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[UMC] Maelstrom Power Armor System

This research was further pushed along by the YE 29 encounter between the LSDF, YSS Sakura, and Black Spiral. The resulting data gathered from the conflict was enough to guide Lorath armor development from that point onward.
How is witnessing a brief battle going to spur your power armor development? If you're referring to the idea of power armor (rather than mecha), then say so clearly.

through the endeavors of the United Manufacturing Cooperative and it's duty
It's design is primarily focused on survivability,
Its duty. "It's" only means "it is." You should know this by now.

Ground speed: 90 MPH
Air speed (Combat Mode): 390 MPH
Air speed (Flight Mode): Mach 3.5
Zero Atmosphere (STL): .370c
Zero Atmosphere (FTL, subspace drive): 3000c
Zero Atmosphere (FTL, CDD): 500c
Great, just what we need, another super-speed power armor. Why not follow the trend of the Daisy and come up with armor that's armor, not a wearable space ship?

a Antimatter Munitions Launcher system mounted upon it's
An. Its.
Should be ADR 4. In fact, your whole list of anti-matter munitions on this page each need to be knocked down by one point each.

Plasma Saber which includes its own power supply
Another grammar failure. It's in the rules that you proofread the submissions, you know.

Armor Composition

Exterior Shell Component Composition: Duremium Alloy
Joint Composition: Class-A Structol
Insulation Layer Composition: Boron-Carbide
Damage Rating

Structural Points

15 SP
Armor materials don't have DRs anymore. They have categories (light, medium, heavy).

Seing as this entire submission is essentially a clone of the Mindy, right down to the modular components, why should this get 15 SP when a Mindy, being a light power armor, only gets 6 to 10 SP?

Interior Control Suit Options

Due to the size of the Maelstrom, conventional pilot compartments found aboard the AMX-Series armor could not be utilized. As a measure to promote survivability of the Maelstrom and the pilot of the Maelstrom, the option was taken to incorporate a pre-existing armor system as a control suit. This feature also accounts for providing the Maelstrom with a sizable portion of it's operational equipment without actually dedicating a portion of the Maelstrom itself to the functions covered by the control armor. The inserted control suit effectively wears the Maelstrom upon it. The Maelstrom's systems are connected to the control suit through hardwire interface thus allowing for the two systems to work in tandem. To promote optimal fit, the interior of the Maelstrom includes an insulation layer of soft structol material which conforms to the inserted control suit and utilizes Class-B structol to create hardwire interfaces.
Lo-M1-3 / SDI-M3 Hunter Powered Suit

An option for interior control suit includes the Lo-M1-3 (SDI-M3) Hunter Powered Suit.
Gust Armor System

Part of the original Maelstrom project concept founded by the Lorath, the option of utilizing a 'Wind' Armor Series with Gust Armor Kit remains available.
Tenshi no Yoru Light Mechanized Power Armor

To facilitate usage by Peacekeeper forces, the Maelstrom includes the possibility of utilizing the Tenshi no Yoru 'Tenshi' Light Mechanized Power Armor as an internal control suit.
Hell no. There's no way I'm letting you get away with wearing two power armors at the same time. Extremely lame and impractical, not to mention unfair from a game balance perspective.

Energy/Matter Converter

To facilitate some of the Maelstrom's needs such as structol nutrient supplies, weapon system plasma, and engine plasma the Maelstrom includes a basic energy-to-matter converter which can convert power from the QNC into matter which is distributed from the converter to needed systems through a series of Class-A structol tubes which utilize a pulsating motion to push matter through the armor much like a vascular system.
Power armors should not have matter synthesizers in general. They shouldn't fit. No other PA has this ability. This submission shouldn't either. Instead, there should be a finite amount of material like with the Mindy Nodal Fabrication module.

Borrowing from the Tenshi armor series,
Did they get permission? From who, when, and how?

Subspace Drive System

The Maelstrom includes a compact Enhanced Subspace Wave Drive. However, due to the compact nature of the system it is only able to deliver a maximum speed of 3000c.
That's still tremendously fast, enough to make having a starship optional. It's even faster that the Mindy, which has superior FTL tech (CFS)! Also, if it's using an Enhanced Subspace Wave Drive, it should have a projector for that...which the article doesn't mention.

The Maelstrom includes common and uncommon Lorath Sensor Packages in tandem with the sensors which could be found aboard the control-suit within the Maelstrom.
First of all, the sensors in the suit within the suit wouldn't work because they'd be blocked. Secondly, it's lame how you're trying to nonchalantly place supposedly "uncommon" sensors on a mass-production common power armor.

Where the heck do all these sensors fit? On the Mindy 1H, each sensor has a specific location listed. If you're going to stuff a power armor with sensors (which is totally unnecessary--it's a power armor, not a ship), at least give them physical bulk and presence.

Mobility Enhancement System

To enhance the ground mobility of the Maelstrom, a series of electomagnetic driven rollers are included in the feet of the Maelstrom. These rubber-treaded rollers are capable of moving the Maelstrom at considerable speeds over ground surfaces. These rollers can include an adhesive system for traveling on starship hulls.
Oh really? I feel intellectually ripped off, but this particular item is not a problem with the submission, just another similarity with the Mindy.

The Maelstrom includes mounting brackets on it's forearms
Its. Get it right.

How is it that you have two weapons per hand AND a forearm mounting system?

separates into it's individual components
Continued grammar failure.

Grappling Cable Launcher

Located on the undersides of the forearms of the Maelstrom are two small launch tubes intended solely for the purpose of launching a grappling hook device. The grappling hook itself is designed to utilize a set of retractable prongs and magnetic forces to secure itself upon an anchor point. The grappling hook is secured to the Maelstrom by a stonethread weave cord which is capable of sustaining up to one-hundred tons of pressure before cord failure. Each launcher contains two-hundred meters of cable fixed onto a magnetic reel system.
While a grappling system is a novel idea, it should probably saved for a forearm hardpoint, as you appear to already have too much stuff on the forearm/hand area.
Issue 1: Armor or Mecha?

The brief encounters with Hanako's ship are enough to spur every single field of technological development forward. That ship just causes that much trouble to the point where onlookers desire a large series of many deadly objects just so the same stuff can't be repeated.

Issue 2: Grammar

I'm quite glad you took the time to nitpick every single little occurrence. It's quite nice and i'll be sure to fix the errors when i'm not busy.

Issue 3: Speed

The Daisy is a ground infantry armor, I don't see how it's turtle-style is going to impact space design.

Issue 4: Antimatter Munitions

I'll give it some tweaks accordingly, however, not all numbers will be changed due to size scale and intended effect of size-class' warhead.

(Edited the article while writing this reply)

Issue 5: Armor Rating

Because its bigger, and thicker.

Issue 6: Armor in Armor

I bet you could climb into a tank with a Daisy on. Or pilot a shuttle in a Kylie (Hell, did that before). As for the matter of balance, I hand-picked armor which would be usable in the Maelstrom. The Gust, Hunter, and Tenshi are quite fragile on their own, thus they would not be of a great advantage if they eject. Additionally, due to wearing the Maelstrom they would be unable to have any weapons in their hands to provide useful and sufficient firepower. As for the matter of practicality... I find that wearing a skin-tight leather-jacket (as Osaka calls them) to be of questionable practicality in the first place, added armor makes the units practical.

Issue 7: Matter-Synth

Alright, to address the issue of armor in armor, and the matter of damage rating for armor. I'm going to increase the size of the Maelstrom to place it in the fighter category for balance issues due to number available. I'll post again when I finish the proper tweaking to size.

Issue 8: Tenshi Armor
Refer to United Manufacturing Cooperative policy.

Issue 9: Speed II
I'll fix that in the size increase.

Issue 10: Sensors
I'll fix that in the size increase.

Issue 11: Mobility
Refer to AMX-102, Whirlwind, and Gust

Issue 12: Weapon mounting
The girl is beefy, she has the space, and she'll have more when I increase her size.

Issue 13: Grappling
Refer to size mentions.

Mmkay, I'll revisit the article later when I'm not busy. Thank you Wes for taking time to review my submission.
If this is made to be a Fighter vehicle, instead of a power armor, that would address a lot of the issues Wes had with the submission.

However, by inheriting the Fighter moniker, the submission should also inherit the downsides, like minimal atmospheric use and ability. There shouldn't be starfighters on the ground fighting like tanks, armored soldiers or mechanized troops.
Fighter-class doesn't mean it's a fighter, at least in my opinion. It just means it's larger than the standard, so it's classed with the starfighters.
DocTomoe said:
I bet you could climb into a tank with a Daisy on. Or pilot a shuttle in a Kylie (Hell, did that before).

Makes sense, then. The Maelstrom is smaller than a standard starfighter or tank, but is big _enough_ (ie, the minimum size) to qualify. That would enable the armor-in-armor concept, of which it sounds like the Gust is barely qualified as a _powered_ armor anyway (no more than a frame with plates, rather than a completely self-contained unit like others).

So basically you're getting an almost-tank with an almost-PA inside it. Doesn't sound like a problem. The almost-tank can take out a proper PA and the almost-PA can overwhelm a standard non-PA infantry unit (though the latter comes out of the Maelstrom without any weapons, so it'd be scavenged weapons or hand-to-hand, if they fight at that point at all), which I think is what Wes sees as a problem. By barely qualifying as a tank, you actually have a super-high-powered PA masquerading as a tank.

That's a rather good idea, actually...hope no one else catches on to this or we'll have more companies making walking almost-tanks appearing as PA killers.
That's a rather good idea, actually...hope no one else catches on to this or we'll have more companies making walking almost-tanks appearing as PA killers.


*Throws away the drawing board.
*Walks in and detaches the I.V from his arm.* I've counted the word lame about three or four times already in that second post. :|

Now. Beyond the slight glitch on constructive critiquing...

Armor within armor?

ElectroMagnetic Rollers. I see no where in the Mindy articles of them, and I checked all the way back to the 1F. So, I therefore see no "intellectually ripped offness" here. Since the Mindy basically used the CFS to do everything from simple hovering, to flying, to gravity based manipulation. It is as Tomoe has said, the AMX-Series does indeed use the roller system. (Unless there is proof otherwise that I may have overlooked.)

While in some areas the CFS is...Superior, in others it is inferior, once it goes down, you're dead in the water in many different ways. With this drive system it is a little more redundant, and operates separate from the shields themselves and serves only that one purpose.

The Sensors. The AIES system has them built in already as I recall, the 1H has 'enhanced' or 'more' equipment as it is a support armor. The AIES system also includes a tachyon based tracking system. Including optical tracking the same way as the NH-29S including a second imaging array (which with the former makes it either a back up, or redundant system).

As for permission to use stuff from the Tenshi, he got it from me. With Andrew still presently gone, and Kim busy that leaves me to pickup the slack in the UOC when she is unavailable.

Once again, as Tomoe stated, the brief battle bit. Seeing even a few moments can spur the imagination and make the mind go into overtime on dreaming up bigger and better things when seeing other species in action. Basically, inspiration is a key motivator in a plethora of what we come up with.

*Transforms and rolls out.*
Rollers. I see no where in the Mindy articles of them, and I checked all the way back to the 1F
This was in the Mindy 2B article for months, but never made it to the 3A version. It's a non-issue. Don't focus on it.

The AIES system also includes a tachyon based tracking system.
Only on select Mindy armors.

As for permission to use stuff from the Tenshi, he got it from me. With Andrew still presently gone, and Kim busy that leaves me to pickup the slack in the UOC when she is unavailable
I suggest that we call this thing what it really is, rather than leave the name "Power Armor" tagged onto it; the multitude of systems and weapons on this thing mark its classification to mecha or possible light tank. That fine line that separates true powered armorsuits from mechanical walkers was kind of crossed when this thing was indicated to have roughly nine different sensor systems and eight different weapon systems.

The suggested change is purely cosmetic, but I personally don't want people to see THIS thing and automatically think that's how all powered armorsuits are. They would be welcome, however, to think that's how all mecha are; the middleman between infantry armorsuit and heavy tanks.

I have edited the Maelstrom, I've increased it's size to place it into the 'Fighter' category. Along with that, I have fleshed out the article a little more.
I think really of it as an armor extension so maybe it needs its own class.

A bit like the Dendrobium was a Mobile-Suit Extension (MS-E) not a Mobile Armor (MA).
Ten days between bumps and twenty days with no new comments or approval? Meanwhile the Gatling shotgun, Nashoba's drones, the Shield Drones all go through. Is there anything else that needs done before this can be approved or disapproved?