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Approved Submission U1-W3900 Coilgun


Inactive Member
Submission Type: U1 Weapon Pod
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=faction:uso:u1-w3900

Faction: USO
FM Approved Yet? Yes
Faction requires art? Yes

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No
Contains New art? Yes
Previously Submitted? No


The idea is that this is an aircraft-grade machine gun type weapon so I based the fire rate on what I saw from a wiki search of similar items. Co-incidentally giving this weapon 666 rounds of ammo means it can keep shooting for 20 seconds (or two rounds of RP if the player isn't conserving ammo!)

More ammunition types may come later when I have the energy, so damage and range are listed there rather than with the weapon. The intention is to never go over Teir 9 with damage, though there may be round types that go lower or have a different range because of rocket-assist or whatever.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Blah, the question then is 'what is an acceptable speed for a coil gun?'

Ships already travel at .4c, and reducing the coil gun to that still seems stupidly-high for a coil gun from my perspective and then cannon wouldn't be able to hit anything moving at-speed in space without some kind of special rocket-bullets that speed up.

Lower, more reasonable speeds, also present the same problem.
I'm fine with whatever, I just need to know what to put.

Should I sidestep this issue entirely and just remove the speed of the projectiles?
OK, just made like 20 edits that should have all been done at once because I'm bad and can't read the full article before hitting save.

speed of the projectile has been removed so this issue can be neatly sidestepped.
I made a small edit to the damage rating of the sensor fused projectile in order for it to better fit the intention of the round after I was informed that a single round would core an on tier target. It's now tier 8 rather than 9.