The hand which had played with the poor man's beard went around to the back of the neck as she pulled him in for a kiss.

Naturally David returned the gesture, pressing his lips against hers to give the wolven beauty a tender and loving kiss he had so sorely missed - her near-lifeless warmth had kept him company a few times but to feel Neera actually moving about and such... it felt good, nay, it felt right.

Neera held him like that, albeit weakly for as long as she could. When their lips finally parted, her head rested against his shoulder. "I told you last time I would never forgive you if you left, or died. Yet here I am the one who went and almost did it....I can't even keep the promise I made you make. I'm so sorry I was gone, but I'm happy to be back.", She said quietly as she sat there leaned against him.

"You did all you could in the moment and that is all anybody should ask of you, I'm just... I'm so happy you're awake now, I missed you," David spoke as he attempted to comfort her, his limbs wrapped up in all the hair that now flowed down Neera's back and almost to her feet.

"...though I was torn away from you at one point too, trust me when I say it was anything but of my own volition," he slowly admitted with a soft sigh, it was probably better to hear a few things from himself rather than wait for others - though at least David was being tactful about it.

As if a startling reminder, she remembered when she had saw him last the day she was forced into her slumber. He had been boarding the shuttle with the advanced team, the same one her grandmother had been on. "What do you mean, d-did the advance team arrive safely?..Is my grandmother okay?", she asked softly before looking up to him worried that there would be a terrible answer waiting.

One of his hands drifted down to gently rub against Neera's lower back as David looked back into her red eyes as he prepared to give a run down of what had transpired in her absence, "I'm sorry to say but the ship was shot down, not many people survived but yes your grandmother was among those fortunate enough to make it back." There was no easy way to admit people had passed on, but there were quick and respectful ways to do so.

"It was a month or so down there but~ she's okay, I'm okay, everyone who got back is more or less okay," he admitted, this time pressing his own face gently into the crook of the taller wolf-girl's neck.

"How many? How many died that day?", was her next question that followed after a long moment of silence.

"A lot... somewhere between four and five hundered," David spoke with a heavy breath as the death toll was revealed, his head rising back up from Neera's shoulder to offer her a sympathetic look and a thumb gently rubbing her hand.

When he looked, he would find her gaze lowered, tears gently rolling down snowhite cheeks. "So I was out cold useless while everyone else was dying......I was powerless again. Getting this body changed nothing.", Neera said in a cracked voice. She remembered the day she had decided to change, stuck on the side lines as her father screamed for death. She remembered as she could do nothing the day Jace died in her arms. After everything...after every attempt to grow stronger, to become capable.....she was still helpless.

David's sympathetic look only increased as he saw her cry, he hated it - seeing her like this, one of his hands drifted up from her back to gently wipe away those tears before David lifted her chin up gently to meet his warm gaze once more, he needed to be her rock right now. "You're an amazing person Neera, but nobody is going to blame you for not holding your own against an ambushing army - and I don't want to see you doing it either." David swallowed hard and briefly brushed his thumb along her chin before continuing.

"You are the furthest away from being somebody to blame for all this, yeah?" he asked rather rhetorically.

"Blame doesn't have anything to do with not having the power to protect those you care about. I chose this body because the man I now call father, screamed for someone to end his agony. I was helpless as he wanted to die to escape the suffering inflicted on him. Just a wolf, I couldn't even open a damn d-door. Then I had my brother taken from me, to be used as a science experiment. I could have picked up a gun, fought to protect him. Even then after I learned to do that, J-jace....", She was crying hard even as he voice broke and she tried to get the words out past her sobbing.

"...The last man I loved...died in my arms, because I couldn't even protect myself, couldn't even be the soldier I was pretending I was."

"Neera I..." was all David could find the strength to say before he pulled Neera's face back into his shoulder, fighting back his own emotions to stay strong for her and hold her close as she could hear his heart thumping away rhythmically.

He said nothing for a short moment, simply letting the Wolf get some of what she was going through out of her system - afterall it was easy to forget she'd been unable to feel all these emotions for almost two months now, so David just sat there with her for a little while. Humming a calming tune from his father's side of the family down into her ear.

Neera continued to cry into his shoulder, having been hold all this back for so long with no way to release. She held onto him, not wanting to lose him either, and not wanting be apart for any reason right now. The anthro hadn't ever talked to anyone about Jace, or even Amit, having been trying to pretend she didn't blame herself for not being able to stop these things.

After a while she finally quiet, slumped against him exhausted emotionally. Finally her quiet voice spoke again, "Please lay here with me for a while, I need to feel you here."

"Of course, anything you need," David replied as he gave the Wolf one more fond squeeze between his arms and his chest before gently laying her down in the hospital bed.

"Big spoon or little spoon?" he spoke warmly, offering the Wolf a tender, loving smile as he tried to lighten the mood if only a little.

She gave a weak laugh at the attempt at humor, "You are terrible at jokes, good for you I have enough humor for the both of us. Now don't make me drag you down here." The smile was feintly returned, able to find enough joy with him there. She wanted him by her side, to hold and to feel, as she made a silent promise to do what she could not do for the others.

"It's an aquired humour," David smiled back fondly as he saw her face light up, it was a start and he'd take it. The Geshrin began hauling himself into bed beside the wolf and hunkered down by her side, one arm draped over her front as the other was behind her neck and he simply looked up to her with nothing but love in those brown eyes.

"I love you, Neera, now and always."

"I know you do, that's why I'm going to do better this time. Because I love you too.", Neera said with a more steady tone, "I want to keep you beside me always."

She leaned over and kissed David, as her arms held on with as little strength they currently had. Her hair cascaded over the side of the bed as she rolled over with difficulty. Once she was on her side and facing him, Neera rested her head against him. "I think we need a vacation.", the lupine woman chuckled quietly.

"That sounds like a great idea, this place has pretty nice beaches," David gently chuckled back once their lips parted, taking a moment to just appreciate the person beside him with a pleasant smile and not a care in the world if anybody saw them right now.

"Reckon your Dad knows about us yet?" he queried, gently carressing Neera's side through her hospital garb her lupine body was clad in as he experienced that familiar feeling of clothes over soft fur and then athletic muscles that made up her wonderful physical being - of course they had a much deeper connection than that but she certainly was pretty both inside and out.

"I'm sure he has an idea, knowing him, It's always been hard to get anything past him. Especially if you've been here everyday possible.", Neera giggled. It was true that after the past incidents with their family, Jack had been rather protective of them all, but he had lessened his hovering nature when it came to Neera's love life.

"Well then he didn't seem to mind so far, I hope I can keep it that way," he smiled back before moving to gently brush a few strands of Neera's overgrown hair back, his touch tender and loving as he briefly grazed the side of her ear before the hand went back to her hip.

"So, anything you're craving? I hear its a thing that can happen when somebody wakes up from... a situation like you have, I'll happily go get you what you desire," David offered, the smile never faltering from his face.

She gave him a smirk, "Oh, so I have a maid now. I could go for a burger and a soda, maybe you if I were in better condition." Neera following her words with a laugh, at least her humor was still intact.

"We'll just have to wait until you're up and about for that last one then won't we hm?" David shot back with one eyebrow cocked, but he couldn't resist joining in on her bout of laughter - it was good to see her back to her old self so soon.

"I can easily do the first two for you... though a maid... there's an idea," he finished, a mischevious smirk plastered across the Geshrin's bearded maw, a certain twinkle in the man's warm brown eyes.

Her ears barely seen through her now volumous long hair, perked as he said the last bit, oh goddess what have I done. As if on cue, the wolf woman's stomach growled, caused an embarassed blush, "I swear i have the most unlady like stomach at times." Neera gave a sigh, "You can tell I'm looking forward to it." she said following with a giggle.

"Babe you're dating a half-Nepleslian, that's one of the most ladylike things you can do," David spoke with a chuckle of his own before he raised himself up gently on one elbow and continued to regard the wolf with those soft, brown eyes of his.

"Want me to go get you that food?"

As if to reaffirm her hungry state, her stomach growled again. "As much as that may be sexy to you, it's hardly romantic to have a conversation over this thing.", Neera gave with a playful smirk, "So if you would, that would make this far less embarassing for me. Have the hunger to match the animal part of me."

"Good thing I love every part of you then," David spoke back cheekily before he planted a light kiss on her forehead and gently rose from the bed so as to not hurt the recently awoken wolf, he moved back over to the seat that'd been his place ever since the Geshrin got back and reached under it only to bring his calling card machete into view - which was quickly slung across the man's back.

David had been there every day he could be with that blade ready for whatever else the world threw at Neera, but he still gave one loving look back to her as he spoke, "I'll be back before you know it."

"Just avoid any flights this time, and I know you will.", came Neera's sassy reply coupled with a stuck out tongue. She blew a kiss to him after she had rolled over to face the door he would leaving through.

He reached out and caught the kiss blown his way, pressing the now closed fist to his chest before David finally gave Neera a two fingered salute and he left to go begin the quest to get the wolf what she'd requested - it'd just be a quick down and back anyway...

It might've been his natural weakness to cooler temperatures or the sense of DejaVu that briefly washed over him, but the last time he'd thought that it'd turned into a month of hell on this planet.

Though the wolf was awake and seemed well, that was the main thing in his head right now so David thought nothing of the seemingly normal Jane clone that passed him in the hallway and gingerly poked her snow-topped head into the room.

"Oh my god~ so you are awake," Jacky spoke, her mouth forming a surprised little 'o' as she saw Neera was up and about - she'd re-dyed her hair in the time the wolf had been out of commission, so the raven colour underneath all the white was barely noticable if at all but the meek demeanour would make it clear it was the heterochromatic clone.

Neera would blink for a moment as the hair difference caught her off guard, "Oh hey Jacky, took me a moment, weird seeing everythin like a before and after shot. Heh, hard to believe I've been out two months." she said offering her aunt a kind and inviting smile. "Come in, tell me how you and your siblings have been doing?"

The clone moved into the room and quietly shut the door behind her before taking up position by the side of Neera's bed, Jacky still couldn't quite wrap her head around the fact she had a niece though... so she just thought of Neera as Neera.

"Yeah sorry~ that's kinda the point," the standing woman spoke, one hand snaking around to scratch the back of her head with an apologetic smile across her porcelain features.

"We've all been good as far as I know, all things considered~ I uh, I even got off my anti-anxiety meds... but hey how are you?"

Her stomach growled yet again, bringing a bit of embarassment to her expression, "Hungry, David went to go get me some food. Not quite able to move around much right now, but hopefully I can get out of here before too long. Though I think i'll avoid napping for a while." she gave with a nervous chuckle.

Jacky smoothed out the end of the bed and hesitantly sat herself down, hands tucked into her lap as she regarded Neera with a kind smile, "Ah well that was nice of him, though~ if he hadn't I would have offered to myself... it's good to see you awake, I missed you," the clone admitted, her blue eye completely hidden through the veil of white hair.

"I'm just sorry i wasn't around to help, from the sounds, I've missed a lot while I was out. I would say I missed you and the rest of our family, but it's like waking up only moments later. One minute I'm in the hangar, then it's lights out, next minute I'm here. It' pretty jarring to say the least.", Neera said with an apologetic smile, "...Is it okay if I have a hug auntie?"

"Oh uh~ of course, any time," the clone apologised with that warm smile still on her face as she scooted a little further along the bed to wrap her niece up in a hug - disregard the lack of lupine features and the two were almost identical in appearance as Jacky leaned in to whisper something to Neera.

" don't need to call me your aunt, you know."

"That would be like me calling dad Jack, it's odd not to for me at least. Plus we're family, and family loves one another. But I can stop if it makes you uncomfortable.", Neera said back as she enjoyed the hug, even though in her state it wasn't much of one on her part. "But thank you for the hug still, we haven't really talked much, or anything. I'd like to get to know you and the others more."

"Oh I suppose it would be... it's fine, just~ it's weird being the Aunt to somebody who's been themselves for longer than I've been me~" Jacky admitted with a soft smile as she leant back upright once more and cleared her throat quetly before continuing to speak.

"That would be nice when you're up and about some more~ I'm sure nobody would object."

"I wouldn't say we're too far off, though I don't think I've quite found me yet still. Three years is too short to have all the answers yet. Hopefully we can find them together along the way though. The biggest thing to remember is that we aren't alone, we have our family, and they have us.", the lupine woman said with a giggle, before fixing her hair which had cascaded with the move. She gathered all of it and pulled it over her shoulder once more, allowing the rest of it to rest in her lap.

Jacky's one exposed eyebrow hitched up a little in surprise as she saw the sheer volume of hair get shifted around, but she had been listening to the wolf's words of wisdom - of course at the mention of family the two people that came to mind were Lynn and Talos, they'd done more for her than the clone could ever express.

"Yeah, and we've got the best family~ " the clone mused as she fixed her fringe, ensuring the blue ocular remained hidden away from the world. "Don't get me wrong though, I don't mind the slow progress as long as... y'know... it is progress," Jacky finished as her hands left her hair alone, Lynne was right, she really did fiddle with it too much.

"I can agree with that, some paths are not always the right ones. trying to rush...can be hard...but, I think I've found the one that I'd enjoy taking slowly.", Neera said glancing at the chair where David had been sitting, bringing more of a smile to her lips. "So, what do you enjoy? I know it's a bit of a switch in topics, but I'd figure I'd learn a bit more about you while I had the chance. Maybe even vice versa, since we haven't gotten to talk much.", she added as she regarded the woman kindly.

Jacky let a somewhat drawn-out huff leave her as the question was asked, she was sure it was asked with good intentions but the recently-thawed clone had to think long and hard about if she had an answer or not.

"Found one? sorry, right, we're talking about me~" Jacky apologised as she forced a gentle smile onto her face and prepared to give whatever might've qualified as an answer. "I'm still trying to figure that out, sorry, but so far... lever action rifles, helping people... uh... forests are pretty nice... and I like gold, the colour, not the metal... you?" the clone finished, that's about all she could think of off the top of her head.

"That's good, I definitely relate to the second. As for me, please don't think me weird, but I'm a major weeb. Anime, manga, though I have a love for music and reading as well.", She giggled nervously as she figured most people around their area wasn't into that kind of thing. "Father has given me lessons on the guitar before, so it's the only instrument I can actually play to make music, but I enjoy listening to it even more."

"Hm~ well uh, there's certainly much worse things you can like... seems fine to me," the clone responded with a warm smile before she pondered for a moment, the one exposed eye indicating she was rather deep in thought with a hand balled up under her chin before speaking some more.

"I think guitars sound pretty nice, so that's cool... I~ I might want to learn an instrument some day? but I don't quite know which one yet..." Jacky admitted with a pleasant little huff, feeling good about how she was handling the conversation.

Neera chuckled at the comment, "It's always fun to pick up new skills and hobbies. Should always try new things, never know what you might enjoy." She was quiet for a moment as she thought what to ask next, and it may have been the drugs that brought this particular question to mind, as it would not normally be like her to ask. It however, came to her lips anyway with a sly grin, "Sooo,..any boys you fancy, I'm sure you have a line of admires somewhere."

"Oh uh~" Jacky began, simply radiating uncertainty as one hand reached around to scratch the back of her head nervously, "I~ I don't even know if I like guys yet... sorry..." It was the truth, the clone hadn't really decided if she wanted to figure all that out yet or not - nor did she have the faintest idea where to start.

"Awwh, you don't know what your missing. I also might be high from whatever they gave me less then an hour ago.", Neera said with a nervous laugh, as she realized her behavior was a little inapproriate.

Jacky's hands sought refuge as they balled up and hid further down her sleeves, she gave a weak chuckle that was slightly grimaced as a response before opting to just shift the focus of the conversation. "You uh~ mentioned just now that you found one... was that someone or eh~ did I misread all that?" the clone spoke, she didn't seem outright offended or anything but almost apologetic in tone.

Yeah it was definitely the drugs kicking in, something her father would likely have a word with doctors about if he saw her like this. "Oh yeah, David, who I mentioned earlier. He went to go get me food, and we cuddled for a bit. We were already kinda seeing each other before that day, and I really like him.", Neera said a bit energetically.

"The guy that just left?" Jacky simply asked, pointing one thumb towards the door out of Neera's hospital room.

"Tall, dark, buff, and handsome...yeah that's him."

"Oh~" the clone spoke back, a little surprised by that response but having more to say nonetheless, "Well if he is doing all that for you then he seems nice... I'm glad you have somebody like that," she finished with a warm little smile on those porcelain features every other Jane had... almost.

"I am too, I haven't had the best luck with men in the past. Kinda lost hope for a while until he came along.", Neera said softening, having the lingering feelings with the conversation about Jace still fresh to her. "I don't suppose you've talked to father, or uncle Mark much have you?"

"Moreso when I first woke up~ but uhm, I mostly keep to myself because... well I'm sure you can guess why," Jacky admitted sadly, the balled up hands buried in her sleeves tucking themselves into her sides before the clone continued.

"Apparently I'll grow out of it one day... I feel like it's a big part of me but, doesn't mean I love you all any less~" she finished admitting, giving a quiet sniff before the clone wiped her eyes and held back those emotions welling up - god it felt so good to get that off her chest after all this time... but it also made her feel like absolute shit and she felt sorry for Neera to be the one on the recieving end, so the clone offered an apologetic smile.

The wolf girl was suddenly more focused, "You're a beautiful woman Jacky, and I know one day you will be able to realize that, and not just physically, but in what kind of person you are. Whether you grow out of being shy, or not, we all will still continue to love you and be there when you need us. I know how close you are to Talos and Jacklynn particularly, but don't be afraid to come to the rest of us for anything. Do not cry dear auntie, because you are never alone, and we offer our shoulders to you when you need them."

Jacky gave one more sniff before her eyes drifted back up to hold the gaze of Neera's, blinking a few times as a small, warm smile overtook her own porcelain features. "I... thank you, Neera - it's just going to take some time," the clone thanked her niece before her expression changed once more to one of surprise.

"Though~ gosh, you're the one that recently woke up from a coma... how selfish to get you to comfort me right now~"

"In a family with 5 siblings, someone has to be the big sister. It's fine, I'm used to it, and I like helping. Least I can do after being unable to do anything for a while, won't be doing anything overtly physical for a while still.", Neera said before looking thoughtful, "I hope Adria, Amit, and Adilis are okay. I know they must have been having a hard time with me in here. Someone has to make sure she's nice to her brother."

"Last I heard they were making the most of the situation~ poor Adi still hasn't gotten used to... all the changes though, poor thing," Jacky responded, her eyes drifting off to solenmly look at the floor next to Neera's hospital bed as if it might hold the answers to the universe.

"Yeah the absence of a lot of people would take getting used to, but I know he'll be fine with Adria and mom there.", She said sympathetically.

The clone's eyebrow hitched up before the red ocular beneath it slowly panned back to the wolf, she held the gaze with a level of curiosity or confusion for a moment before it hit her. "Oh~ oh~ oh no... nobody told you about... Adi?" she queried with a good bit of worry behind those words, hands moving to gingerly rest against Neera's paws.

" Who is Adi? Did dad adopt another one?!", Neera questioned feeling as if she was missing some big thing all of the setting. She knew mom would kill him if he adopted yet another kid.

"How do I put this... hrm," the Jane clone worried for a second before she tried putting on a brave face for Neera's sake, it wasn't too convincing though.

"Your brother Adillis... he... well he's now your sister~ Adi..."

Neera's face twisted into one of utter confusion and surprise, "Wait...w-wh.wha..wut? What do you mean he's my sister now? I don't u-understand, what happened?"

Jacky sighed and scooted a little closer on the bed before trying to explain, "The people who attacked us? well~ they uh, I'm not sure about the specifics but they... they turned your brother into your sister~ she's a bit shaken up but... physically unharmed otherwise..."

"Unharmed?! They changed his, her, she, he's g-gender! I was out while my brother was used and toyed with?!", Neera stammered panicked at this news a sob starting up again, "Goddess, I've been in this bed while my family was taken....some sister I am."

"I uhh~" Jacky responded, not sure what to say as a silent shadow filled the doorway and a hand on her shoulder as well as a mental message dismissed the clone. "I~ I'm sorry..." was the last thing spoken by her before David placed down the small bag of food he'd acquired and took up his position on the bed, an apologetic sigh followed by an equally apologetic frown as he put one hand on her leg.

"I was going to ease you into it you know... be a bit more tactful... I'm the one who is sorry~"

"What else didn't you tell me? David Arric Maverock,...I want all of it.", Neera said wiping the tears from her face before looking up at him with a stern look. She didn't like have information being witheld from her, even if for only her sake. Bad news had become a normality to her.

She used his middle name... this really was serious and understandably so, he could argue and defend himself about how it had been to help her cope more in the long run but it was clear she wanted none of that now - so he'd tell her everything.

"Alright, so..." David spoke as he hopped up into her lap to have a real face-to-face with the wolf, she may have been angry and sad and confused but David told her he'd be there so this was him being there.

"So the attack, I told you the numbers as they were, as your aunt told you your brother was captured by a group calling themselves Hades - hell fire was rained down upon them and your... now sister managed to ever find companionship on the way out, obviously we landed and the city was built. We've been working closely with the Monarchy of Dovania as a joint taskforce to wipe out another group calling themselves Crimson... and I think that is everything mostly covered," David finished with a sigh as his hands reached down to grasp Neera's paws, he wasn't mad at her for calling him out - he was just sorry things hadn't been as smooth as they could have been.

"I promise you Neera, that is all I know."

She was silent for a long moment, only leaning against him after he had finished summarizing recent events. Suddenly what seemed like such a short time, now seemed like it should have been years. So much gone wrong, so much changed, all while she slumbered oblivious to the world, and it passed her by.

"Thank you, for finally telling me.", Was all she finally said quietly.

David once more wrapped his arms around Neera, holding her close as one thumb gently rubbed her shoulder - he let out a slow sigh and kissed the top of the wolf's head before speaking. "I'm sorry you needed to hear the rough version of it, and I'm sorry if it felt like I went behind your back because believe me Neera that was the last thing on my mind," he spoke quietly into the side of her head as the wolf was held close to his chest, the way he spoke... he felt so guilty for it.

Neera after a moment leaned back before a hand weakily slapped him across the side of the face. There was hardly any strenght behind it given her state, but somehow found enough to pull him into a kiss no sooner the quiet smack had even echoed. Even after the kiss, her arms still stayed around him, "Cut that shit, you made a judgement call, because you cared. I may be annoyed that you did, but I am not a heartless woman to not understand you were trying to be thoughtful. I don't want you to hide things anymore from me, no matter how terrible. If we are going to be together, then we need to be honest to one another."

David's head shifted sideways with the slap, he wasn't angry with the slap and infact he'd expected it more than the kiss that followed - but once their lips parted he gave a few small nods of understanding at her words, and moved to speak himself, "Okay, complete transparency from here on out~ you got it, boss," he finished with a weak smile.

"Good because I like you too much to be angry at you.", She said with a small laugh, "Guess while I'm still stuck here, I should look at what apartments are available, and have my things arranged to be moved to wherever that ends up being."

"You could move in with me, if you wanted to take that step~ hell it'd be cheaper but I've got nothing against you saying no," he replied to her, lifting one hand up to plant a kiss on Neera's knuckles.

"To me at least, that means we would be dating, but are you ready for that step? Not even been on a first date and I've already made you worry about me.", Neera said with a giggle, "I had already invited you into my bed, so why not an apartment heh."

"I don't know how else to say it, but I don't mind that I worry about you~ you make me happy, Neera and I just want to make you happy - so, I'm happy to take that step if you want to," the Geshrin admitted fondly from his position nestled in the wolf's lap.

"I think I'd like to take that step then. I can't sit on my ass all day and risk letting some other girl whisk you away now can I?", she said with a giggle as she gave him a boop on the nose with a petite finger and a wink. Her expression turned a little sad, "Though I guess I'm going to be stuck here for a while before I'll be able to roam outside this room."

He couldn't help but chuckle at the little boop, it was cute... god he loved her little quirks and stuff, the things that made her, her - David's hands shifted down to hold her waist as he scooted further into Neera's lap and planted a kiss on her cheek, "I guess I'll have to go tell all my mistresses they can't have me anymore," he joked.

"Yeah unless they want to get a whooping from me.", She said with a smirk, partially finding that joke less then funny, "Besides, I'm a perfect ten honey, worth more then a mistress."

"Nah, not quite a ten~" he spoke cheekily, leaving a dramatic pause before David finished his bit, "solid twelve, can't wait for you to get out of this sterile box though."

"You and me both, I quite frankly don't want to have to be here any longer then needed, or back for a very long time.......same could be said for sleep.", Neera admitted with a shutter after giving a laugh at his cheekiness. "I know I might have nightmares for a while after what happened, and my Geist doesn't seem to be working correctly right now."

"I'm here for anything you need, Hon, whatever is going on we'll go through it together - because you're nothing if not resilient," David assured her, and every single word of it was the truth - he'd been here so far and there was nothing that could change that.

"Maybe I could ask the nurses if they have a bigger bed available? how does that sound?"

"Yes, thank you, I am not afraid to admit that sleeping alone is something I'm afraid of.", She readdirmed. It was common for her to have nightmares when she was stressed, and they were never pretty, usually leaving her to bolt awake in a dark room at night. Having David next to her would help, yet the idea of sleep after just waking up from a coma still scared her.

"Of course, anything to try and make this a better experience for you," David smiled back before his hands left her hips and reached back for the bag he had brought in just before, placing it down on Neera's lap gently as he scooted back down her legs somewhat.

"~Maverock Maid Service, patent pending, at your every beckon and call ma'am."

Neera had almost forgot the growls from her stomach until the sight of the bag lead to yet another. "You already have a five star rating from me. I should eat this before it get's cold."

The lupine woman began to reach in the bag and dig with that, in albeit a less then lady like way, but hunger gave little room for ettiquette. It wouls not take long to finish off the sandwhich, a almost heavenly taste to her deprived taste buds. As if remembering her manners afterwards, she took a napkin from the bag and wiped off her face. "Since I'll be here a while, mind picking up a few things later for me? Some manga, and my pad from my things, so I have something to stay occupied with?", Neera said after sipping from the soda.

David chuckled a bit as he watched Neera go nuts on the food, it was understandable but still got a rise out of him at the sight of it all, "Sure, no worries, want some comfy clothes and things brought over too?" the Geshrin asked as he moved to stand next to the bed and readjusted his pants slightly to get part of his anatomy into a comfier position once more.

"Yes that would be wonderful, this gown is next to just being naked. They need to get longer ones.", Neera said tugging slightly on the uncomfortable garment. The samn thing was almost paper thin, and it felt cool in the room for some reason. "Can you see about that draft too, I'm freezing my butt off in here. Aren't you cold?", she asked even though to david it would feel fine.

He usually felt the cold, due to David's level of bodily fat being so low, but he found it odd he couldn't feel anything - then again he was wearing a full set of clothes and it was requested so he'd ask around, "I'll certainly see what can be done about it~" he spoke before looking for some kind of climate control panel in the room.

He would indeed find a small panel on the wall though it would be locked outside use by staff, but the display read as the room being in the high 70s. Certainly that couldn't be right though if the woman in the room with all the fur was cold. "Thank you, hospitals are so mean with patient care.", Neera playfully pouted as she pulled the covers closer.

He frowned a little, something wasn't right here but David's geist bypassed the security with surprising ease and he turned the dial up a tiny bit anyway to see if it would help - he didn't want to cook the Wolf alive afterall, "Don't worry your pretty head about it, anything else before I go?"

"Just be back soon, I missed you.", Neera said giving a smile.

"You won't even know I'm gone," he shot back with a similar smile before leaving the room and shutting the door behind him, David sighed and moved towards one of the nearest free nurses.

"Excuse me but, mind if I bother you for a second?"

It was a blonde haired man who was simply organizing some supplies on a cart, but stopped as he was addressed, "Sure, what can I do for you?"

"A certain Miss Pine over there with white fur was saying she felt cold, but the room wasn't chilly in the slightest - I just thought it might be something to keep an eye on? I know I might sound like I'm worrying over nothing but I just want to be sure, you know?" David spoke, thankful that things weren't in defcon 1 right now and that this man was willing to hear him out.

"Oh sure, no problem. The building was only finished recently after all, we expected there might be hiccups with certain installations. I'll have one of the tech look it over in a minute, system probably needs a calibration again. I'll grab a space heater for until he has it fixed. Don't worry buddy, she's in good hands.", The nurse said cheerfully, as he sent a quick repair ticket to said tech. He then offered David his hand to shake, "I work this wing, so I'll make sure everything is taken care of."

David returned the gesture with a firm handshake of his own and a nod to the helpful nurse, "I don't have the right words to thank you, but if you ever need a referral for anything then come find me," he gave as a dismissal before wandering off to grab a duffle bag and stuff if full of mostly Neera's belongings alongside a few of his own, basic toiletries and stuff as well as everything she'd asked for.

David would return to find everything much as he'd left it, albeit with the room a tad warmer. Neera lay there as well considerably more relaxed, the covers still pulled up to her. The wolf girl sat up as David re-entered, "Oh hey, a nurse asked me to pass along a message since he forgot to ask for a contact info. He said, "The tech reported no error in the panel's control circuits, and would check the system itself to see if the problem was there instead." Oddly enough neither said they felt cold while in here, though they were nice enough to turn it up still."

"Well that's one thing off the list at least," David spoke with a slight frown as he entered the room and sat the bag down within reach of Neera's bed, opening it up for access as the Geshrin placed the back of his hand on the wolf's forehead.

"Spoke to someone on the way here and the new bed'll be coming a little later, but are you sure you're doing alright?"

She only frowned slightly, "Yeaahh? Other then being kinda weak from so long in this bed, I'm fine I guess. You're acting kinda weird, did the doctor say something?" Her forehead would feel slightly warm, but that would be normal given her fur covered body, as well as the increased temperature of the room. Everything seemed normal as far as one could tell.

The night however would come quickly having already been late in the day. Despite the bed not being very large, Neera didn't mind the closeness at all as they spooned. "I don't really want to sleep, but I guess I kinda have to, but I know I'll be fine with you here."

David's scruffy chin moved slightly in its position against her shoulder as he scooted a little closer to her so that his boxer-clad lower half and tank-top clad upper body pressed into the back of her ever so slightly more, he planted a reassuring kiss on the wolf's neck and sighed contently - just happy to be with her, "As odd as it might sound some actual sleep might do you some good and put your mind at ease, you know I'm not going anywhere."

She held onto the arm around her, finding comfort in it, and despite not wanting to sleep again. Neera knew she had to, even as her body agreed with eyelids that were steadily growing heavier, and sleep soon took her.

At first she felt peaceful, her body at a relaxed rest, but something felt off still. Opening her eyes again, it was dark within the room, seeming to have hit an ever dark nightfall. It didn't take long to realize what was up, as there was no familiar body next to her's. Turning her head back, she was alone in the bed, the room eerily quite. "David?", She asked aloud as anxiety began to creep in.

There was no reply, and not even the sound of movement. This place felt utterly empty save for her, and that made her anxiety shift to fear. Pulling the covers off, her pads were lowered to an icy cold floor as the cold became more apparent. "Th-this isn't f-funny,...David?....where are you?", Neera questioned further as she took uncertain steps forward and out into the hall. It was no different then the room, completely dark, not even small hall lights were on. Something was feeling very very wrong about this, and she rubbed her arms as she became shifty.

"I-I don't want to be here a-anymore."

The wolf girl would wander down the hall without direction, the thin patient gown not doing anything to shield her from the goosebump inducing cool air. After a few minutes, she found the elevators which did not run, only making her feel panicked. Things seemed to be far worse, maybe it was another attack, but where was he gunfire, explosions,.....the people. This was a hospital afterall, it would be the first location to rally and secure.

The stairwell seemed like the only option, but as she found and opened the door, it was far darker. Pitch black in fact as she willed to continue, her enhanced eyes only making the stairs barely able to be made out in the shadows. Safely she skrept down each step slowly at a time, feeling out each one. Finally after so long, she reached the bottom with an exit back into the main area. One she glady entered through, and into the west wing.

The lupine woman remembered where the exit was, but a sound caused her to freeze as she even took the first step in that direction. Her body which had already begun to turn stopped as her head turned back.

There were two short beings behind Neera, both appearing to be female, though one looking curvier and one looking flatter. They had red butterfly wings that had rips and tears in them and jagged antennae. They had long flaming tails and their hair was on fire. They had a third pair of appendages, spikey insect-like legs on their sides. They even had crimson skin and bloodshot eyes with no pupils, and fangs that protruded out of their mouth over their lower lips. The fiery blonde haired one opened her mouth and beckoned in a voice that whispered "Neera...", though her mouth didn't move as she spoke and, despite its whispering quality, sounded totally clear.

Neera turned to face the two butterfly children, a sense of fear creeping in as she regarded them wide eyed. The flatter one was familiar, "A-adria?.....what happened to you?" she asked as she realized just why she did.

"You left us Neera..." the demonic version of Adria hissed, her mouth still gaping wide open. "Why did you leave us Neera?" the bustier one asked, her mouth staying open much like the Adria lookalike's, her long brown hair resembling a waterfall of flames. "You FAILED us Neera," the blonde-haired one said, almost in response, after her sibling's question.

"Wh-what,, no I didn't leave you, Adria...Adilis....I love you both. I tried, I tried, I tried,...", She stammered, as she realized who the other girl was, the utter shock setting in. Her heart sunk as they hissed their accusations at her, tears falling from her eyes to soundlessly hit the tiled floor. "I'm sorry.."

"They wait in slumber Neera... take us back..." Adi eerily said. "You didn't try hard enough. Look what happened to us," Adria bitterly snapped. "Sorry isn't going to cut it." She eyed the tears that were falling and screeched "Oh boo hoo! You're crying now?! You're pathetic!"

Neera turned to run for the door,.....those were not her sisters anymore, those were something very wrong. Her bare pads slapped the tiles as she beat feet, but as she neared the exit, something seized her. Air was restricted through a gasp as something unseen grabbed her by the throat, a figure seeming to gather from nowhere. "Dying......release......", it whispered in a breathy voice as it loomed over her.

The world faded, only for her to shoot up in the bed once more with a startled gasp. She was breathing heavy, but it slowed as she felt the familiar arm around her waist, the room dimly lit with low lighting in the hall. What had just happend, had that really been a dream? It...had felt so real.

David had been in a pretty deep sleep, the worries of the past few weeks having worn the Geshrin down a bit but Neera sitting bolt upright in bed woke him up almost immediately - causing his brown eyes to flutter open before David pushed himself into a groggy sitting position as he saw the wolf's expression.

"Hey... you okay?" he asked, resting a hand on Neera's lower back to try and calm her down from whatever just happened - blinking a few times to fight off the sleep that tried to drag him back in, she'd woken up and looked scared so of course something was wrong.

She finally settled down, her shoulders taking on a defeated slump, "Nightmares, just like I knew I would have.....except this one felt so damn real. I thought I had woken up alone, or that something had happened and everyone had left. The building was dark and cold, I went to the first floor....and I saw Adria, and a female Adilis, but they weren't them. They accused me of abandoning them, and when I ran for the exit, some figure grabbed me by the neck and choked me." She said this in a tone full of stress, the her hands rubbing at her face a bit as she recounted her dream, "Then well you know the rest."

"Ah Honey, I'm so sorry to hear that," David spoke back almost apologetically as the other arm moved around to hold the wolf in a warm embrace, hopefully it would help set her mind at ease but he paused for a moment and looked into her red oculars - contemplating it for a second before he spoke further.

"I don't want to sound insensitive, but I'm curious... what did female Adilis look like to you?"

"Well she looked like my figure compacted into a short girl, long brown hair, Adilis's eye color. Though the wings and tail didn't match because.......", she said before pausing with a shudder, "They were on fire, and ragged."

David's brown pools looked off into a corner of the room thoughtfully where they paused for a moment before returning to Neera, leading to him blinking a few times with a small sound of contemplation before finally speaking - gently rubbing his thumb over one of the wolf's biceps, "Sounds disturbing, though, disreguarding the flames and such... that's rather spot on for your sibling's newest appearance..."

The Geshrin swallowed thickly, giving off another thoughtful sound while trying to comfort her, things were getting a little too odd for his liking - maybe it was something she'd subconciously picked up while out of commission? David wasn't too sure but something at the back of his mind heavily doubted that was the cause.

"I hope that means my mind made one hell of a lucky guess, and not me losing my mind.", She groaned at that. How the hell had she known when she had not even seen them? This was starting to scare her, something felt very wrong about that dream.

"You're pretty smart so I could believe you guessing it," David tried smiling back to her to try and lift the mood, lightly bumping into her side before huffing and then continuing. "You've been through a lot, and adjusting was never going to be easy - but we'll get you through this, yeah?"

She didn't feel convinced, something nagging at the back of her mind. "I hope so. But I don't know about sleeping right now. I don't want to go back into that, not back to those figures of my imagination.", Neera said trying likewise to smile back, but she couldn't pull herself to form a strong one, barely a smile at all.

He gave a small nod and quickly rolled over to sit on the wolf's lower body in one quick motion, his boxer-clad lower half gently resting atop her as David sat there with his arms crossed and a sympathetic smile across his jaw, "Then I suppose we'll have to find something to do, no? get that mind of yours wandering to lighter topics with some cheesy late night comedy flick perhaps?"

"That's a great idea, except there's no vid screen in here. I would say we could watch it on....wait you don't have a geist, and my HUD still isn't working."

"They... gave me the offer of one and I took the opportunity of being out of commission myself to get a geist," David admitted with a tap at the back fo his neck as if to prove the point before he continued speaking.

"But regardless it is a good thing I brought my datapad, and I reckon that'll work for us," he offered from the position atop her, had it been a different occasion then this pose may have lead to some things you really shouldn't be doing in a hospital room but that was the furthest thing from David's mind right now - she'd been out for so long that... well any interaction with the wolf was deeply cherished.

Great, another reminder just how out of the loop she was currently. "Well that's news to me, but I guess that's something nice to have in common." Neera said with a small smile before adding with a wink, "Might be able to do some things with that later."

The wolf girl rubbed her face a little, hoping her's body's want for sleep would go away, "That movie sounds like a great idea if it keeps me up."

"Don't you get too ahead of yourself, little lady," David replied to her sly comment with a small chuckle as he rolled off her lap gently and began retrieving his modded datapad, the poor thing's internals had been frankensteined so much that it was barely recognisable as what the device originally was.

"We'll just have to see if it works then, won't we?" he spoke again while sneaking back beside Neera, leaning into her side to plant a quick peck on the wolf's cheek.

Neera giggled, "Goddess, you sound like my mother. She told me the same thing, so many times. I should have you two meet sometime, I have a feeling she'd like you." She brushed a hand against his face gently as she leaned against his toned frame.

"Well then your mother must be a smart woman," David gloated back cheekily as they settled into each other, his head tilting towards the wolf as he just lay there silently and offered a small smile - the Geshrin's warm, brown eyes looking deep into the lupine beauty's own red oculars as though he was trying to find the right words for something as the offhand datapad flicked through a few menus thanks to the geist's interfacing abilities.

"Well she is head of the engineering department. So yeah, I'd say she's smart, and with one of my grandmothers running AD&R. I'd say it runs in the family.", she chuckled as the screen shifted menus. As the broadcast began, she didn't turn away from him at first. "You look like you want to say something?", Neera added as she brushed a fingertip against the tip of his chin.

David took her hand in his and lifted it up to press his lips to her knuckles before speaking, thumb rubbing over her paw gently as the words flowed, "No I'm just thinking... I'm so lucky to have you by my side," he admitted with a warm smile.

She gave a small laugh, "Yeah when the lights are actually on upstairs. But that being's not a place I plan to leave anytime soon. Not if I have any say in it." The lupine woman, leaned up and placed a full kiss on David's lips, a hand gently placed on his chest.

He returned the kiss with passion and vigour, hoping the action would voice the appreciation for him as David's hand moved down to teasingly stroke Neera's thigh before breaking off the kiss with a smile, "The Wolven Weeaboo and the Nepleslian Nerd, quite a match up," David chuckled as he settled back down into her fur once more and adjusted his grip on the device, giving them both a good viewing angle.

"Oh just wait for the cosplay later, I'll show you just how much I can tease that nerd part of you."