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RP: Section 6 Underdogs no more

The blonde avatar grinned wide as Chlorate repeated the proper line, although not with all the enthusiasm she would have put in it. She nodded when the robot looked to her for approval. Before turning her attention to the winged girl seated at the table. "Oi, sod off already, ya manky slag!" She repeated the odd and definitely vulgar two-fingered gesture she'd preformed in the past, still hovering behind Chlorate and peering over her shoulder. While the weapon itself rested perfectly still on the table (although her voice was clearly coming from this object and not the projection).

"We're tryin' to dance here. Don't ruin our good time." She snorted, before gesturing for Chlorate to turn and ignore the two at the table. "Brilliant, luv. Don't be afraid to get emotional. Put some bass in your voice, eh?" Of course, she giggled after that, before sending over a single, simpler version of her avalanche of data from earlier. Clips cut together into one continuous dance, light on complicated footwork with more emphasis on timed steps and arm movements. She'd have the bot thrashing in no time. "C'mon then, just follow the beat, doll!"
he sent her order and his to the bar. he saw her blushing and smile slightly leaning back "well as a first mission not my best impression, but i think i did ok, what about you? how did it go for you?" he asked as he waited for the drinks "seems you did ok what with you coming to my rescue and all nurse" he chuckled at the inside joke that they would probably share from now on
Neera rolled her eyes at the joke, "Well I got a few kills, dented the hell out of my armor, got my brother back, we rescued a bunch of prisoners, and I got to carry you home. So all in all, not bad. Maybe you should wear more armor next time.", She said ending in a chuckle.

Now that she was in SABER in addition to her usual duties, she was busier than ever. She took a moment but pulled a pad out and booted it. Giving a few swipes she found the after action reports she had bookmarked and.......they were already done? Signed by the Director, well she would have to thank dad for that one later.

"You know, in a way you remind me of a man who only left a week before you were hired. He started our medical department, and he was a full conversion cyborg. I think you two might have gotten along. Sad he didn't stay, he made my new body when I converted.", Neera said her thoughts oddly wandering.
Jace laughed "yeah i'll think about that next time, i just like my mobility more than lots of armor weighing me down, its just those lucky shot that get me down, i'm more of a CQB fighter" he shrugged as the drinks were brought over by an android waitress "here you are" she said in a southern country accent and looked at Neera "well now ain't you just the cutest little thing next to a fluffy puppy" she said smiling, Jace nodded "yup just the cutest little thing" he chuckled being sincere
Neera was glad to see the drinks arrive, but froze before she could take a drink. Her eyebrow twitched with supreme annoyance.

"I am not a dog. I am also not cute. And this wolf woman still has teeth. So I would definitely point out it is not wise to insult her.", Neera said slowly setting the glass down, as she tried to keep her voice steady.

Slowly she gave the waiter a sidelong look without turning her head. The look of obviously being scared, evident before they scurried away. She then slowly looked to Jace.
the waitress nervously laughed and walked away and Jace did the same but stayed ther and rubbed the back of his head "eehehe i guess you dont like that eh i'm sorry, i'll call you beautiful from now on" "oh boy" he thought to himself "so hows your brother doing" he asked trying to change the subject
Neera went back to her drink clearly still irritated, "He's doing better, still recovering from what was done to him. Now, my turn. How are you going to apologize?"

She gave him a side long glance, before giving him a sinister mischievous smile. She had him cornered, so why not have some fun messing with him as payback. And if she got something out of it, all the better.
Jace looked to her "well first off i'm going to say i'm sorry and i'll never call you cute again, and now that thats said how about this, you ask me anthing you want and i'll answer it" he was now started to regret saying that but it was done, he wondered what she was going to ask
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Neera gave a "hmmm" as she thought on what to ask. She could ask anything, even something inappropriate, but that was cliche, how about a normal -ish question.

"Do android date, and are you single?", She asked rather bluntly, giving him wolfishly sly grin.
Jace was a little taken off guard "um well i can and yes i am" he said taking a sip of his drink even though it wouldn't do anything to him "um what about you?" he was curious as to why she asked that and not something else and figured that asking if she was would lead to the answer
"mm, no particular reason. Just curious, androids are rare out here. Besides, I'd hate to give someone the wrong idea if you weren't.", Neera said still giving him a sly sideways glance.
Kasumi listened quietly as Mark answered her question with an obviously hesitant tone within his voice. It was immediately clear to her that in spite of his discomfort at home, he was loathe to move anywhere else, for fear of change. She realized that there was not much else she could do for Mark, if he was not inclined to act in order to change his circumstances. Even so, Kasumi wanted to be there for him, but she sensed that Mark needed time to contemplate his next course of action, alone, perhaps.

“Mark…” Kasumi began slowly, with a brief pause in between her words. “I want to stay with you. But, I believe that your interests would be best served if I left you alone. I do not want to be an intrusive influence upon your thoughts, but more importantly, I want your desires to emerge from this, rather than mine or someone else’s.” Kasumi leaned in close and gave Mark a kiss on his cheek. “I will text you later, Mark. Have a wonderful day.”

Kasumi floated out of her seat and locked eyes with Mark, before turning to leave the table.
"No, this is my table," Adria protested. "Why do you have to dance here- HEY, what's that gesture supposed to mean?" Adilis quietly squeezed into the corner of the booth, knowing this was going nowhere good.

"BRILLIANT." Chlorate said, quite loudly, apparently having literally boosted the bass of her voice. Slowly, but surely, the robot began to dance as the clips showed her, but at a slower pace of course. Her feet made clanking noises as she stepped around, obviously making Adria even more annoyed. Adria was almost trembling with anger at this point.
"V for Victory, luv!" She snickered at Adria, a wide smile on her avatar's face as Chlorate's voice boomed like that. The word she'd chosen didn't exactly fit, but at least it was loud and intimidating. That was a start.

Her projection was performing the same dance she'd worked up, mirrored. Of course, the robot was a little off-beat, lagging slightly behind, but Essex tried to keep them mostly in sync on her end. "On the beat, doll, the beat!" She wondered how to explain this concept. Maybe she wasn't thinking like a robot?

A moment later, she sent a new attachment to the video instructions. A string of code translating the movements into commands for individual body parts, timed down to the microsecond via her internal chronometer to ensure she'd hit the beat. Of course, if she just blindly ran the code, her body would be moving on autopilot until the song ended or Chlorate figured out how to switch it off. Or she could examine it and try to figure out how to process and adapt it herself.

Meanwhile, the two continued to dance a few feet away from Adria, limbs extending over her table, those metal stomps nearly as loud as the music itself, now that Chlorate was giving it her all.
Chlorate at first attempted to run the code, being caught in surprise as she did not expect it to automatically make her move. She stopped running the code and paused by the table for a minute, trying to interpret the code. After that, she started dancing again, and while she was still slightly off (maybe due to the lack of toes) she was dancing much closer to the beat now.

Adria covered her ears in an attempt to mute the obnoxiously loud clanking sound coming from Chlorate dancing, but unfortunately it was a futile effort. Her antennae simply acted in place of her ears, with her bug features continuing to hear the sound (more sensitively than her ears could at that), and being one foot long they were impossible to cover. "AGH! Make it stop!!!" Adria hissed, glaring at Chlorate and Essex's avatar. "So help me if you keep dancing right next to us like that I will get a screwdriver to dismantle your feet!" Adilis in the corner was obviously being bothered by their loud dancing too, but he was too shy to speak up.
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