Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP [Tsenlan] Meetings


SARPiverse Culture Dreamer
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FM of Tsenlan
🌸 FM of Yamatai
Submissions Reviewer
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RP Date
YE 44.9
RP Location
Asarthotar Fjord Lodge, Taisho, Planet Akina

Asarthotar Fjord Lodge​

Airwin paused the media coverage of Sinith's funeral, he cast a gaze across the desk at the man in the chair on the other side of the desk. There was this thing with ghosts, not the dead - they always had interesting perspectives. The short spiky blue-haired man, with armless tinted oculars, rested on the bridge of his nose and sighed as he looked back at Airwin. "Interesting, I assume I've been listed among the dead?" he asked as he reached for the mug of tea and took a sip.

"Yes Uncle Nira, as far as anyone will know you're Siethenin Lunari, former Fleet Admiral. The new body suits you though, "Airwin said as he closed his eyes briefly and rested his head against the back of the chair. "Your past with the Yaducath Intelligence Agency at least owes you this new life, and as promised you are free to go where you will, I do have other meetings though," he said as he opened his eyes and pulled himself out of the chair to stand. Nira stood as well and gave the nod toward his nephew and left without another word.

When Nira left the room, Airwin could hear the exchange in the front foyer between Nira and Lithia, it just made him sigh.

"My shield"

"My sword, Let's go my love the ship is waiting..."


Airwin was startled for a moment when Naelui knocked and opened the door to his temporary office, the lodge having been given to them for their use while the city was being built. Naelui poked her head in the door and said, "All of the invitees have confirmed, even the Star Army Captain," she said, then opened the door all the way and came in, she looked her father up and down and noticed he had worn the red and black Aest Vyrdi that her mother had given him for their last anniversary. "You look preoccupied, should I cancel these meetings?" she asked.

Airwin shook his head and sat back down behind the desk, "No, this needs to be addressed now before the consequences of it all unfold," He already knew this matter needed to be handled with some delicacy, as that there was more than just his own people involved. He had reviewed the footage, both the official and the mindhive observations of members of his own Ysi. He watched as Nialui cleared away Nira's mug and then went over to the side table to prepare more tea. The chairs had already been arranged, and the lobby instructed to have the parties wait separately in different rooms to avoid any further conflict between Rakel and Aelya. All there was to do now was wait, and waiting was the hardest part because it was time to think, and thinking was the last thing Airwin needed because all he wanted to do was resign himself to his room to grieve.


Asarthotar Fjord Lodge​

Waiting Room One - Arina​

In the first waiting room was Volaer Arina Caeyara. The young Norian had already taken her fill of pacing back and forth, finally sitting down to wait and try to keep her leg from bouncing up and down. It was easy to show up almost right after she was summoned. They did live in the same building, but the responsibility of that and more was not lost on the soldier and pilot either. It took a little bit, but she did manage to calm herself thanks to something she had learned in the intelligence service. She had only asked for water to drink, and spent more time holding the glass than actually drinking from it.

She wore a regal and diaphanous dress which flowed to the floor on one side of her body, and a slit worked all the way up her side to above her belly button on the other. The colors were a peaceful white with yellow-gold accents, some in patterns that the locals had made themselves, depicting a very Yamataian way of looking at snowflakes and stars. There was a little diamond of a window in the center of her chest, and she had made sure not one hair was out of place with as much time as she gave herself. Getting ready in a hurry was one thing she thought that she managed all right. There was the matter for which she was being summoned, it was very easy to guess what it was.

The water had gone. She pressed the intercom to ask, "May I have another drink please? Cold. Very cold."

Asarthotar Fjord Lodge​

Waiting room two

Rakel was dressed to the nines in her orders uniform her belts and buckles polished as well as the pin that was in the form of dagger laid on top of drop of blood, she had left he sword and her orders traditional dagger at home or what was now called home. She was expecting death after all not everyday you do something like shame yourself or your clan with the future queen involved. She sat waiting for her turn to be called in for her meeting or the meeting. However she did give a slight smile that she at least got to spend some time with Endri and Arina before what she was her execution sentence.
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Asarthotar Fjord Lodge​

WAITING ROOM - Tal'Cel Aelya Caeyara and Alastair Belmont, Shosa

Aelya carefully walked over to the nearest seating when she entered the waiting room with Alastair. Gingerly she lowered herself to sit and groaned looking over to the Captain. "At least they had us report together," she stated wrinkling her nose as she was still quite sore from the cultural exchange. Things the day prior had not turned out anywhere close to what they were intended. The Tal'Cel thought upon what had occurred, unconsciously causing her fists to clench. She exhaled slowly unclenching her hands smoothing the wrinkles of the stately, black diaphanous dress. The kindness of those who provided this to her would not go unnoticed. Red hair rested pulled over to her left shoulder, obviously cleaned and combed to appear presentable.

After the events of the day before she refused to return to the lodge, instead staying with Alastair. "Who in their right mind thinks acting like that is okay?" she asked in an eerily calm manner. "If they had simply waited a few more minutes instead of exhibiting feral behavior, this would be an entirely different scenario." For all she knew right now Arina and Rakel did not exist to her. If her brother forced them to all be in the same room, she hoped none of them got the bright idea to approach her. Unya forbid they try to talk to her, she might just fly off the handle. A dark smirk spread across her face, "You know, the entire time they were worried about you? Turns out they are the ones that caused an incident." Out of all the times she had meetings before, this was the most uncomfortable yet.
Alastair's position posted with permission by @Miko

Waiting Room Three

Alastair was relaxing next to Aelya while they waited to be called. The night prior had been a roller coaster of events. Overall it had a happy ending too it from what he could tell. Though now he had to stand before Airwin to deal with the mess that oddly enough wasn't of his making. He was curious how much of the culture exchange would come up during the talks. Clearly an unplanned transport ride and a turbulent flight was not in the deck of cards but was how things ended up. More to the point was how he and not family went after Aelya. Something at the time told him to go, that there was more yet to discover.

For this event Alastair was in his full Star Army formal uniform. He felt given the person they were about to meet that this would be the most fitting. He hoped this would not take long since Alastair knew Aelya had an axe to grind. It was for a good reason and glad he wasn't on the other side of it. Either way he had prevented injury to Aelya, comforted her and helped her get back on her feet. He did good and was proud of his actions. He also felt that him reacting as he did was a shining example of how a person of Star Army should react given the situation.

Alastair smiled and grinned at her. While he knew this was serious, he admired this side of Aelya. The fire in her eyes did well to match the fire of her hair. He had no doubt things might get spicy and not in a good way if the wrong people got too close. "I am glad we were invited together as well. Can more quickly have things cleared up I hope." He stood, slowly and stretch out a little. "Yeah, seems they ended up being the big bad wolf in this story." He said with a laugh. He then learned over and gave her a peck on the cheek. "Little something before we get called." He said with a wink and a grin.


Naelui opened the door and walked into the room where Rakel was seated, "The Aestaesys will see you now, and the chair you asked for is already there. There is no throne hall here to be summoned to, so there is no need to stand," the Sol'Volaer said as she held the door open for Rakel. There was visible security but nothing warranting the level of anxiety the participants obviously felt.

She led Rakel towards Airwin's Office, "A lot of people are going to miss that uniform, will you be joining the Star Army?" she asked curiously as she remained a few steps ahead. She then opened the door to Airwin's office so that Rakel could enter, "Go in, he will see you now," she instructed.

Airwin's Office​

Airwin was seated behind the desk, the flags of Tsenlan and Yamatai behind him on either side. The office space had been temporarily set up for him so it was mostly Yamataian furniture save for a few trinkets which had been brought down for the funeral. At the front of the desk was the scepter which had been a symbol of the Minatu Dynasty, the dark purple gem at its tip caught the light just right leaving a splay of color across the front of the desk. It was a cloudy day so the windows were open a crack and the blinds pulled, the Fjord visible out the south side of the lodge. "Come and be seated," Airwin instructed the former soldier.


The attendant came into the room with a pitcher of ice water and sat it down on the side table, "I believe they will be with you soon, if you need anything else let us know, " the black-haired Norian said, as he solemnly crossed his arm over his chest and bowed forward slightly in respect before he left the room.

Aelya and Alastair​

The door would open and Jun would emerge into the room, a MERN mobile medical kit in his hand. He was wearing a blue and black Aest Vyrdi with the familiar medical symbol pined on the edge of the collar. He was not alone, however, a few paces behind him a woman followed. She was not Norian but she was certainly part of Airwin's staff. She wore a rather revealing mix of armor and clothing that would be something more likely found on Aynee melded with an Aest Vyrdi that had been purposely made revealing. Tribal-like tattoos with Minasan-Minatu glyphs scrolled up the tan of her skin up to the black collar which was around her neck with a sanguine red gem that glistened just below her chin. A forked tail swished the air behind her, like a cat but with a more arrow-like tip, an obvious genetic modification. Unlike everyone else in the lodge, she was clearly armed. A rifle slung across her back, and a dual pair of daggers sheathed from the belt above the voluptuous curve of her hips. Gemetzel's gold eyes went straight to Aelya, "Celebrated with some new friends? I hope you were not injured," she asked with a smirk of amusement on her face. She had not been at the funeral, which was surprising considering. She did watch though, from the comfort of the Leviathan in orbit. "Welcome, Shosa Belmont, the Aestaesys looks forward to meeting with you both,. Aelya would you mind if Jun takes a quick look at you?" she addressed them both.

It seemed that secrets were coming to light very quickly in the morning after the funeral. Jun stood in front of Aelya with the medical kit in his hands as he waited to see if she would consent to the quick exam.
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Alastair stood at attention when the team walked in. He noticed the medical markings of the first and one armed with a weapon. He didn't think much of this since it was standard operation to have medical staff check after an incident. "She was scanned while aboard the Koun. Some bumps and bruises from the ordeal but nothing serious." He said with a smile. "Though why the armed guard?" He asked as he tipped his head to one side.
Rakel stood up from her seat and adjusted her uniform quickly coming out of her meditative state. Well now was the time to go see the executioner. She did her best to hide how ill she really felt even if it was only a days difference. "Thank you, i haven't been feeling well since we arrived to this universe." She said and followed the woman.

"No i have had enough fighting and healing others, for that matter and since the order of healers i was with no longer exists and no magic for that matter. it's time for a career outside the military." She responded to her escort. "What about you?"

Airwin's Office​

Rakel was good at hiding her emotions, well save for one notable example, and exuded a air of well acceptance really. Granted the Norianian fully believed she was to die here. She was taken from her home at a young age and was raised by the order of healers and they followed strict or some would say harsh tenants. If any of her fellows survived they would have petitioned for her death almost immediately for they demanded perfection in each warrior healer. Well they where dead save for Rakel and she had no intention of reviveing the order here.

Rakel gave a polite bow as she entered the room and stood at attention. "Rakel Drenai reporting as requested." She chose to not use the word ordered but very carefully considered it here. Rakel sat down as instructed and was quite thankful for that, the previous nights activities took more energy out of her than she thought she crossed her leg one over the other and put her hands in her lap. She did not say anything but just looked Airwin in the eyes waiting for him to make the first move.
WAITING ROOM - Tal'Cel Aelya Caeyara and Alastair Belmont, Shosa

Aelya's eyes flicked up to ogle Alastair's form when he stretched. "I do not think they deserve to be equated to wolves." she chuckled. "After all wolves are majestic creatures. What that group was is more like a pack of wild mongrels in heat with no self-control." Her mind was reeling at how a Volaer managed to act in such a manner. Either way, things would never be the same between them again. The Shosa's kiss distracted her silent ranting causing her cheeks to blush. However, she did not have a chance to do much about it due to a door opening.

Reddened cheeks returned to their normal state rather quickly when Jun entered the room. There were a great number of things she would love to do with the cute doctor and his adorable wife. Momentarily she thought perhaps Dawn would be coming, but that was quickly ruled out due to the nature of the circumstances. Distraction drew her attention in the form of what seemed to be a non-Norian member of Airwin's staff. Aelya looked over the stranger intrigued by her appearance. It was not the same intrigue she had when Naelui appeared at the funeral however. Strands of red hair fell from her shoulder when she tilted her head to the right observing the tail's swish.
"I wonder what that might be useful for." she thought to herself letting her mind sink into the gutter. Although she did wish to relish in the newcomer's beauty something stood out to her. Whoever this was, they were the only clearly armed person she had seen since they arrived here.

A soft chuckle slipped past her lips at the woman's question. "More like new friend, that other one acted like a rabid monster in heat." She said avoiding mentioning the obviously involved Volaer.
"Like the Shosa said, a few bumps and bruises is all that is likely from what they did." she emphasized the last words in a seething manner. "The full body scan was exquisite, I was quite thoroughly examined." she paused. "Things would have been much worse if the Shosa had not moved us from the door. I do hope this does not dampen the chance of any potential cultural exchange opportunities in the future." she said winking playfully at the woman. Aelya looked to Alastair "If she is with Jun she is fine with me." she said nodding consent to Jun for the examination. "Do whatever you need to," she said to Jun then looked back to the woman. "Though I do concur with the Shosa, why so many fun things?" she asked inquisitively.

Rakel - Airwin's Office​

Naelui said to Rakel, "I'm sure you will feel better soon," she said in confidence., then continued, "I have no idea what I will do yet, a lot of it depends on my father. I will see you after your meeting, soldier." Naeliu closed the door behind Rakel after giving a slight nod in her father's direction.

Airwin adjusted his posture slightly in the chair and looked at Rakel, "So, first of all, let's address the matter of your illness, you've been having trouble adjusting to having fewer abilities? It would have really helped to know this as soon as it started, my son Jun will be in to examine you for body transfer to another Norian body, " he explained, "We should handle this prior to the demilitarization process being finalized so that your MERN benefit covers it. Are you alright with that?" he asked, the health and welfare of individuals came before the business of politics or optics, the Aestaesys cared for his people and it showed in his actions and words.

Waiting Room One​

Naelui cracked open the door, then stepped inside to check on the sister she had yet to meet. "Arina?" she asked, then stepped inside. "How are you holding up in here? I doubt this will take long, how did you end up entangled in this?" she questioned. She walked in and took a seat, there to provide a listening ear should she want to share. "I wouldn't worry, I'm sure being pulled in front of our father is stressful but, he didn't seem angry or upset," she commented. It was probably something they all had been expecting, some kind of berating or punishment.

Waiting Room Three​

Gemetzel kind of giggled as the Captain called her an "armed guard", she gave a slight shake of her head, "I dress like this a lot, I suppose I will have to find myself some more suitable attire. I haven't really had time to think about it. I am Gemetzel Caeyara, sister of the late Empress; one of the actual Caeyara," she introduced herself. As a Minasian human, she was a rarity, she and Dawn were probably some of the last of Sinith's kin. She gave a slight nod to Aelya, "I'm sure their scan was thorough, however, Jun will still have a look," she said as she watched Jun open his medical kit.

The doctor gave her a quick scan, drew a vile of blood, and popped it in the reader, "There we go, all set, we just need to make sure you're in tip-top shape," Jun said with a smile. He looked her over and it was as they said minor abrasions. Jun was one of Sinith and Tetsuya's sons, so clearly they were surrounded by family - the Captain likely didn't know that though. "Don't worry about my Aunt, she's a lot less scary than she looks," he gave a bit of a laugh, he then closed the kit and got up.

"So what ship do you Captain?" Jun asked Alastair, curious to know more about this Star Army Captain.
WAITING ROOM - Tal'Cel Aelya Caeyara and Alastair Belmont, Shosa

When Aelya realized Gemetzel ignored some of her words she shrugged. Seems the woman was a little distracted with the Shosa, who could blame her? Well she was not going to pursue someone so clearly not interested. Afterall, consent is important in all interactions. Her attention turned to focus solely on Jun's examination.

She nodded softly when Jun finished, "Thank you nephew," she said quietly. The red-headed norian let her thoughts drift off a little into what the future may be for her now. Jun's comment snapped her attention back to him,"Which aunt?" she smirked. "Seems we have a little surprise family gathering in here." she said looking at both Jun and Gemetzel. "Alastair, this is my nephew Jun. I guess that makes Gemetzel my sister in law then, is that correct?" she directed the last question to Gemetzel.

Alastair was glad to see that these were not some random people but were family. Day late but at least they showed up in support. Alastair looked at Gemetzel then back at Aelya. "Yeah, I am learning quickly clothes or lack there of seems not uncommon around here." Much like Aelya, Alastair was also checking out Gemetzel as her forked tail had him curious. "So, I havn't seen many with a forked tail. Are these features considered rare?" He asked with a smile.

He had relaxed and took a seat after hearing the doctor confirmed what had already been stated. He waved towards Jun. "Nice to meet you both and thank you for coming to check on her. After what happen yesterday I was concerned she might have gotten hurt but everything seems good." He couldn't help but chuckle knowing there was more to the story.

"So any clue when it is going to be our turn next. I too have reason to speak with Airwin and has nothing to do with what happened." He once more looked towards Aelya, and had a twinkle in his eyes.
Rakel listened to Airwin speak and then was suddenly very confused and it showed on her face. "Wait wait, isn't this a execution hearing? I did almost cause a diplomatic incident let alone shame myself in front of Aelya, The captain, shamed my clan and my order. Normally that would warrant death alone from my order." She suddenly looked even more ill as she lost the strength she was using to fight it.

Waiting Room One​

Having someone familiar present did make Arina begin to feel a little better about things, though she hesitated for a moment, she explained, "I think it's just a combination of my not doing well with grief or being intimate in a long time, if I'm honest. And some mixed signals piled on top. All I've done since Rin woke up is train. It is just all pretty..." She looked from the glass cupped in both of her hands in her lap over to Naelui. "...difficult. Sometimes I feel like I'm going to pop or something." Sighed the Volaer, "It's all a mess that did not need to occur." She left out how she felt since the funeral, though she did not realize it was written all over her face anyway. Downing the glass, she started to rotate it around in circles using her fingers and thumbs, idly fidgeting with it.

"I just hope he won't stop me from shipping out on time. It's a big universe we've come to and I want to soar through it."

Waiting Room One​

Naelui put her hand on Arina's shoulder and said quietly, "Don't worry, this will come to pass too. We've survived and that is what matters." She stood back up, "You will be soaring through the stars before you know it," she added as she headed back out the door and into the hallway. There was a commotion in Airwin's office, but by the time she got back there, it was merely him sitting at his desk.

Waiting Room Three​

"Both of them," Jun rebutted quickly pointing out that neither of them was that scary. He then gave an affirmative nod, "That's right, Gemetzel is my mother's sister, so your sister-in-law, I suppose things were a little hectic before for introduction and she was..." he stopped as his Aunt interrupted him.

"That is enough, Jun -" Gemetzel purposely interrupted him before he said where she had been. She had a bit of an emotional look on her face but thankfully the words of the Star Army Captain made it out in time to make the moment a little less awkward. "Yeah, it is a genetic manipulation. I ah, had a unique relationship with the scientific minds behind it," she added, then noticed Naelui on her way back. "It is very good to meet you too, I think it is your turn," she said as she turned to look at Naelui who gave her a nod.

"Father will see you all now," Naelui said as she stood just outside the door and motioned down the hallway toward the main office.

Jun added quickly, "It is good to meet you too, an honor to meet one of the people who has helped us so much," the doctor added.

Airwin's Office​

Airwin picked up the datapad on his desk and made some notes, the morning was dragging on and he had plenty of work to do. When the others would arrive they would find no trace of the soldier who had been there.

Waiting Room Three​

The Tal'Cel smirked a little at Jun's retort about the scariness level of his aunts. He seemed to be feeling a wee bit spicy today. Aelya's head bobbed in an understanding nod when Gemetzel's relation was affirmed. Something drew her attention to the manner of her sister-in-law's mannerisms, whatever the doctor was about to say elicited an emotional response from the woman. If this relative did not want address it, the issue would not be pushed from her side of things.

Alastair's comment on clothing made her chuckle. "My side arm here is a quick learner," she said gesturing to the Captain with a smile. Thank goodness someone had asked about the tail, but what kind of genetic manipulation did the woman have to go through for it? Ruby eyes sparkled with a mix of shock and admiration at her companions willingness to speak to the Aestaesys. What exactly he intended to speak about remained uncertain, but she had an inkling.

"Let's get this over with shall we," she said standing up and straightening her dress. Naelui had informed them that it was finally there turn to be seen. Carefull she shuffled her way to the office in a manner much like a conspicuous waddle. Still sore from the previous night's activities she hoped her brother would let them sit quickly. Upon reaching the office she paused to wait for the Captain.

Waiting Room Three​

For the most part Alastair did not really seem all the concerned. He had been though enough meeting like this and was comfortable with what was to come. He lifted his hand and gave a wave as Aelya made reference to him. Ever since meeting her outside she would comment about his side arm. He didn't really understand it since all Star Army in uniform carried their side arm. At least this is the story he was sticking to as he grinned a smile at her.

"If ever interested, feel free to look up the Koun. I am always on the look out for talent and Gemetzel you have peaked my interest. My ship is filled with the finest of crew, each bringing something unique to the game." He pulled out a business card and handed it to her. On it read, "Captain Alastair Belmont of the YSS Koun. Adventure awaits." He said with a smile as he passed by her.

Alastair got to his feet and quickly moved over by Aelya's side. "I am looking forward to meeting Airwin." He said with a smile, taking her arm under his. "Here, least I can do is give an arm for support." A smile big and wide covering his face. The door to destiny opened. Alastair with Aelya in arm walked over the threshold.

Waiting Room Three​

Gemetzel blinked a little as she reached out and took the man's card. She had never had a Captain give her a business card before. She looked down a read it briefly, she raised a brow in Aelya's direction but then gave a bit of a shrug and returned her attention to Alastair, "He does seem like a quick one, definitely confident," she said right in front of him back to Aelya. She said to Alastair with a nod, "Uh, I will keep it in mind..." She was a little unsure of what to do with the card now, so she stuck it down the front of her robe and rested it in her bra.

Airwin's Office​

It was proving to be an interesting morning. He was already on his third cup of tea by the time Aelya and Alastair entered his office. He stood from behind the desk and ushered his hands towards the chairs that sat in front of the desk, "Please come in and be seated," he said in trade, "It is good to see you again Tal'Cel, I trust you're feeling alright after the incident?" he questioned, but then said quickly to Alastair, "Welcome, Captain. It is an honor to meet you," he gave a gentle nod, towards the Star Army Captain and waited for them to have a seat and get the introductions over with.

Naelui closed the office door after they were inside to give the three of them some privacy to discuss what needed to be discussed.

Waiting Room One​

Naelui stuck her head in the door again and said to her sister, "The others are with father now, why don't you come out and have a cup of tea outside on the deck with me?" she invited in hope that her sister would join her. She really wanted to get to know her siblings better.

Airwin's Office​

Aelya could not help but to giggle at Alastair's efforts with Gemetzel. Apparently for all the ways her sister-in-laws weapons were secured the poor woman's outfit lacked pockets. Pockets are one of the most important parts of an outfit, if you are going to wear clothing it might as well have stash holes for items. She watched him move quickly down the hall towards her. "Thank you Captain," she said gratefully. While she had recovered enough from their activities to walk, she still had a great deal of soreness. "What a way to have to see her brother after the funeral of his beloved?" she thought to herself.

Almost immediately after crossing the threshold she was instructed to sit, for which she was ever so appreciative. While fairly certain they were not in trouble, the Tal'Cel still did not know what to expect. She looked up to her companion with a reassuring gaze. Regardless of how things went here today, the fast growing connection between them would persevere. Aelya gave the arm that supported her a reassuring squeeze before she carefully waddle stepped over a few steps to her seat. She took her seat placing her hands on her lap with a labored sigh. "Thank you Aestaesys, it is good to see you again as well. Minus the related bumps and bruises, I am okay thanks to the Captain. " she nodded gently.
Alastair walked in and was looking Airwin over. He had heard little facts here and there of this man but this was the first time Alastair had met with him face to face. "Oh, the honor is all mine, Caeyara, and thank you for your hospitality." Alastair helped Aelya to her and as Alastair took a seat next to her as well.

"Well, let us begin and get the topic at hand covered. While I should not have had to protect Aelya, I'd do it again given the chance. She is a beautiful flower and an example for her people. It is my honor to have gotten the chance to get to know her better." He paused and looked over towards her. "We also have another topic to discuss after the main subject has been covered."