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Type 35 Nekovalkyrja Mini Laser


Well-Known Member
Submission Type: Secondary weapon, pistol
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=st ... ini_laser&

FM Approved Yet? - Not yet, but Wes knows I am making this.
Faction requires art? - Huh, not sure. Article has art though.

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? - No.
Contains New art? - Sort of, I took older NSP picture and just re-did it to show how this weapon looks like. Art still belongs to Wes anyway.
Previously Submitted? - No


I made this in light of miniature-nekoes showing up again in RP. Mog already has mini-neko PC, I have an NPC and several people on IRC showed interest and might make a character as well. So I made this.
Edited a bit after feedback from CadetNewb.

EDIT: After more discussion with Cadet and Doshii I added a second fire mode to the weapon and upped the pricing.
Wearing my Co-FM hat, I give this my nod.

Still has a lot of typos. But the concept is sound.
It works considering back in the day Mini-Neko used tiny laser weapons to hunt rodents in ventilation ducts.
With Nash's FM approval. I've looked this over (meant to look at it last night) and see nothing wrong with it.

I fixed numerous spelling errors.
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