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RP: UOC Government [Trinity Beach] Ocean Breeze

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ON> Trinity Beach, Tokyo Residential District 48 near Tange Ayana's home

The sun hung low on the horizon, painting the sky in a swirl of orange and red. Tio wore a pair of sandals and some tan shorts with a v-neck dark blue t-shirt, he held Ayana's hand as they walked, their foot prints left in the crystal white sand only to be washed away in the incoming white swash of the waves as the lapped the shore. The cry of gulls resounded in the distance as they dove from the skies to try and catch the bounty from the fishing boats heading into the harbor for the night. The towering Trinity light was perched on an outcrop of rock, on the cliffs up the beach, the waves thrashing against the head casting the smell of salt onto the warm Jiyuuian breeze.

Ayana watched the sky as the wind rustled against the thin fabric of her lilac colored sun dress and through her hair. She smiled as she gently squeezed Tio's hand as they walked. Her eyes were on the sunset over the water. "I never appreciated the sunset in the past as much I do now... I took it for granted."

Tio smiled slightly; "I think we all look to that sun a little differently now..." he stopped, and picked up a sand dollar handing it towards her.

She carefully took the sand dollar and examined it curiously. "It's pretty, what is it? I've never spent very much time away from the farm so..." She admitted with a light blush.

"A sand dollar; an echinoderm....they seem to be prevalent on this beach. The ones here on Jiyuu are so much more beautiful than their cousins on Yamatai." He said, smiling to Ayana. "Course, so much seems even more breath taking in this light; like you."

Her blush deepened as she looked down at the sand dollar shyly. "Why are they called sand dollars? Were they used for currency at one point?" She asked softly with a smile as she looked back up at him.

Tio smiled, "In the times of the great earth philosophers...." he looked at the sand dollar. "If often wonder, if we have not sacrificed something in all our complexity...our starships, our technology. We have a prize here in the Yugumo Cluster, we should be careful not to pave it over."

"Very much so. I would like to preserve as much of the planets as we colonize as we can. I would like for the future generations after us to get a chance to look at the sunset... the ocean with such wonder," Ayana smiled again, "Things to consider as we continue to build."

Tio stopped walking again, hand still entwined in hers. "Indeed..." his eyes watched the crests of the waves as they broke in a crash of white before washing onto the shore, he smiled and closed his eyes as the last of the sun's rays soaked into his face. A few seconds later he opened his eyes. He let go of Ayana's hand only to wrap his arms around her, to hold her as the sun sank and night was being born.

Ayana leaned back against him, still holding the sand dollar carefully in her hand, trying not to crush it as she watched the glittering of stars start to sparkle across the darkening sky. "I almost wish... things were as simple as in the old days... there was nothing about aether, Mishhu, alliances... just people living and working..."

"War is nothing new, Ayana, merely the way in which it is waged." He noted, "My favorite philosopher lived in a period of time just before a time of great war...He was a scholar, obsessed with trying to find the so called benevolent man and leader..Some say he was it, I think we still seek it." He kissed the back of her neck lightly, holding her still.

"I know... utopia doesn't exist... so long as people are free to think... it never will but I think it'll be better when we aren't dependent on soul transfer technology. I think... it's about time we let ourselves gracefully pass on the torch to a younger generation when the time comes," she shivered with a sigh as she felt the warmth of his lips against her neck.

Tio whispered in her ear. "Utopia does exist...though not for long, it is in the moments between, one has to be aware to experience it like this sunset before it fades."

She smiled as she placed her free hand lightly against Tio's arm, lightly brushing the tips of her fingers against the skin. "I'd like to see paradise... can you show it to me?" She replied softly as she turned her face to look at him over her shoulder.

"It is hard to show, cause I can only see it in your eyes." he leaned forwards his lips touching gently against hers, a peck, another then a light kiss.

Ayana couldn't help but stifle a soft giggle as she turned to face Tio and more deeply return the kiss."That's a wonderful line, I love it."

The sun sank below the horizon, the stars ruled the sky now as the darkness settled. He did not let go, his embraced deepened, hands massaging lightly on her back as he kissed her, tongue tasting her lips his eyes did not close, they merely peered into hers.

On the bluffs near the light stood a figure , the warm breeze drifting through the unknown vestments as she watched the two lovers. A disgusted look on her distant face, the thought of the two coupling was fascinating and disgusting all in the same breath. She tugged the ashen robe tighter to her slender form, tongue wetting the salt kissed lips, it was easier to see them now in the dark, the sun, the annoyance had left.

She looked back into Tio's eyes for a few moments before she closed her eyes, letting herself get lost in the kiss, his embrace for a little while. "Up for that tour?"

He nodded, breaking the kiss. "Shall we?"

Ayana smiled shyly with a nod, as she took his hand again and gently tried to lead him back towards the direction of her house.

On the cliff top a curse was uttered, as she headed back towards the waiting car.

Tio said as they walked away from the beach, he was quiet as usual smiling at every glance towards her.

Ayana felt her heart racing as she very happily lead Tio to the back porch of her house. She was uncertain still how she actually felt about Tio. She gently squeezed his hand and blushed as she suddenly felt... embarrassed by what was happening. She smiled despite her nervousness as she unlocked the back door. "We're here."

Tio smiled slightly, rubbing her back lightly noticing the flush of her cheeks. He stayed quiet, not really knowing what to say.

After a few moments, she lead Tio inside and guided him though the dining room and through the house. "You saw the dining room already. But I'll show you the upstairs..." She mentioned with a smile as she looked back at Tio.

Tio followed, noting the decor. "You have fine tastes, visiting your home has been a pleasureful experience." He followed her upstairs, he could not help to watch her as she was in front of him.

"I'm glad to get a chance to spend a little more time here to do something aside from sleep." She walked up the short flight of stairs and guided Tio towards a room on the right side of the hallway. "I kinda jumped at the chance to build my home near the beach because I liked the idea of getting used to something new for a change of perspective."

"I think I will likely find something near the shore as well. The sea makes me happy, plus I wouldn't mind being closer." He looked around, trying to get his bearings. It was all very new to him.

The room had a large bay window that was partially open with sheer green curtains. In the middle of the room was a large bed neatly made bed with a plush green comforter and large pillows covered in white and green cases sitting against the short headboard. On the other walls of the room were 2 bookcases filled with books; a dresser; a nightstand with a small old fashioned pendulum clock and a leaf shaped ceiling fan with flower shaped lights.

Tio looked around, "Nice room, is this one yours?" he asked, stepping inside and in front of the bed, looking up at the ceiling fan.

Ayana smiled as she walked over to the nightstand and set the sand dollar on top of it next to her clock. "Thank you. Yes, it's mine... you know..." She began as she took a seat on the bed. "I..uh..." She paused, uncertain of what it was she really wanted to say.

Tio sat down on the bed beside her, "It is nice." He smiled, and kissed her lips lightly.

She wrapped her arms around Tio as she held herself against him and deeply returned the kiss. She felt the rush of her heart racing as her lips pressed against his.

Tio felt her heartbeat as she pressed against him. He pressed back his tongue through her parted lips, her warmth enthralling him into a more passionate pace, his hands drifted down her back, expertly pressing and massaging against her pressure points.

Her body shivered at his knowing touch. She lightly sucked on Tio's tongue as it found its way into her mouth, one of her hands wandered down to his thigh and lightly rubbing his leg.

And so, Tio finally caught up to Ayana after months of mixed signals and awkward conversation in a night of relaxed, passionate kisses and embraces...

((continued in the hot tub- 18+ only - viewtopic.php?f=31&t=2264 ))
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