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Interest Check [Training Plot] Fort Hajime


Head in the Stars
Staff Member
🌸 FM of Yamatai
πŸŽ–οΈ Game Master
This OOC thread is for the Fort Hajime plot that can be found here on the wiki.

Its intention is to be a training plot for the newest players on SARP!

Direct all of your questions about this plot here and they'll be answered ASAP!
This thread makes it look like the plot is straight dead! Well new post for phase I of @Kuznetsov's thread is a go. Basically for this post, I'm asking you to find something interesting out about the Star Army on the wiki and to share that with your group. Don't worry about what you find, anything at all will likely work!
Reactions: Wes
Just keeping in contact is all that matters when irl stuff is going on ^-^ RP comes second to life stuff!
@Kuznetsov and @xImmortalxBeauty we will begin phase II tomorrow in a new thread, but this thread can continue as long as you'd like with the girls all talking amongst themselves and maybe getting situated in their bunks.
Reactions: Wes
I am tagging @Trainscanflytoo to the OOC for the plot he is in, Hajime!! All plots will have an OOC and if they don't, talk to your GM! ;]
I would like this to be a viable option and I have run it nearly to completion twice, now, so I have a clear idea of what to do. I also still have a bunch of NPC GM characters that are a little bit too cool to just be sitting around.

I need a Co GM to do this plot right, though. I would like to know who here has experience with Yamatai, can make three students and one teacher NPC, and have the willingness to help new players in threads, JPs, and OOCly!
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