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Senate: Misc [Treaty] First Draft of Lorath Armstice Treaty

"Hm. I too second this motion to change." Senator Winsbury concurred after nodding at the language Maeda Taisa highlighted.
Wularu had momentarily stopped paying attention to the Senate, as a message from his the office of the Chairman of the General Assembly of Gashmere caught his attention. His eyes narrowed as he finished the communique, at which he point a soft, low growl could be heard coming from him. After sending a message off to his staff he dropped the communicator onto the table, stomped one of his feet on the ground with an audible boom, and stood. A loud roar echoed from his before he addressed the Senate.

"Some news has just reached my ears, and for those of you have not heard it yet, you shall hear of it soon. My home office has just informed me that a video broadcast streamed only hours ago from the Matriarchy. In this video broadcast, the Lorath Matriarchy admitted to a systematic extermination of a population of their enemies, a genocide of a group of people who attempted to revolt.

Now, we Kodians do not believe in violence, we support peace, morals, philosophy, and self-defense. For this reason we do not support the actions of these Oochestians, as I have been told they were called. However, there is nothing in this universe that could justify the response action, an act so foul we Kodians refuse to allow a translation for "genocide" to be included in our language.

It is for this reason that I move that we table this discussion for a seven day period, until an investigation can be done regarding this news. I implore the Imperial Premier to think cautiously about whether or not to have dealings with these people now that this information is public, as we do not wish to appear that we are making dealings with murderers. As we speak, my staff is drafting legislation to enforce sanctions upon these people for their humanitarian crimes, legislation which you should expect to be placed before the Senate within the next few days.

As I said, we Kodians promote peace between nations and overcoming differences more than most, but even we will not make peace with monstrous animals."

Having said his piece, Wularu sat and began sending further messages to his staff.
The message was forwarded to his desk. Well, that's what Winsbury discovered after emerging from under his desk after the Kodian's fury. He listened to the address that The High Priest made and - uncannily, a grin crept across his face.

"Velor Tomoe, you magnificent bastard." He inwardly smiled before being the first to stand up after the Kodian senator's roaring tirade. "Senator Wularu, please calm yourself, you appear to be emotionally vested." The fifty year old Nepleslian said as evenly as a man could, talking down a room full of Nekovalkyrja and a bear. "This treaty was drafted on the facts we knew about the Lorath at the time. You cannot allow this new confession to muddy the waters."

He had a cup of water as he mulled over the facts, and decided to twist the knife. "Better still, do some research on the Freespacers and what the Yamataian Navy did to them. Go ahead, I'll wait." His voice was venomous toward the Kodian's gallantry. "If anything, all we have now is something in common with these so called 'animals'. Motion to resume. To drop this on grounds of their Genocide is hypocritical, no matter what we tell ourselves to deal with our own bloodied hands. Better still, let's just ignore it."

Dogs, cats, birds, bears - this was starting to become a three-ringed circus of surprises.
Gunther reviewed the broadcast. It was obvious to him that this was an attempt at damage control. The work that SSS had been doing on the Eucharis sensor logs and their encounter with the Lorath, it was all too convenient.

He stood for a moment, "I second the move to table for seven days.

As a scientist I work with facts. I find this announcement's motives to be questionable.

The Scientific Studies Service was recently requested to analyze the sensor logs of a Star Army vessel in the region of space north of us.

Now we get this message of, we did something horrible, but it was for the good of all. To me at the moment, this feels like spin doctoring. They are afraid that their secret was out, and so they are presenting their version of the events.

History is written by the victors, and so the information that the Lorath are will to give has to be considered suspect. We only have their word as to the validity of the information. They have had three years to fabricate their cover story.

But more to the point, decisions about dealings with another nation should be conducted in a calm state of mind. I seriously doubt that this news is going to have a calming effect on the population or some of our leaders.

Time to let people digest these revelations is the logical course of action."
"Regardle of the media frenzy, has the situation actually changed?" Hanako asked the senate. "This is just further confirmation of what we already know: the Lorath High Priest is a villain. To me this annnouncement seems premature. We have yet to confirm and finish the data on the event and the Lorath were about to receive a peace treaty that was going to make us both safer. So beyond their attempt to spin the genocide, is there some secondary motive for the timing? I want to make sense of this."
Gunther looked at Hanako, "Yes, things have changed. Which is why I seconded the move for holding for seven days.

I personally want to give the people on Daichi time to digest this news announcement and what ever other data becomes available. I represent them, and I want time to hear from them before we proceed.

As for your comment, 'the Lorath were about to receive a peace treaty that was going to make us both safer'. I must say that is most definitely premature. Unless there have already been negotiations which we have not been aware of, then these proceedings would be irrelevant.

Just because we write up a proposed treaty does not mean that the Lorath are going to just accept it. In fact even without this new event, I am personally dubious as to how successful a treaty negotiation will be.

But I sincerely that some sort of civil reasonable agreement can be worked out in time."
"I agree with you, Hanako-dono," Kotori's projection said. "But while I do think the extra wait is redundant to our purpose, I do believe it is a small thing to give some people the breathing room if they ask for it."

"In the meantime, the draft as-is is there to be used by the Imperial Premier if she so choses. Otherwise, seven days later, it will still be for us to talk around about."

"Thank you for having presented us with your draft," Kotori bade Winsbury. "I trust we will be able to adjust it to all the senators' liking when we next reconvene."
“I motion to call the question as to whether we should send a draft of this treaty to the premier’s office for negotiations with the Lorath,” Maeda-taisa called from his seat, hoping to bring the discussion to a close. “News of that nation’s unabashed evil changes nothing we’ve discussed here. If nothing else, the terms we’ve outlined make it easier for the Empress or Taisho of the Star Army to impose humanitarian sanctions in light of the high priest’s dastardly admissions. Recognizing the Lorath as a formal player on the intergalactic stage is the first step toward righting their wrongs.”

The veteran political officer shot a confused glance at Senator Winsbury. How could this man hate his own nation so much as to compare its actions to the Lorath’s misdeeds? he wondered, feeling shameful to share service with such rabble-rousing filth. Streams of information poured through his mind as aides at Star Army Command and on Tami forwarded him points about the Freespacer incident.

“Additionally, in light of the representative from Albini’s flawed comparison, I would like to remind the Senate to maintain a respectful tone toward our great Empire,” Life flickered behind his momentarily blank eyes while he sent communicated with his chief legislative assistant to ensure that his next words would be sound.

“The Deoradh at the Great Lighthouse were declared enemies of Yamatai, not our own people as the Occhestians were to the Lorath,” Yusuke declared. “I was there. They fought us valiantly in defiance of our national sovereignty. In victory, this Empire even offered the Freespacers reparations for the totality of our warfare against them.

“So, fellow Senators, do not be fooled. Do not let your constituents be fooled: The Yamatai Star Empire shares little in common with the Lorath Matriarchy. We are a compassionate nation of compassionate people. Whatever excuses the Lorath make for their misdeeds, they should be seen as such and not contrasted with Yamatai’s just and legal actions against a belligerent foe.”

Gunther looked over at Yusuke, "I would remind my colleague that we currently have a motion that has been seconded. A decision on that should be completed before submitting new motions."
"Then for the sake of closure I challenge all motions that have not yet been successful, with the exception of the motion to send this finalized draft to Yuumi, which I second. Unless you think we should go to war with Lor, which the constitution discourages, we should be establishing a baseline peace with thus treaty. Any punitive sanctions can go in a second bill to be determined," Hanako said, effectively moving the debate to a close.
After Hanako's unilateral dismissal of the other motions in favor of hers, gathered his possessions.

"Well, I shall take my leave of the Senate. It is readily apparent that the Ketsurui Clan wants this to move forward regardless of any concerns from the Senators and our Constituents.

When our voices will have meaning I will return. For now my Vote on this proposal is ABSTAIN."

With that Gunther made his way to the nearest exit and left the assembly.
Wularu kept an angry expression as he watched what was going on around the Senate. He was glad, at a minimum, to see there was another Senator on his side, and decided to follow in turn.

"Gashmere ABSTAINS from voting and asks the assembly not to take final decision unless it receives a vote from at least 2/3 of the Senators," Wularu stated, at which point he retook his seat.
"I think that as the treaty draft stands, it is ready for Yuumi-sama to propose to the Lorath and from there, make further changes through discussion with the Matriarchy," Sora's projection commented softly. "Himiko system votes in favor of the motion to close."
Minato had not yet placed her vote, the Senator from Nataria watched as yet another senator left the chamber. When people didn't get what they wanted, their answer was to walk away. Her almond shaped green eyes squinted as she let out a sigh, returning to the platform. "Nataria votes yes, this document should be sent to the Imperial Premier - afterall any true modifications that need to be made are likely to be done at whatever respective negotiations are held."

When it came to Nataria's constituents, most were military. The forested world was probably the closest place to a second home that the Star Army had. The draft of a treaty meant little in terms of actual diplomacy, for articles would likely be modified and amended according to the course of dialog with the Lorath.

She did however offer after, "I do, however.." she paused for a second, ensuring that her chosen words were fitting to the situation, "... believe that we may need to consider stricter border enforcement in general. So maybe the suggested forthcoming bill can be something a little more broad spectrum in addressing those who commit distasteful conduct within our astral territories..The Lorath included. If we can outline clearly what the repercussions are, be it sanctions or other measures perhaps we can prevent some of the acts that have been mentioned here." She then retreated from her podium again in hopes the senate would move forwards.
Yamashita briefly stood.

"Yamatai votes yes for this proposal to be sent to the Imperial Premier.

"The citizenry tires of war. Preventing one, instead of starting one, best serves their desires."

He sat, content to say no more.
"I propose a Motion to close, so Yuumi-sama can take over from here," Sora suggested.
Winsbury sighed. In some ways he'd won, and in some ways he'd lost by going through with this. Reading over his modified handiwork once more, he finally concluded: "Yes, let's close it send this to the premier for further judgement. My work here is done." He then stood up, made a bow and took a walk outside.

If nothing else, stretching his legs was a welcome sensation, as was some fresh air from outside.
"It's been a month now and the Imperial Premier has failed to present the treaty to the Lorath. Why?" Hanako asked.
(OOC: I basically was thinking there would be a more formal vote, but I was quite wrong, and I'll be on this post-haste. Apologies to everyone involved.)
"Has this treaty been present yet?" Hanako asked. "It has nearly been a year."
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