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[UMC] Shield Module Drones

Actually, it is nifty. If this actually serves as a ship's primary protective shield system against damage (rather than complement it), I would see this as a rather unique approach.

I mean, that's essentially using drones/weapon pods... but relying on them for shielding. I remember having tried to submit something like that when I was first designing Miharu but it was unapproved because actual shields and shield augmentation/point-defense shielding could not stack together and might in fact interfere with each other.

Drones being overmatched can be discarded/destroyed and the ship can simply release more drones as a way to "temporarily make shields last longer" via roleplay so this might fit. Wes would have to be the final judge, though.
While they do admittedly seem like a good idea, I'm worried about the abuse potential they carry. You could have fleets carrying these, and all the rear ships could bring their drones to the front ones to absorb fire...thus potentially turning an close victory into a flawless one with almost no casualties. Additionally, what happens if drones pack one infront of the other? Can multiple layers of drone shields block things like aether doomsday devices? And wouldn't all this add overwhelming complication to an already tricky DR system?

To quote what I wrote in Exhack's submission:
I share Jess's sentiments.
... Wouldn't that be the point, though, Jess?

It's strategy... The UMC's superior tech field should be exploited against enemies like Yamatai's refined Aether and such.

Plus, if the rear ships send their drones in to give the front ships a uber charge the rear ships won't have anything. Thus able to be attacked easily. Again, strategy.
Superior in shielding, Wesley.

Yamatai is superior in production and weapons.

Neps... Um... Neps are superior in morale, probably.

Gamerofthegame said:
Superior in shielding, Wesley.

Yamatai is superior in production and weapons.

Neps... Um... Neps are superior in morale, probably.

Nepleslians are superior in firepower. Now thread, back on topic.
I for one have no issues with these. They offer the alternate option of their use, and also what Fred stated. I'd intended to make a slew of defensive tech for the UMC given the odds and ends of all the systems we have, but, I'm not doing so now. I can however appreciate this submission though for the tactical applications it opens up, and offers.
As long as this is something that ends up being the primary shielding system of a vessel instead of being used to supplement it ("Shields down! Deploy shield drones!") I really have no issues with these.

Basically, as long as the application on the small scale, I'm cool with it. I'm a bit leery of seeing these used to make giant impregnable barriers in space in a similar fashion that Wes uses his Dead FTL zones.
I'm not willing to force these devices to be the primary shield system of a ship due to their very weak rating of efficiency, also, the fact that they're a solid and easy-to-pick-off target. They're meant to protect key assets, or to defend against obvious attacks.
Do these systems have standard shield thresholds, or any at all? Because if they don't, it should be pretty easy to approve them.
Mmm, the shield classes are noted in the tables near the bottom of the article.

(I hate the new system, wtf thresholds, lol. I don't understand e'm)
Thresholds are the same thing as shield DRs in the previous iteration, Tomoe. It's the amount of damage per hit that a shield can stop.

The trick is that anything the shield stops ends up damaging it, which is why shields have a point value too. Once the point value goes down, the shielding collapses.
Bump time, with a musical interlude until someone comes along and gives advice or approves this confounded thing~

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