Star Army

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Laz Public Network Tsubomi Tech Bid Number 2: We need hoverbuses!


Inactive Member
Item 2: Bus

Tsubomi requires a standardized bus for its transit system. The lowest bid again would grant us a permanent license to construct these vehicles and sell/appropriate them within the city limits, while maintaining for the designer the right to produce and market these vehicles outside of the city.

Bids will be open for one week, and a prototype must be presented in one month's time by the winner or the runner up may be contacted. Again, we require the following:

* Safety - These will almost always transport a large number of children of various ages. Even more care must be taken in their design. An adult driver will be there to operate the vehicles operating outside of city limits, but the AI will govern the driving inside the city. Due to the vehicle's inability to stop as swiftly as other vehicles, it must be able to adjust its altitude quite readily to avoid a collision, though the best stopping power available while still being safe should be available.

* Simplicity and Reliability - The vehicle should be easy to fix and maintain, with few hard to produce parts. These vehicles must be extra reliable due to constant use and schedule keeping. They should also be quite long-lived, hopefully 20 or more years of operation.

* Power Requirements - 150 kph on road/300 kph at high altitude are the target speeds. An Aether Generator or reliable energy cell should be utilized, with a significant range and runtime if the latter. The craft should have enough lift to carry the vehicle and 72 elementary or 48 secondary school/adult occupants plus tolerances.

* Materials - Materials should be durable, but should not be a drain on military-used materials to excess. They should also be low cost, and generally last for an extended period of time. They should be efficiently used, the efficiency and simplicity of the design superseding appearance in importance. Plastics and Ceramics may be used in lieu of metal content, but not to the point where structural integrity and safety suffer. Blue paint for intra-city travel and green paint for travel outside the city should adhere or be a base color of the materials used.

* Guidance System - The machine should both have a biometric ignition system available to identify their assigned drivers, and the ability to pilot itself. It should be able to use its AI to drive on its own to locations and connect to Tsubomi to be better directed by traffic flow and emergency vehicles. Tsubomi's traffic system should maintain control of the system in the city limits and help keep track of stops, while AI or manual control can be used outside it. It should have PANTHEON access for this functionality.

* Body - The basic body should be a bus body with adjustable seats intended for various ages of children. It should have 72 young/48 older passengers + driver with seats that can hold 3 elementary school aged students or 2 older students.

To: Tsubomi
From: Tamahagane Corporation

We would like to propose our soon to be in production EM-K6 "Kouteki" Grav-Bus for your transportation needs.

Because this design was created using existing systems we have the development cost was minimal.

There fore our license proposal is:

License to manufacture EM-K6 - cost 0 KS Donation
License to use TC equipment to produce the Osmiridium frame: 25,000 KS.

Tamahagane Fumio
COO Tamahagane Corporation
Tsubomi accepts the bid from Tamahagane Corporation for the EM-K6 license for production and license for equipment, for a total of 25,000 KS.

The money has been sent. Thank you for your consideration and the most gracious price. This will be a very important element of Tsubomi's transportation system.

Taisa Kage Yaichiro
Seventh Standard Fleet