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Approved Character Unit# JUN-0-81b, "Juno" for approval.

Bullet Pink

Inactive Member
Hello everyone,

I hereby present to you Juno for your consideration. I would be ever so happy if someone could please look over the character and maybe provide some feedback or maybe even an approval. It's quite late over here by the time I post this so if there are a bunch of inconsistencies or spelling errors, I can only apologies and promise to fix them after I sleep >_<

I actually rather like this character, it's an interesting take on the Mass-production infantry that I wouldn't have expected someone to do.

As far as I can tell you only really have one problem; MPI's don't actually receive training, since they are mass-produced, they are imprinted with skills and a basic personality upon creation and can theoretically go into battle as soon as they can stand. So, the whole basic training and socialization process that peacetime Nekos go through is skipped in order for the speed.

One major thing about these more quickly produced nekos; They are prone to psychological damage once they finally do achieve sapience, and any that live long enough often go crazy, or at least have some major mental problems, and existential crises.

Also, I'm just assuming that's only the beginning of the serial number, they make a LOT of MPI's, in the order of millions, and at one point they made billions at a time. (the previous war)

For the five required skills, it would be better if you used the Boilerplate skills (as in, as they are on the Wiki), but a bit of personalization is okay. your current one liners are not enough.

Other than that, as I said, your character is looking pretty good.
You've obviously done your research. I don't see anything that needs alteration. I've actually been watching your edits on my wiki changes mailing list as the character developed, so I'm already ready to instantly approve her.


What plot are you going for?

Edit: Ha, simulposted with Kai.
Thank you for the feedback! I'm glad that people found Juno to be an interesting character. Here's hoping she survives long enough to go crazy (o '_')b

Hmm, I'll try to flesh out the skills a bit. I added a sixth and seventh skill only because I read somewhere that starting characters were supposed to have seven(?) skills. If I keep the extras, I suppose I should find a better excuse to have them, if all their skills are installed at creation. Maybe at Juno's personal request, odd though it might be for an MPI fresh out from the Troop Poop.

As for the plot I was going for, I'm still undecided. I thought the Fort Ready plot would be a natural place to start, but if anyone has suggestions as to somewhere else I would be more than eager to hear them. I'm willing to go anywhere really. Maybe the Task Force Phantom plot, although it doesn't seem to be off the ground yet. Recommendations?

ps: I didn't know anyone could see the Juno's character creation in-progress. Kind of embarrassed now. ^_^;

*edit: Skills are a little more informative and I replaced Demolitions with Technology Operation because I found out, as per the Necessary Skills for Soldiers in the Star Army of Yamatai page, that it is needed for all Yamataian troops, even though the MPIs don't come equipped with it.
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