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Approved Submission U-1 Changes


Inactive Member
Submission Type: New Gunpod
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=faction:uso:u1-w3900#w3900rfl_gunpod

Faction: USO
FM Approved Yet? Yes
Faction requires art? Yes

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No
Contains New art? Yes
Previously Submitted? No

Notes: Full Disclosure update. I probably don't need to submit this for approval but I'm doing so to avoid it looking like I'm trying to sneak anything through.

I've added a new gunpod type to the U-1 page with art put together by Rizzo.

The gunpod isn't anything different than what is already on the page but it does have slightly less ammo and it can be reloaded through magazine.

I've also made changes to the U-1 page with regards to how hardpoints are laid out. Again nothing really new here but now that the W3900 article is broken out by gunpod type for the weapon I've put down what pod can go where.

This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
This needs more than two charts and pictures. Can you explain this addition in text format somewhere on the page?
There needs to be a description for what it is somewhere. The only mention of the rifle gunpod are in the charts and it needs to be clearly defined what it is and why it is that way.
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