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Uniform Updates for the Star Army of Yamatai

Especially with the recent emphasis on extrasector exploration and action, it may be helpful to identify the area of operation or home sector of a soldier.
What do you guys think of this type of hat for cold weather use with the Star Army Duty Uniform?

what about a full-on Ushanka?

Also bring back the tricorne

Okay, apparently in this thread in 2014 I did say, "I'll see what I can do" in reference to ushanka hats. I think the cold weather capt is basically the American version of the Ushanka? Above is the mockup image I made back in like 2010 (?) of Hanako wearing a Star Army Officer ushanka.
They would work and look great with the Type 32 coat and the insulated poncho imo!

Plus they're really comfy, look cute, and are great for the cold!
I wear adidas 85% of the time already, I'm here to RP as someone else lol
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