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Approved Submission U1-02a Production Model


Inactive Member
Submission Type: Variable Mecha
Submission URL:https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=faction:uso:u1-02a

Faction: USO
FM Approved Yet? Yes
Faction requires art? Yes

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? Yes
Contains New art? Yes
Previously Submitted? No

Notes: Continued development of the U1 along with some new parts!

Long story short: it is much easier for Alex and I to both do U-1 variable mecha stuff if we each have a slightly different version to work with. This is going to be the Homebrew USO version.
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This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Full Disclosure:

I removed the stealth entry in the interest of making the article more stream lined + some minor corrections to spelling/grammar here and there.
"...levering exeriance..."

Referencing a block of bose-einstein condensate when that doesn't exist in SARP is not something I think should pass. Either make a wiki for this type of tech or say, "...a block of something similar to bose-einstein condensate..."

"Each is remotely control..." (Either say, remote controlled or controlled remotely.)

How long does transformation take?

"Fighter Mode: Speed (No Atmosphere) .4c" Please check out speed standards.
I don't think you understand, it can't go over .375c
These are overridden by the new guidelines in DRv3
Seeing as it's made out of durandium, it can't be considered unarmored. This is a light armor. Even then, it's a borderline medium mecha. Looking at it more fully, this actually surpasses the measurements of a light mecha.

You also need to unlink the cupcake until it is approved.
This is @Zack's show. I'm just pointing out what I think I should.

Also, I think the distinction is that while it is made of Durandium, it has no actual armoring.
T7 is light mecha, and at the time I didn't know it needed to be approved. I also, IIRC, left the DRv2 rating.

See Damage Rating (Version 2) for an explanation of the damage system.

  • Body: 25 SP (T 7 under new DR rules) (Armor Scale)
  • Shields: 25 SP threshold 5 (T 7 under new DR rules) (Armor Scale)
Let's see what comes of this, but afterwards it would be good if you resubmitted it with updated DR on it, as has been done elsewhere for other factions.
I fixed the grammar issues.

Rather than fixing the cooling system I just removed it outright. Going over it again I think it would be best to not mention how the U-1 cools itself this time around, and then later write a nicely detailed combination stealth/cooling/ect system article.

Similarly, rather than argue about what unarmored means under DvR3 I just went ahead and removed references to Durandium in the skin of the craft and renamed the 'Armor' section to 'Hull / Internal Structure'. I think that is ultimately going to get across that 'this is unarmored' better than doing it the first way around.

Lastly, speed is .4 since the original U1's speed was .32 and this adds a .075 speed bonus (with a cap at .45) and I rounded up by .5 because .4 looks better than .395 I think.

Edit: Removed the cupcake!

Double Edit: Are you saying it should be classified as a medium mecha? or did you want it to stay as a light mecha? I copied the original U-1 for the tier and it looks like that tier ranking needs to go back to the NTSE anyways.
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I just think with the tier weapons it uses and the size of it, it should be medium mecha. What are your thoughts on that?
I'm fine with either. Probably tier 8 with the armor pack we're planning making it tier 9. I'll talk with Ame about updating the U-1 prototype to the same size and armor rating.
Not to be rude, but while looking over this submission myself (out of curiosity, of course) I noticed several major issues related to the variable fighter's compliance with the Damage Rating (Version 3) system, specifically:
  • To start, the U1-02a is most certainly not Tier 8, because it's simply too small. Why? Simple - take a look at the following comparison between the U1-02a U-1 Production Model Variable Mecha and the Na-YF/A-6A "Scythe" Stealth Fighter/Interceptor - which, although I haven't gotten around to updating the article itself yet, was approved by the NTSE as a Tier 8 starfighter.

    As illustrated, the U1-02a (and U-1) barely qualify as a Light Mecha - and cannot be claimed to be Tier 8 (Medium Mechas) by any stretch of the imagination - while the Scythe can reasonably be classified as a Tier 8 unit, given that it surpasses two of the three size requirements established here.
  • Next up are the armaments of both the U-1 Prototype and the U-1 Production Model: They simply do not work under the weaponry limitations defined here.
    • As a Tier 7 unit, neither of the two variable mecha can make use of the Shot Cannon - at Tier 11, it would require sixteen weapon slots, twice the allowed maximum of eight.
    • Although the Gatling Laser Rifle is indeed usable by the U-1 and the U1-02a, equipping it forbids the mounting of any other weapon systems due to consuming all eight available weapon slots as a Tier 10 weapon.
    • Fortunately, however, the Spear and Shield does permit the usage of Energy Missile Pods (up to sixteen, to be precise) thanks to only being a Tier 8 weapon/shield combination.

    Before it's brought up by certain individuals attempting to derail this thread, yes, I'm aware of the fact that the Scythe's weaponry isn't yet converted and that it exceeds the aforementioned weaponry limitations. As part of the aforementioned NTSE-approved update, I nerfed the starfighter's weaponry to a level that satisfies the rules mentioned earlier - I just haven't yet updated the page to reflect this yet.
  • There is literally no possible way the U-1bm Booster Module has the/provides the defenses of a destroyer - with its small size, it'd be a Tier 4 unit at most - nor are either of the variable fighters even capable of wielding a Tier 11 weapon to begin with, as stated before.
  • Lastly is the matter of the variable mecha's atmospheric speeds - according to this section of the damage rating guidelines, they're simply too high.

    Here's what would be required to bring them back into line with the aforementioned rules:
    • Reduce the U-1's running speed from 100 kilometers/hour to 90 kilometers/hour.
    • Reduce the U-1's skimming speed from 242 kilometers/hour to 100 kilometers/hour.
    • Reduce the atmospheric speed of the U-1 and U1-02a's mecha forms from Mach 5.2 to Mach 1.7.
    • Reduce the atmospheric speed of the U-1 and U1-02a's fighter forms from Mach 6 to Mach 5.

    Again, to pre-empt certain individuals attempting to derail this thread, yes, I'm aware that the Scythe's atmospheric speeds are also too fast. They're one of the first things I plan to fix while updating it.
I cannot stress enough that I mean no offense with this post - I merely wish to point out several violations of previously-approved rules so that they may be corrected and avoided in the future.

Addendum: Upon searching the forums, I was able to find a single instance in which a unit with an excess of weaponry was approved - however, my interpretation is that this was a special one-time-only exemption that should not considered as a justification for exceeding otherwise-ironclad regulations (unless, of course, @Fred or @Doshii Jun feel differently).
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This is what I get for porting things over directly without checking.

The Atmospheric speed of the U1-02a has been adjusted down accordingly.

As for Tier 8 vs Tier 7: I thought that 7 made the most sense based on size, but Ame is right that this does exceed the size of Tier 7. If we're going price is right rules (closest without going over) then this would be Tier 8. Ultimately I'll leave that up to her.
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