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Notably Possible News Trains of Thought Set to Collide

Expatriates or Hidden Patriots?
Written By: Benjamin O. Verbich Jr, independent journalist
In preparation for a series of embassies set to be constructed within the next few months there has been a noticeable increase in Neshaten presence both along and within Nepleslian borders, seemingly gone unmolested by our Imperium's so-called defensive lines, going so far as to provide security and escorts for the shy kingdom's vulnerable vessels. With their own problems back home we must ask ourselves why are they being allowed access? Surely those issues will only follow them here, it's bad enough that Sky Marshal Sanders has extended his hand to them period, let alone turn a blind eye to supposedly independent groups such as the Tri'se Collective popping up around the same time those cowardly bastards attempt to establish a foothold in our cities and near our bases.

The Neshaten with their subterfuge and, what they consider to be, subtlety think they can sneak in and make a play without us noticing? The only reason they are attempting this and not an honourable, front-on assault is because they know they'd come off worse for it and have to retreat to that crumbling home with their tails between their legs. But why is the Imperium simply letting this happen? is this the end of the Nepleslian way of life as we know it? will we wake up tomorrow without an ounce of fight left in us because of the hidden packets of data and back-doors the government leave open so that they can mess with us and torment us like ants under a magnifying glass? It's horrifying, and people are too scared to talk about it as openly as I am, the masses need to know that they aren't alone.

In a recent interview the enlightened Zach Cahill from NAM's board of directors had this to say:
Later on in that same interview, the honourable Mr Cahill had this to say:

Powerful words, dripping with truth, with any luck we'll see Mr Cahill run for senate some day. I only hope he can keep that friction up and not let any unfortunate decisions pass.

You can catch Ben's full breakdown of the interview on his podcast.

Just so everyone knows, this is meant to come off as a very biased, paranoid bit of media, it's also the hook for that merc plot I should be finally starting up tomorrow night
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