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RP: Kohana Transaction


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A beat-up old freighter showed up at Imhotep station, shortly after the Horizon's Key had left. Quickly, the freighter sent a video communication, showing a large dark-skinned Nepleslian in a gray turtleneck and worn black tactical vest. "This is SS Superstition," the man announced, his voice deep and strong. "Dropping off cargo for a customer."
After the Nepleslian sent out his message, he quickly got one in return, that of a long white haired figure with ashen features and pointed ears dressed in white suit shirt, black suspenders, and a oily gray tie.

"This is the Kohanian Space Station, Imhotep. You are cleared to docking area 12, please make haste with the unloading, as the supplies are needed as soon as possible. I will have the raw materials ready for loading once you are finished."

The transmission was then cut, and the figure who had sent the message nodded to someone off to his right in the shadows, and the flurry of motion began as Lenwe personally awaited the arrival of his shipment in an area of the station specifically cleared for his sole use. No questions would be asked, and those working sensors and communications knew that as soon as the Superstition left, the records were to be wiped.
The SS Superstition docked in area 12 and two Nepleslians in aged-looked coveralls emerged and unloaded the cargo for their anonymous customer.

It was all there as promised: A hundred high-end pistols with silencers, data pads, trash bads, armored windows, forty sniper rifles, electrical cables, and lastly a box of very fine Nepleslian cigars.
And, just as promised, there were many, albeit crude, containers on pallets lining one wall. As cargo was unloaded, more was loaded onto the ship in the form of raw materials of metal and stone.

When all of the cargo containers had been loaded, a hulking beast of a bull dressed in zoot suit style pants, held up with a black leather belt stepped forward and held out a thin plastic card.

"The materials have been loaded, just as promised, and this is all the funds that my employer could collect on short notice to give you." He said in a deep bass voice. "Hopefully it will satisfy our debt."
The Superstition's captain took the card and looked over the stone and metal, waving a handheld scanner around in one hand. "This'll do," he nodded. "Take care," he said, before returning to the ship. In a moment, the old freighter lifted off and vanished back into space.
With their transaction finished, from the shadows stepped the long haired figure. He raised a well manicured hand to his pointed gray ear and spoke softly, but with authority.

"Alright, they are gone, wipe the records."

Then a nod was given to the bull, who bellowed some orders and the cargo that had just been offloaded was reloaded onto a small shuttle, and the whole party got in, and was soon speeding back towards the surface.
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