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Type 31 Tank

Re: Tank 31 Tank

I don't have any real issues with this, but why treads and artillery?

This is for Yamatai why not a grav tank that fires a fusion cannon or some thing like that? A Grav Tank would have a wider range of operation, wouldn't get mired in the mud, worry about fording rivers etc.
This isn't anything fancy. I'm sure if we had a need for hovering tanks other than the TASHA M9, I'd make one...but this one is just your basic tank for tasks not requiring hyper-advanced tech, such as escorting cargo trucks and holding secured territories.
At a glance, (This is more for curiosity's sake.)

The Main Cannon is a Gauss/Plasma Cannon. Can you elaborate more on just what it is? Gauss Cannons (Coilgun), and Plasma Weaponry are two different beasts.

The 35mm Machinegun. I was actually curious as to the ammunition it uses. (Material wise.)

Wouldn't Yamataium be expensive in a tank format? From the wiki page it seems cost prohibitive, and expensive to produce. I bring this up since well, wouldn't Yamataium be better served in ship construction. I would imagine due to the war being waged, a vast sum of the produced material would go for ship construction, repairs, and replacement parts. (This is also, or may not be taking into account lost production facilities, and supply lines.)

Otherwise, seems alright.
The 35mm Machinegun. I was actually curious as to the ammunition it uses. (Material wise.)
It'll use whatever you put in it, from DU to carbon nanotubes, as long as it's the right shape.

The Main Cannon is a Gauss/Plasma Cannon. Can you elaborate more on just what it is? Gauss Cannons (Coilgun), and Plasma Weaponry are two different beasts.
It fires 105mm railgun slugs OR a flamethrower-style arc of hot plasma globs depending on which fire button you hit.

Wouldn't Yamataium be expensive in a tank format?
It is significantly more expensive than the Type 30 Tankette, but the added protection is worth it. The amount needed to make a tank is not really that much compared to a starship, and Yamatai isn't really building many starships at this point anyway (aside from their new battleships, but they're on the south side of the blockade anyway, not using central Yamatai's resources). As the war goes on, shortages will probably increase but for the time being, there's no issue producing these on Yamatai.


However, on the issue of the Main Cannon, I'd suggest you make the coils very temperature resistant, otherwise, you will have to start changing out the coils every other shot. Realistically speaking, I'm not even sure a Coilgun can be adapted to fire plasma, so it is a tad confusing on my end.
What powers the Type 31?

On a side note, I always figured that mass was very easy to come by to build things out of but the exotic materials and specialized factories for things like Zesu, Aether generators, FTL drives, TTDs, ect. were what limited starship production. That in turn would make the reason for building low tech vehicles and weapons freeing up star ships to do other duties.

Edit: also the type 30 is listed as 35mm in the submission and 30mm in the picture.
Edit: also the type 30 is listed as 35mm in the submission and 30mm in the picture.

I think this is ready fro approval now.
A bit late, and I'm a newbie... but why headlights?

Why not just have Night Vision, Thermal or Infrared?

Headlights just say "SHOOT ME!" in my opinion. Protection is all well and good, but I don't think the crews would appreciate the extra attention.

My two cents...
Night vision and thermal scopes often restrict vision, and make depth perception difficult [at least in RL :/ ], in working a environment (not combat) headlights allow personnel who aren't equipped with night vision to operate, or where NV would hinder performance, such as repair or loading. Plus if it's purpose is for convoy protection other motorists are going to need to see it, just because its a lethal killing machine doesn't mean it shouldn't follow the roadcode.

Also, lights are good for blinding the s**t out of people wearing NV googles. ;)

*Disclaimer: I am not a member of any armed forces or served in any at anytime, any and all statements here are derived from my own conclusions as an armchair general.
Jimmy said:
Night vision and thermal scopes often restrict vision, and make depth perception difficult

Actually, they've cleaned up and refined the vision filters... Depth perception (while Thermal still has a big problem with it...) is perfectly fine with Night Vision, and there is compensation to sudden/extreme differences in lighting -- a good example for Night Vision would be several videos from the Iraq War.

Can't take a Flashbang grenade, but headlights and such aren't a problem... Depth Perception is not a problem, and Night Vision doesn't restrict it at all -- the same with other filters -- it merely changes it.

This is from an Armchair General and somebody who messes with the commercial versions of those sorts of things :)

Edit: And I also see the 'why' for the headlights now, but I still have to ask -- why shouldn't it have those vision filters?
You must also taken into account that SARP is


... where such things would have already been better'd.

Regardless, both would be best, probably. I believe tanks today use both, actually.

Headlights for people around the tank and the visions for the tank crew itself.
If the tank doesn't have headlights, how will the tank crew see their cans of rations when they're camping out in front of the tank? How will they make funny hand shadow puppets? D:

And on the note of the plasma cannon/coil gun; I've always been under the impression that you can, in some instances, be able to have a 'solid' type of plasma. Here in Nepleslia, specifically the FIRE's shoulder-mounted plasma mortar, we turn stuff like tungsten shells into plasma states and shoot them. Maybe that was what Wes was looking into?

Other than the fact that this is an old-style tank in a superfuture setting, I kind of like it. Nothing enormously ground-breaking, but solid enough to hold its intended purposes. And since it isn't like this is the first tank Yamatai has made...the "why tank" question is kinda moot.
I'm just wondering why this thing doesn't have shielding. I would think that a lack of shielding is a bad idea in the SARP verse.

A power armor has shields which can regenerate in somewhere around 30 seconds to a minute. While Yamataiaum can itself regenerate, it would take somewhere along the line of DAYS to repair damage that could have been mitigated by a shield system.
It has shielding.

The headlights and tail lights make it street legal in Yamatai.

I'm going to go ahead and APPROVE this now.
Hold on a second here.

Shields on a tank? That seems a tad excessive (If not nearly treading into another domain). (When one thinks Tank, they usually think heavy armor for protection.). If it was supposed to be inexpensive, then shields would increase costs, which in turn would require a larger generator, further increasing costs wouldn't it? Another issue is with the shield itself (In addition to the SP.) A bubble wouldn't be possible (You'd be scorching the ground from under you.). A half bubble wouldn't be possible purely due to the fact, mines would chew the tank up still, and contain the explosion within the shell making a shrapnel trap of sorts. Even with heavy armor, this could prove devastating.

Form Fitting shields would reduce traction on the ground, and as this uses treads, things would go poorly as a result due to little to no traction or grip. Imagine a car on ice. And you'll get the idea.

EDIT: If I could recall how expensive it was, I would've suggested a Yarvex weave inbetween plates instead. It would help with kinetic penetration, and leave the main bulk of the plate to take the pounding. We're also dealing with a regenerative armor as well, making it incredibly durable and resilient as is.
Directional shields are possible in the SARP - historically, there's a shield type called the GDF (Ground Defense Field) that appeared on older starships like the Yui Scout before the CFS came along. Basically, it protects from the top while not scraping the ground.

This tank is not designed to be cheap, it's designed to survive power armored attackers. Besides, if the DAISY M6 can mount shields, it doesn't make sense not to put them on the tank.
Except, the Daisy can hover, and can be called an All-Terrain Vehicle.

What I am referring to is slippage. One cannot simply protect from the top, and cover the bottom. If you introduce a surface to ice, you'll gain slippage as a result to no grip, or due to it being 'slick'. You need friction and grip. A shield would introduce this into the tank equation and create a danger.

Example 1: You've mentioned Directional Shields. If you come under attack, you put up the shield to cover one direction. However, if you drive over a mine, your bottom explodes, destroying treads, and the lower plate, and likely the engine housing. If you cover the bottom, you risk still blowing your treads, if it covers both, you risk slippage, throwing off possibly critical shots in a fire fight situation.

Example 2: You're under attack once more, except from multiple sides. Your tank is protected, however, if you're in motion, ground based obstacles provide a challenge, and threat to your tank still. Deploy a full shield, movement is decreased due to lack of traction, grip, and friction. You'd lose control. Wet soap sliding across a surface for example. Or, you risk burning the ground out from under you. As I recall, the shields the YSE uses cause significant harm to anything they touch.

This isn't an example, but a mention to my above post's edit.

Soresu said:
EDIT: If I could recall how expensive it was, I would've suggested a Yarvex weave inbetween plates instead. It would help with kinetic penetration, and leave the main bulk of the plate to take the pounding. We're also dealing with a regenerative armor as well, making it incredibly durable and resilient as is.

Could say, if it had this weave, - 2 vs Kinetic Penetration or something. Or simply bump up the hull SP to compensate.