Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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SACN Unified Response


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By now the word of the Empress' decrees had reached Jiyuu, forwarded from ship to ship, fleet to colony in response to the item which asked SAoY officers to try and get Peacekeepers to desert their nation. The people of the United Colonies had a response. It was unorganized, but it spread like fire and came over the speakers of the comm systems back to Yamatai.

Jiyuu Square said:
We were so far from home.
So far from home.
But we were still here, still waiting.
Wishing that someday we would all be free.

We found out that home was here.
Not so, far, far away.
And we are here, we do not fear, and no longer waiting.
We are free, we are free, free to be home.
Re: Direct From the Empress

In the depths of the Yuukan system, a small unified voice could be heard. The citizens of Yuukan 1, of the Halo mining installation, and the researchers of Yuukan V in one unified voice sang.

Citizens of the Yuukan System said:
We were so far from home.
So far from home.
But we were still here, still waiting.
Wishing that someday we would all be free.

We found out that home was here.
Not so, far, far away.
And we are here, we do not fear, and no longer waiting.
We are free, we are free, free to be home.
Re: Direct From the Empress

From the Akuro III the members of the 17th PA wing could contribute to the anthem broadcast as well. Singing it out in almost perfect synchronization.

17th Kasairyuu Peacekeeping Armor Wing wrote

We were so far from home.
So far from home.
But we were still here, still waiting.
Wishing that someday we would all be free.

We found out that home was here.
Not so, far, far away.
And we are here, we do not fear, and no longer waiting.
We are free, we are free, free to be home.
Re: Direct From the Empress

Within the star systems of Yuujou, and Gensou the faint buzzing of voices singing in unison could be heard before coming in more clearly, and with the same passion as the rest of their brethren. The scattered inhabitants of both systems adding their own voices to the rising tide.

Citizens of the Yuujou and Gensou Star Systems said:
We were so far from home.
So far from home.
But we were still here, still waiting.
Wishing that someday we would all be free.

We found out that home was here.
Not so, far, far away.
And we are here, we do not fear, and no longer waiting.
We are free, we are free, free to be home.
Direct From the Empress

A colonization movement had been in motion through the efforts of the Peacekeepers and the entire UOC. Though deep in the Yugumo Cluster, the message from the Yamatai Star Empire reached and was relayed throughout the unsettled colonies. Led by Motoyoshi Kahori in appliance with her comrades and in defiance to the Empire, a familiar song rang out.

The Peacekeepers of the Colonies said:
We were so far from home.
So far from home.
But we were still here, still waiting.
Wishing that someday we would all be free.

We found out that home was here.
Not so, far, far away.
And we are here, we do not fear, and no longer waiting.
We are free, we are free, free to be home.
Re: Direct From the Empress

Fusegu looked over the great oceans of Nyli III atop his perch, his window office on top of the skyscraper that was SDI's base of operations. Tariffs were becoming a large issue for SDI's operations...and taxes, as well. All because the paper was in the name of Nepleslia.

In the absence of Aria...she had helped him. His PR department AI, still nameless. A camera watched him from behind, and a microphone listened for his words. He knew she was there.

"This is a large risk we're taking. Expressing solidarity with the not a move I expected." Fusegu frowned. For once, completely serious. Business could be lost. If he was unlucky, lives could be lost.

After what seemed an eternity to her, the AI responded.

"Stalwart...Fusegu. It's a risk, but the opportunities are so much more. You've seen the numbers. And...they need us. You know this. They need everything they can get to survive. Take the stand."

He paused. She was right, of course...more right than he could ever hope. He turned to her, eyes staring at the camera with his glasses shining, and he smiled. "I'll do it. For Stalwart Defense...and for the UOC."

Fusegu 'Stalwart Defender' Mora said:
Good evening, citizens of Nyli III and those watching abroad. I know this press meeting is sudden, but this announcement is important to me, to all of us.

As of a single standard hour ago, Stalwart Defense Industries has transferred its operations, or rather the nation we are registered under, from Nepleslia to the UOC. I do this not for simple matters of business or convenience, but because the UOC requires the assistance of all that can help them.

Though Yamatai remains valued to me as my nation of birth, the citizens of the UOC valiantly went against the policies they thought to be wrong. Even now, the news is trickling through the networks - the Fleet Admiral, Ketsurui Yui, is offering bribes to Star Army soldiers to prevent people from joining the UOC's Peacekeeper forces. By transferring our operations to the UOC, one of the first non-Motoyoshi corporations to do so, we show that we do not fear reprisal for our actions.

In celebration of our transfer...I will now ask you all to stand, for the playing of the national anthem of the United Outer Colonies.
Loudspeaker said:
We were so far from home.
So far from home.
But we were still here, still waiting.
Wishing that someday we would all be free.

We found out that home was here.
Not so, far, far away.
And we are here, we do not fear, and no longer waiting.
We are free, we are free, free to be home.
Re: Direct From the Empress

From the depths of United Outer Colonies territories, transmissions were sent from the Nyli system and Hici'Emi systems. These transmissions consisted of a collection of private citizen transmissions, LSDF transmissions, and official Matriarchy channel transmissions. Billions of voices were included, anyone with a neural implant was willed to join in by their friends, family, and neighbors. Even a number of poorly formed voices of Helashio joined in.

Along with the transmission from the Matriarchy and LSDF, a number of additional transmissions were sent from Lorath individuals which had signed on with the UOCPF.

Lorath Matriarchy Network said:
"We were so far from home.
So far from home.
But we were still here, still waiting.
Wishing that someday we would all be free.

We found out that home was here.
Not so, far, far away.
And we are here, we do not fear, and no longer waiting.
We are free, we are free, free to be home."
Kenoki Hirahara read the message that had been sent to her Data-pad from a Civilian friend of hers.

Kenoki's Friend said:
I heard the news that the Yamatai are trying to bribe UOC officers, and there have been rumors about them offering to pay people for getting their hands on Peacekeeper Equipment. What is going on?

Kenoki furrowed her brow and started to write her response:

Kenoki Hirahara said:
I wish I could tell you what is going on or what the future holds, I don’t know. I’m no politician or admiral. But I know this, I was reborn with the birth of this nation, I will give everything I have to protect it. We Peacekeepers are not just an army by another name. We exist to stand between the fire and the innocent. We willingly risk ourselves not for the advance of an Empire or the will of politicians. We do it because we believe that it is right. Right to stop war, right to defend the weak and right to offer a hand to those in need. We are far more than any Army could ever be. So no matter what comes, I know this one thing.

I am a Peacekeeper

And so I join my voice in the song…
Peacekeeper of the Colonies said:
We were so far from home.
So far from home.
But we were still here, still waiting.
Wishing that someday we would all be free.

We found out that home was here.
Not so, far, far away.
And we are here, we do not fear, and no longer waiting.
We are free, we are free, free to be home.
Yaichiro saw this communication, and was moved...these people had made their decision, and had shown more resolve than he...was it because he was not of Taiie?

While he did not feel he had the right to join in the song, due to his uncertain resolve, the UOC had his silent support, as it always had.