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U-1cm Cargo Module


Inactive Member
Submission Type: Space Box
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=wip:u-1cm

Faction: USO
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A space-box that attaches to the U-1 mecha so that it can hold people / cargo / act like a really budget version of a shuttle.
This seems pretty solid.

I do have a question, though: If the mecha needs to purge the cargo container, how is that instruction conveyed? It kind of sounds like everything in the container is self-contained and managed by that datapad/console inside. IF you feel it's relevant, that might be a worthy detail to add to the article.

Let me know.
Reactions: Wes
I think that is a bit out of scope for this. The mechanical action the U-1 takes to attach and un-attach things to its hard points isn't defined.

There is an implication in the U-1 article that it is a mix of physical connections and magnetic attachment points. This is a pretty basic bucket for holding things, so the U1 can just 'let go' of it, or it can communicate over wifi to the datapad (which isn't the best method, I'm aware, but this isn't exactly the most quality thing to come out of USO.)
Out of scope? Jettisoning is something that happens to cargo modules in sci-fi. The way the article read, all the control and mechanical components was in the module, so I wondered what control (or lack thereof) the pilot might have on that. If you're in a dogfight and want to shed some weight, now, we know the pilot could do it via a WiFi release signal.

I suggest you add it to the article since it's a nice bit of info, but that's up to you.

This said, I think this passes muster, so...

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