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Ugugumo Bomb


Inactive Member
Ugugumo terror weapon.
History and Background: The Ugugumo was custom designed for a single act of extortion against the PNUgen corporation. The external appearance is that of a portable power generator to help the device slip past any detection devices.
About the Ugugumo: Because the weapon was designed specifically for action inside of a PNUgen starship the primary weapon systems are tailored for anti-organic warfare and lasting anti-location results should they be detonated.
Statistical Information:

Government: N/A
Organization: N/A
Type: Suicide Bomb
Uso Tasuki
Manufacturer: N/A
Production: N/A

Crew: 0
Maximum Capacity: 0.
Appearance: The main body is an upside down egg shape with various sensor instruments attached to the left side, two antenna extending at a angle from both sides of the top and a simple mechanical arm protruding from the right that carries an inbuilt weapon system. The legs are blocking reverse jointed mechanical appendages with small armored plates facing forward and exposed mechanical components on the back of the main support bars. A single active denial field plate is stretched around the middle of the egg in a ring. The body and armor plates are colored a metal gray while the internal components are painted black.

Length: 2 feet
Width: 2 feet
Height: 5 feet
Mass: 400 pounds

Speeds: 10 MPH
Planetary: 10 MPH

Range: 500 miles
Lifespan: five months
Weapons Systems:
No-XP-01 (1): The NovaCorp Xaser Pistol grew out of the technology needed to make the Xaser Assault Rife, and uses even more recent advances in EMR laser technology, capable of focusing to beam to an even greater degree than the Xaser Rifle, so even though the shots are less powerful, they are more efficient, able to deal more damage with the same amount of power. This is combined with significantly more advanced battery technology. The beam of the Xaser Pistol retains the extreme penetrating ability of the XAR, capable of going through armour and such objects as walls easily and still damages the organic on the other side. It doesn't only damage organics, but also retains its damaging potential against solid objects due to the high energy of the blasts, and plays havoc with circuitry. A Xaser blast in the vicinity can seriously damage it. Due to its penetration ability it takes away almost all advantages that scenery might have, unless that scenery is several metres of lead. It is extremely damage to organics, not least because its great penetration means the burn wound goes all the way through, even if it didn't have enough power to cut a hole, and even if it doesn't kill leaves horrible burns, kills most tissue it touches and can easily make cells that survive cancerous. It is not a weapon to use if you want to subdue someone, and wounds will have to be treated or they will likely become cancerous, and develop radiation poisoning, often fatal. The shots are also invisible and silent, and if on a low enough power setting don't leave a mark on the target (if targeted at the head, a low yield shot can kill without leaving an external mark).
Location: Inbuilt, Right arm
Primary Purpose: Anti-personnel
Secondary Purpose: Anti-organic
Damage: Minimal
Range: 400ft
Rate of Fire: 35rpm
Payload: 50 charges

Active Denial Field (1): An active denial field was included on the weapon to prevent tampering while the weapon is activated. By using microwave radiation penetrating very short distances into the skin pain receptors can be triggered causing intense pain sensations. This radiation is emitted from a ring around the center of the weapon's body.
Location: 6in wide ring around the main body.
Primary Purpose: Anti-personel
Damage: Less than Lethal
Range: 60ft
Rate of Fire: Continuous
Payload: As long as power is provided.

Self Destruct (1): The primary weapon onboard is the self destruct system built into the nuclear reactor of the machine. The reactor itself is already dangerous on its own, relying on an oxygen flammable liquid coolant under high pressure. Three release mechanisms are used to detonate. The first is opening of the outer casing, causing oxygen to come in contact with the coolant. Second is venting of water from the external radiator located along the back into the primary coolant system for the reactor, third is explosive seals on the internal piping. All of which can be used to detonate the weapon and create a large scale dirty bomb. The high radiation content of the weapon is intended specifically to be difficult to clean up, nanomachines or otherwise.
Location: Internal
Primary Purpose: Anti-organic
Secondary Purpose: Anti-location
Damage: moderate
Range: dependent on wind currents
Rate of Fire: once
Payload: one.

Systems Descriptions:

A.I.(3): The AI system and its two backups control all the functions of the weapon. All three are built with off the shelf computer technology and each is hooked into all three of the self destruct system to help ensure detonation. The A.I. Is not sentient and capable only of simple operations such as moving about and protecting itself against attack and disarmament attempts.
Communications(3): Two communication antennas on the exterior and one inbuilt system act as receivers for the subspace radio on the weapon. The receivers aren't intended for two way communication but merely to receive the activate, extend timer, and deactivate commands from a command post.
Nuclear reactor (1): The majority of the internal space is dedicated to a fast breeder reactor cooled by molten sodium with a water based radiator system to vent excess heat through the back of the main body. The reactor is naturally unstable and prone to meltdowns which is why it was chosen for this weapon.To prevent radiation leakage the reactor is stored inside of several layers of radiation shielding including layers of lead and a NBC protection system.
Sensor Package (1): The sensors are placed on the left side of the weapon in a spherical pod. A cylindrical lens and camera package extends from this sphere. The sensors also combine thermal imaging and radar.
Speaker System(1): A speaker built into the underside of the weapon is designed to allow simple communication with the surroundings such as simple threats and recorded messages.
Approved (I don't like it, though).
Reminds me of one of those floating droids of death in Space Quest 1! XD Big ugly thing that floats around it's ship and when it sees you - ZAAPP! - you're scattered atoms.

*load game*
If you don't like it, why'd you approve it, wes?

Even if it's within the scope of the universe to make, you do have excutive power to keep it from appearing in the canon.
Why would the Qel'Norans have access to NovaCorp technology? Uso is QIS-aligned, right?

(Sorry if I'm not making sense. I'm pretty tired right now.)
Well, I wanted to start using more components rather than custom written things specifically for a certain ship or whatever. My thinking is that once enough individual parts have been approved that have descriptions that don't actually reference the ship that they are on I can Frankenstein new ships. I was going to have an X-ray weapon on it anyways so I figured why not try using the Nova Corp Xaser and see what people's reaction is.

I would like to know what about it Wes dosen't like though.
First of all, the name sucks. Not only does it sound all jihad-ish, but now I'm probably on some friggin' homeland security watch list because I keep getting topic reply notifications titled "infidel bomb."

Secondly, it's a walking bomb. That's not going to do any good for the RP, just destroy people's creations.
Let's call it the Sarien Eliminator Droid! XD

Seriously, I don't mind the floating eyesore of death machine. Fire a NSP on it and it goes boom (a small normal explosion kind) - good enemies to take down by players, maybe?

edit : maybe remove the uber bomb and just make it a self-destruct device so it wouldn't be salvaged and reverse engineered? Seriously, I think this could be recycled in a weak droid type - this setting needs some.
That would defy the entire purpose of the droid to begin with. It is a suicide robot after all.

If you want weak droid type - the assistant android range is at roughly standard human strength.
I disagree with your bit about it being bad for RP. I mean aren't all weapons technically here to destroy other people's creations?

Aside from that the name has been changed to Ugugumo. Same general theme but now with 100% less jihad.