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Type 34 Main Battle Tank


Well-Known Member
Submission Type: Main Battle Tank
Submission URL: Type 34 Main Battle Tank

Faction: Yamatai
FM Approval: No
Faction Art Requirement: Yes

For Reviewers:
Unapproved Sub-Articles: No
New Art: Yes
Previously Submitted: No


As with the other Type 34's under submission, the Type 34 MBT is meant for use in a planned plot. Though permission from Origin's FM, Kai, has been given, none has been given yet by Yamatai's FM, Wes, as this is ultimately something for the Star Army's inventory, if only for the 5th Fleet for the time being.

As mentioned in the other article, assuming that this is well received by the players, a hover conversion will likely be made for general use across the SAoY. And, as I said before, if the DeLorian could do it in the future, I don't see why this can't either.

Simulation Room
Review in Progress will be completed by 12/28. Giving time for others to comment.
There are two things that are holding me back from granting FM approval:

1. Kai has made it clear that Origin is "not a Yamataian company," despite the fact that it's based in Yamatai. If it's not Yamataian, I don't think we should be using their stuff in the Star Army. We need a supply chain we can depend on to stick with Yamatai during hard times.

2. What usefulness does a wheeled or tracked vehicle bring to the battlefield when infantry soldiers can travel at car-like speeds already?
I understand you're worried, so I'll explain it all the best I can.

First and foremost, absolutely nothing has changed IC between Origin and Yamatai - things are the same as they have been, even before the move in the forums. The shift of Origin out of the Yamatai Forum Subsection was intended primarily as an OOC effort to appeal to more players and factions of players on the site. We're trying to draw everyone together with our product lines - think of us as Swiss Wallmart in Space if you must. Though we're currently based in one nation, we've been impartial as possible between all, and we've dealt with Yamatai fairly in the past, haven't we? We still intend to do so.

Now, with that aside, on to wheeled and tracked vehicles.

These vehicles, though less mobile than the fast moving Power Armors in the Star Army of Yamatai's inventory, are intended for very specific roles. They are more heavily armed as well as armored, which is their tradeoff - for extended planetary invasion and conquest, which also involves plenty of urban fighting, these machines are indispensable for those very same reasons.

Powered Armors are the bread and butter of the site, and they remain so - what these vehicles are meant to do is support them. There are several niches that are vital to a well oiled combined arms war-machine that aren't quite filled as well as they should be. That's why I've gotten to work on these vehicles. Here, for the tank in specific, the thing acts as a very hard hitting sniper platform out in vast wide open spaces, while providing close support fire against buildings occupied by enemy troops and their heavy units.

I also know that you specifically requested that new vehicles for the Star Army be hover, but there's a reason for why these are ground based too - it's for the sake of the story. Later on, there will be a hover conversion for these vehicles, but what you see here is more or less just the first production run; a Mod Mk 1 or some such will be released at a later date.

And since you bring up the question of a reliable supply chain, well, this is just the first batch for 5th Fleet to mess around with. Right now, the way I envision them being built is with all the Origin parts inside, but the Ketsurui Zaibatsu missing and awaiting installation, since those are all KZ proprietary anyways. If the players like having them around, and an improved, mass production variant requested, then KZ can get a license to build the whole things themselves.

But don't forget Dawn Station isn't too far away and in a place of safety, or that there's Sunrise Station too - it's right in the Industrial Sector!


On a side note, do take notice that there is a Simulation Room Entry of these, something I did to have fun. As a result, the accounts are not completely accurate, but if they were in a plot, I would have had them more worse for wear.
I don't think we should be using their stuff in the Star Army. We need a supply chain we can depend on to stick with Yamatai during hard times.

And to think, you dare wonder why the number of people writing tech specifically for Yamatai is so small -- and why entirely in my opinion (and likely that of many many others), Yamatai compensates with its lack of innovation with overwhelming force -- which is the worst logistical model you should have in 'hard times'.

If you're trying for realism (modeling your country on a real one), you're mistaken again: Northrop, Gruman, Lockheed and Boeing and General Dynamics are all international public traded companies. Even Fairchild Republic -- creator of the mighty A10 Warthog was a public company.

And they all outsource specific components to specialist (and usually non-American) companies. The F22A alone is produced by two major companies and 11 sub-contractors.

So where has this attitude come from, really?

This "We can only use things we've made for ourself because DERP".

I - and even my characters - been snubbed by it repeatedly. And in all honesty, I think its utterly stupid. It makes my company not want to do business with Yamatai at all. Which is a shame because our major products were originally designed FOR Yamatai -- but we believe if Yamatai can have nice toys, so can everyone else.

Withholding technology is like withholding information: It stifles innovation and makes the nation doing it look like they're desperate to keep the weak technical advantage they have because they don't have any others.

At least give people the means to defend themselves against the big nasty threats, like the NMX -- instead of needing the good old boys of the Star Army of Yamatai to swoop in and save the day.

And another thing: There's no visible vector for negotiating contracts, even if you do want to produce specific equipment exclusively for Yamatai, ICly or OOCly. Even if I swallowed my pride and tried again, I'd still be told 'unless you bend over only for us and become our bitch, you can't work with us'.

That just isn't good enough.

Its ridiculous, unrealistic, entirely non-beneficial for everyone involved. And what's worst is I have my doubts the attitude exists outside of you, Wes, specifically.

I'm sorry if I've upset anyone or insulted anyone. It hasn't been my intention. If you can explain the necessity of this petty attitude, I'd be more than welcome to hear it.

Because before I started writing the Sparrow, what I really wanted to do was write a power-armour Yamatai would be proud to use -- and I realized pretty quickly that wouldn't ever be a possibility -- just like it wasn't with Project THOUGHT.

I'd just be wasting my time.
Though I appreciate the comparison of Origin Industries to Fairchild Republic, the creators of the A-10 and several other international companies, as well as the support for the Type 34s, please be civil. I understand that working in the NTSE can be frustrating at times, but there's no need to be so sharp tongued to our peers here on SARP.

We're all trying to have a good time, and it's pretty counter-productive to do so, so please, I'm asking everyone here to be polite.
For standardization purposes, would it be possible to use 35mm rounds and 105mm cannon rounds like the Troll? Also, the "Big Cat" is already the nickname for a shuttle IIRC. Is there something else we can use?
There is a shuttle Ke-T2-1C that is called big cat, and Origin has a Big Cat Hover car.
Wes said:
For standardization purposes, would it be possible to use 35mm rounds and 105mm cannon rounds like the Troll? Also, the "Big Cat" is already the nickname for a shuttle IIRC. Is there something else we can use?

We looked into using the 35mm and 105mm rounds, but discovered that their listed performance was worse than those that we eventually decided to put on. However, seeing as the weapons we've used are going to be used over all the Type 34 platforms, I feel that that will give them a large enough usage that, for the Fifth fleet at least, they will become a common ammunition type swiftly enough.

As for the 'Big Cat' name, I personally don't care, but Cadet wanted to do a 'cat' theme for these vehicles since they're intended for Yamatai.
I'm sorry for the delay!

Kai summed it up quite well - I had originally attempted to use 35mm rounds for the sake of ammunition commonality, but I found that they were shorter in range than the gauss based 25mm rounds. The very same was considered with the 105mm gun that the Troll used, and though its range was perfectly acceptable, its damage dealing capabilities were not. Due to these reasons, we stuck with the 125mm gauss cannon, and the 25mm gauss autocannon.

As for the name of the tank itself, I have switched it to "Oni" to keep with the theme of the Troll, yet also have the name be more Yamataian in nature.
Please add the missing textual appearance description to the wiki article.
I forgot to reply here stating the text description for the appearance was already added. I've also just applied other updates as well:
  • Updated the Type 34 to DRv3
  • Updated the 125mm gun to DRv3