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Approved Submission U3901 engine

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My question from the other thread still stands: When did Wazu have the time to make this? Where is the RP to back it up? Why is Wazu able to get away with giving USO all of this tech?
To sum up the other thread:
When did Wazu have the time to make this? | Wazu is working on stuff nearly all the time.

Where is the RP to back it up? | I don't write 'Wazu worked on this engine design he had been thinking about' in the Eucharis RP. I've just been having Wazu either doing stuff with his datapad, or mentioned that he has been in his cabin / medical bay working on stuff.

Why is Wazu able to get away with giving USO all of this tech? | Wazu is a special snowflake. Consider that this is a guy who was involved in one large scale rebellion against Yamatai, the break away of Nepleslia, and has actively fought against Yamatai. He also is on the Eucharis at Hanako's request and is using his talents to help her out, He knows Yui personally, and he isn't actually in the SAoY so it isn't like they have any right to what he does and the same expectations of an officer in the SAoY don't apply to him.

He isn't really hiding what he is doing, and Hanako could ask Wazu to stop but she hasn't.
"The engine designed to fail gracefully..." (Add was in between engine and designed.)

I am under the assumption that you will make that change, so I'll go ahead and say:

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