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RP: Section 6 Underdogs no more

Jack Pine

Inactive Member
{||||∆Section 6/communication/all personnel∆||||}
-message begins-
[To all S6 personnel]
//In celebration of our recent victory against the forces of Pyschopomp.//
//Everyone is invited to the Crimson Foxhole club in downtown Osman City.//
//Several rounds of drinks are on us.//
//Food, music, and dancing will also be included.//
//We encourage everyone at Section 6 to come enjoy the festivities as we mark this milestone.//
//Not only as group who works together, but as a family.//
//For today we have gotten one step closer to a better home.//

∆message ends∆

Mark looked over at Jack after closing the message receipt in his AR HUD.

"Son of a bitch, I never thought I'd see the day when you cut loose.", He said with a tone of being amusingly surprised.

"What can I say. It was a major victory. We kicked their asses and I got my son back. The people here need to know we did good as a whole.", Jack said with a smile.

"Alright let's get going then. Don't want to be late to the party."

"Hell yeah, but I'm driving."

The Raven sport pulled into the parking lot and stopped in one of the spaces before the scissor doors opened and the two got out. The music was heard even outside, S6 personnel and locals mingling around the entrance. Jack and Mark encountered Neera among them.

"You waiting for someone Neera?", Mark asked as they stepped inside.

"Just someone I met recently.", She replied as she watched outside as if expecting to see someone particular, "By the way, I heard Sarah might be coming if she can get Casdan to watch the triplets."
Ichika says hey to Neera before walking into the Crimson Foxhole wearing a very short purple mini dress with black thigh highs and looks around in aw, she walks up to Mark and Jack

"Thanks for the invitation I'm honored to to be with such a great organization that I would give my life for if need be - Shakes Jack's hand then Marks- I'll be by the bar if anyone wants to talk or dance."
Jace pulled up on a borrowed desert rider at the bar and got off, he had his pistol and his spear with him the two things he always made sure to have. he walked in and saw Neera "i guess this is the right place" he said walking up to her "so this celebration thing, it has to do with the recent victory yes?"
Neera perked up as Jace approached, she had to try hard just to keep her tail still.

"Yeah, it was a big thing, even dad is smiling for once. We finally gave Psychopomp the black eye they deserved, and got back my brother. I just hope I'll have some company, as a party of one is just no fun.", She said with a grin.
he still had the serious look on his face "well i guess i could party with you" he said "wold give ma a chance to get to know you a little better" he said "you would most likely be the first person i get to know for this job"
Neera gave him a smile before taking him by the hand to try and lead him away, "Then it might be a good idea to go find an empty booth."
Kryss rolled up to the club in one of the new Raven Sport models made by S6 having caught wind of the post victory party and fancying herself a little drink and the chance to catch up with some of the others, pulling into the parking bay the modified speakers were blaring out a heavy track as the Liaison got out of the car and pulled on her jacket. "Looks like a party, hope none of you mind me showing up here uninvited but as Jack and Mark know I'm never one to pass up drinks."

The blonde spotted Neera along with Mark and Jack heading inside and noticed her moving off with another she didn't know and noticed them having a hushed conversation, as she moved past the wolf girl she gave her a pat on the head, "Well looks like you two have a fun night ahead, I'll see you two later." Kryss spoke with a laugh as she moved inside.
Sindy would be slowly walking over to the Crimson Foxhole. She still wore her Osman uninform, her sleeves rolled up to her elbows. Burn scars are viable on her forearm. Her figure looks lengthy but other than her abnormal height she seemed healthy. She thought to herself, “If I can just get one drink in, I would be fine for today. Damn it, his birthday is around the corner. I wish I knew what these S6 guys did to you, but I guess I won’t find out today now will I.” She continues to walk to the Crimson Foxhole with a disturbed look on her face.
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Spacecase would finally find the time to relax for a bit and not have to stare at sensor monitors all day. "So I hear we won something? What we win?" Making his way over to the bar he would look around taking in all the new faces.

After a few drinks he would pull out his datapad. "Now for the troublesome stuff." He would send off a message to Uso.
Hey this is Spacecase. I'm by the bar and I have some info you need to know about.
Jace nodded and followed her to an empty booth. He set his spear outside of the booth and sat in front of her and looked around a bit then back to her "i bet you're glad you got your brother back" he said "whats it like having a sibling?" he asked, he had never had one so to speak and was curious as to what it was like
Kai Sagara entered the bar, dressed in a hooded jacket, cargo pants, a black T-shirt, and boots. The white with red stripe of the jacket and cargo pants almost reflected the colorful lights that moved and changed as moved about. He was a minkan male at the age 21, but one would not guess it given the lack of the usual elven ears of his race. His enhanced eyes searched the party goers until he found the exact one he was looking for.

"You know, your not an easy woman to find Ichika. Never would have thought to find you on a dusty backwater like this. So, what's this message about, you said you had something important to tell me?", Kai said as the handsome man took a seat next to his old flame.
Crimson Foxhole Club
Adria walked into the door of the club, as usual tailed close behind by her younger brother Adilis. Adria partially folded her wings back So Adilis could walk hidden in between them. A couple of long red tails flicked through the air behind them. It was an odd sight- the butterflies had somewhat of a deceivingly young appearance due to their short heights, from a distance, they might even look like kids. Their bug antennae approached a booth, peering over the edge of the table, before Adilis clambered in and squeezed himself as far into the corner as his red wings would allow. Adria sat next to him and noted how the back of the booth restricted her wing movement. "I hate chairs," she remarked irritably, looking back at her wings, at how the back of the seat was proving to be an obstruction that was preventing her butterfly wings from folding back.
"I'm glad you could make it at such short notice Kai and yes I have some very exciting news but before I tell you let's drink a little first I'm needing to forget about my past when I was in the service so let's drink to your daughter! Wait whoops."
Kai froze, slowly turning to look at Ichika, a mix of shock and surprise on his face. For what seems like a long moment, he is silent. With slight hesitation he speaks, "I have a daughter? When did this happen? Kinda something that would have been good to know. What is she like, does she know about me, who is she as a person, I have so many questions?"
Crimson Foxhole Club

Ozaki Kasumi had returned to 188604 only a few weeks after having left the planet before, to report back to Yamatai for her new position on the YSS Eucharis. To say the least, it was an esteemed assignment, and one that she was quite proud of, given the ship’s stellar reputation and the prestige of her captain. Although she was uncertain if her past service record had earned her the assignment, regardless of whether or not the captain had received a recommendation from her old CO or if she had simply accepted the first names from Star Army Personnel, Kasumi was quite rejuvenated. However, she had made a few notable connections during her period of service on the YSS Kaiyō, and she sought to foster those relationships, even if those people remained in far-away places, such as 188604.

The inside of the club was crowded with Section 6 personnel and booming with electronic dance music. As she took in the appearances and outfits of the people within the crowd, she was glad to have chosen a sequin party dress and gold-colored flats, conveniently allowing her the ability to dance, if she needed to. However, the fact that she was not wearing high heels brought great attention to her alarming lack of vertical stature, especially within a crowd of soldiers. Kasumi had styled her hair in her typical vertical ponytail, which artificially added two or three inches to her height, albeit composed solely of stark white hair. Regardless, her lack of verticality would make it difficult for her to see the man she was looking for, especially with the high density of bodies in the room.

With a soft sigh, the diminutive woman began to maneuver her way through the crowd, making her presence known through small touches at the small of peoples’ backs, in case they could not register her approach via sight. For what seemed like an eternity, Kasumi gently pushed through the crowd, taking in faces, eyes, and smells as she moved. It made her remember just how much she disliked crowds, especially given how liable she was to getting run over.

Another sigh escaped from her lips when she finally reached a booth, with two peculiarly insectoid looking individuals seated there. She spotted Mark standing close by as well, and a friendly expression marked her features in response. The white-haired woman approached him and smiled.

“Mark Oaklen.” She spoke in a harmonious and calm voice, as her eyes locked onto his crimson irises. “I received word of the victory. I...missed you.” She finished in a somewhat uncertain tone, but with latent pleasure in her tone. "How are you faring?"
Jack looked over at the woman who addressed him for a moment recognizing her. He turned to his side.

"Hey Mark."

"Hmm.", Mark responded

"That woman you arrived here with is back."

Mark leaned back, the jet black hair standing out as deep blue eyes looked past to see Ozaki.

"Kasumi, I'm surprised. I wasn't expecting to see you here, if I would of known, I would have sent a car to pick you up.", Mark said getting up and moving around Jack to talk to her.

Neera looked at Jace tapping her chin.

"I love them, but they do seem to like to cause me irritations sometimes. I swear they get amusement out of getting on my nerves. But as I said I love them, so I never stay mad.", She replied after a moment.
Spacecase would shrug. "Well if Uso doesn't want to hear it then there's nothing I can do about it. Don't want to poke that hornets nest." Spacecase would just decide to order more drinks. "Keep them coming if my head isn't trying to split open tomorrow then I haven't drank enough." He knew better than to enter any drinking contests and he didn't feel like talking to anyone besides the locals anyways. "I wonder whether this party was really a good idea?" He would say as he thought out loud.
Kasumi moved herself closer to Mark as she spoke, placing her hands on either side of his form in an intimate, but friendly manner. However, she was close enough to feel Mark’s body warmth and scent radiating off of him. It was enough to activate her desire for him, even as she fought to suppress it. She stared back into his eyes, taking in every detail of his visage and wondering how much he had changed since she had last seen him.

Was this the same shy and unassuming man that she had known on the Kaiyō? He did seem more confident, now that he was back home. Had he regained his memory? Had he acquired any new scars or tattoos? All these questions and more poured forth from within her digital mind, but she could only verbalize a few of them, given the loud atmosphere of the club.

“Mark, I have missed you.” Kasumi answered in a measured tone. “Are you hurt? Did you emerge from the battle in good health?”
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Jack gave a good hearted laugh before speaking loud enough to be heard over the music, "He's the only person who can keep pace with me on the field, he was very effective in commanding troops, and he even got a higher kill count than me. It's like I never left."

"I'm fine, a few cuts and bruises, nothing to worry about. And my brother gives me too much praise, I was just looking out for our people and making sure everyone made it home. Jack here has been much more high in spirits with his son home safe again.", Mark said giving his double a pat on the shoulder.

"You two go find a booth where you can talk. I'm just going to drink here a bit and covertly watch the kids to make sure they behave.", Jack said before returning to his bourbon and pulling out a small holographic display.

Mark gently took Kasumi's hand hoping to find one of those booths, as Jack began flipping through projected windows of after action reports.
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