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RP: United Outer Colonies United Colonial Conference

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Inactive Member
Hici’emi System - Hici’emi II UMC Manufacturing Plant - Clean Room Complex

Beneath the surface of the sand, dust, and grit of the planet Hici’emi II were two things, more rock, and a complex of buildings devoted to the development of industry, the latter being the point of interest.

Some time ago, a message was sent out to several universal powers that there would be a meeting held at this location as per the request of the Lorath royalty, and so the time came and the individuals invited would make their appearance hopefully.

The first arrivals, the Lorath royals, sat patiently side-by-side at a large round conference table which had been brought into one of the stark-white clean rooms devoted usually to sterile technology testing conditions now, the room served as a place where their honored guests, the Freespacers, would be able to meet with no distractions caused by the simple presence of dirt or bacteria. The air smelled terribly clean, like a hospital, mostly due to the airborne anti-pathogen nanomachines which were present. At the airlock-entry were boxes labeled for each group invited, each box held a number of ‘party favors’. Anti-radiation nanomachine injectors, face masks for those which suspected they may harbor some form of illness, and gloves. The Freespacer’s box however simply held a pair of gloves and a small device with a brilliant yellow label on it indicating the presence of a confined radiation field. Quite a party favor indeed.

“They should be here soon sister.” The High Priest spoke as he looked to the Lorath queen sat beside him, referred to as the Xiaah. “Remember the topics, if they sway, we need to get them back on track before this degrades to a squabble or rant.”

"Without the cats, I can not see this happening..." Destiny shrugged a little and smiled, looking to her brother. On her forehead there was no make-up or anything to hide the stitches which had begun to slowly be absorbed into her skin.

The Jiyuuian Prime Minister arrived looking quite pale and wearing a navy colored pants suit. She felt very ill but had refused to take the chance to sit this conference out for her health, she was determined to see something good come out of this new conference. Ayana looked around the airlock nervously, just relieved to not have to be in a Tenshi this time around.

“Thats true, they’re the ones who make the process difficult.” Tomoe gave a soft smile before he shifted his gaze to the airlock entry way. “Prime Minister... I’m impressed that you were able to attend...” At a glance, the High Priest could tell she was not well, he stood from his seat to greet her, choosing to simply bow rather than extend his hand.

Destiny did the same, standing now as she gave the woman a bow. "We are glad you could make it Prime Minister. It is nice to see you again. Are you feeling ok?"

Ayana bowed in return to the Lorath and offered them a soft smile. "I am well enough, change is something I have come to accept as an unshakable part of my life. This is just another one I've come across that I have to see through to the end," she replied cryptically.

“Change?” The High Priest quirked his brow, wishing he would have extended his hand then just so he could be nosy, but he knew better. “No matter, so long as you feel you’re well enough Prime Minister, then everything should go fine.”

Ayana nodded again, "Indeed, change. But I should be up for this, though I might excuse myself every now and then," she replied softly as she approached them.

Destiny thought on it a moment, before she gave the Prime Minister a quicker look over. With a knowing smile now she gave the Prime Minister a warm smile and a mouthed congratulations. "Well, go ahead and have a seat. We will certainly understand." Destiny rested a hand on her brother's arm, a quick message sent to him now.

Tomoe kept a rather neutral expression as he was informed, he didn't miss a beat however. “Well Prime Minister, would you like to sit beside the Xiaah? It would only be fitting since we’re allies.” The High Priest offered.

"That's fine with me," Ayana replied with a nod to Destiny as she walked over to them. "Have the others arrived yet?" She asked curiously as she appraised the room, the sterility of the environment made her slightly nervous but she understood the reasoning behind why it had to be that way.

"Oh, here we are." Castellan paused for a moment after exiting the airlock and took a quick glance around the room. Upon spotting the others she gave them a bright smile, and pushed up her half-rim glasses. "Ah, yes, I recognize you from the personnel files. You're the Theocrat Xiaah, correct? So I suppose that makes the other one the Republican from the UOC. But where are my protocols? I'm Castellan Six Five. Acting proxy on behalf of my node mates at the Free State. Greets, comrades."

“Speaking of them...” The High Priest replied to Ayana as he saw the airlock open. “Greetings Castellan.” He stood up and greeted her with a small bow as well. He would let his sister continue on with greetings since she was the one addressed.

One of the last to arrive was a pair to be precise. Yuriko did a last minute check of Rose's attire, and smoothed an invisible wrinkle, and looked the ARIA over. She herself was dressed formally in casual dress attire in a soft, but vibrant sky blue to contrast with her violet hair, and eyes. With a final look, she then waved Rose along, and soon entered the room, wearing a polite smile upon her lips.

"Greetings Castellan Six Five, a pleasure to finally meet you. How have your...Comrades? faired?" The word Comrade was pronounced a little off as it was a fairly new word to Destiny. She smiled and bowed a little to the Free Spacer, not just sure how to greet them.

Ayana turned and bowed politely to the Free spacer in greeting. She noticed the arrival of one of her more celebrated Peace keepers with a bright smile. She had never actually meet the woman, but she had heard many great things about her.

While Destiny handled the Free spacer, Tomoe looked to the pair which entered and gave a friendly smile. “Welcome Yuriko, Rose. Castellan here is representing her nodemates in the Free state, Castellan, meet Yuriko, who represents the United Manufacturing Cooperation and her own sub-company.”

The ARIA, Rose, made her entrance at Yuriko’s side. She seemed rather uncertain of the whole affair, but it was Yuriko’s wish that she would attend, so she did, even though it meant her being separated from the ship which she was fond of. “Greetings, I am an ARIA Synthetic Intelligence unit dubbed Rose.” she bowed softly.

"Oh, fairly well I'd think, given the circumstances. Fortunately, they killed only people -- not our ideas." Castellan smiled at Destiny without a hint of sarcasm in her demeanor. "So long as the free flow of information perseveres, so too shall we."

"Good, It is the ideas that a culture flourishes or dies on. I hope though that in time, your people will catch up to your ideals so you can once again flourish." Destiny nodded a little and smiled. "Please, have a seat."

Tio quietly watched the proceeding from a monitor room in his palace, he could hear what was said, yet really was not interested, the cameras focused on only one of the participants -Ayana.

Yuriko reassured the ARIA by holding her hand, and patting it, wearing a small smile as she stepped into the room leading Rose. "Prime Minister, it is a pleasure to finally meet you in person." She said politely, in truth, all she'd ever seen of the woman was from news on the volumetric displays.

A middle-aged Nepleslian man of tanned, aquiline features and a generally laid back expression arrived at the room. He was dressed in a sharp stripy grey and black suit with a matching tie, which seemed to denote he was either a professional by trade, or thought very much of himself and liked to dress accordingly. "Evening. You'll have to forgive me if it isn't though, I seem to have come down with a case of space lag." He nodded politely. "Senator Haytham Quezzil. It's a pleasure to participate in these proceedings in his stead."

Ayana continued to smile at Yuriko and Rose as they approached. "And mine to finally meet you as well, Commodore Shichou. You're quite the busy woman," she replied politely.
“Ah, Senator.” Tomoe nodded to the Senator in greetings. “I understand that your superior’s transport was delayed... I hope he will arrive soon, until then, I am quite sure you can manage to serve in his place.”

“It seems, all that were invited are now here.” The High Priest stated in observation. “If you would please take your seats we can begin addressing the topics which were indicated in the invitation process.”

Destiny simply let her brother do the talking for a bit and waited until all the others were seated before she took her own.

Castellan gave the new arrival a small wave. "Ah, Nepleslians. They make the highs even higher, and the lows more frequent," she said to no one in particular as she took a seat.

Yuriko simply nodded politely to the Nepleslian before steering Rose towards a pair of seats at the table. She herself sat down, and entwined her fingers together as she waited quietly.

"Aha! Vanderhuge was right when he said you folks had great senses of humor." Haytham replied Castellan, taking his seat. As a former businessman, it was probably for the best that he had been sent to a meeting that seemed to be about 'trade'.

Ayana bowed to the Nepleslian Senator with a polite smile as she took her seat and waited patiently for the conference to begin.

“As indicated in the invitation, the primary purpose of this meeting is to discuss the situation of the Free state As friends to them as per our peace and trade agreements, we the Lorath Matriarchy, feel it is our duty as friends to offer what aid we can. Along with our obligation on paper, we feel a responsibility to help a people which have gone through a disaster much like what was inflicted upon our own people, by the same source.” The High Priest spoke as he tapped at a panel on the table. A volumetric image came up in the middle of the table indicating sensor data retrieved from the independent ship ‘Maras’, which was present at the Great Lighthouse incident.

Ayana looked at the sensor data blankly, uncertain of what point exactly Tomoe was trying to make.

"I was wondering if someone was going to take the initiative to offer some aid after the cats had their way with those folks." Haytham nodded, retrieving his data pad from inside of his suit jacket. "So what did you have in mind?"

“Due to the incident, as we well know, our friends have been displaced from the only place they could possibly refer to as a ‘home’. Along with this, there were numerous organic life form deaths, and far more prisoners taken. The disruption upon their society was massive...” When the Nepleslian spoke, The Lorath High Priest smiled. “Mmm, you caught on quick. I have in mind massive economic aid, medical supplies, analysis of the population issue, and maybe supplying industrial and military assets as needed.”

Yuriko arched an eyebrow at the High Priest, as if saying 'So that's why I am here.' to him before smiling a little at the proposal.

"Well, who doesn't like free stuff?" Castellan piped in happily, then hesitated for a moment. With a more serious tone she quickly added, "Ahem, what I mean to say is we would graciously appreciate any aid and support that can be offered in this time of need."

Destiny chuckled a little at the eagerness of the Free Spacer. It was cute in a way as she nodded. "Of course, free things are always a welcomed thing I'm sure in any race."

“Mmm... there is more to the situation than merely ‘free stuff’. We also are wishing to offer assets which are of a sensitive technological nature, and due to the nature of the assets, we would ask that the Free State, or at least the nodes wishing to use the assets, agree to an affiliation with the United Manufacturing Cooperative for security reasons.” With the High Priest words, a volumetric display appeared before the Free spacer representative. The display indicated information on the United Manufacturing Cooperative, its purpose, and its rather loose affiliation policy.

“Of course... the contributive rules will be waved, due to the situation of the Free State at this time. However, all of the benefits remain intact.” The Lorath High Priest quickly added in.

Ayana seemed intrigued by this "sensitive technological nature" business but did not feel the need to comment on it at this point. She thought over what the Colonies could provide in humanitarian aide to the Free Spacers but she wasn't really sure how distribution of such aide would work. "I have a question, Castellan how could we provide aide to the other... nodes... if you are mostly nomadic? Would there be a good way of distributing supplies?"

"Oh, we can manage all that internal jazz." Castellan said dismissively. "Our State's sentient econometrics program does a quite good job managing logistics and distribution patterns. So long as the goods are shipped to a Ley Line node, we can take care of most of the rest." She paused for a moment. "And, frankly, not many nodes are eager to share their whereabouts with others given what happened the last time. It's best just to leave dissemination to us."

Interesting. So, is this a well-timed bribe, or a gift to smooth a deal over? Haytham pondered to himself, as he quirked an eyebrow. He wasn't exactly a stranger to certain business methodologies, especially when they involved getting an expedient result, but he'd have to learn more about the Lorath's social conventions before making any hasty assumptions. "You've got Port Hope, miss Castellan." He said, remembering hearing about a large gathering of ships not too far away from his district.

“Mmm... if you desire, we could handle the transport of the goods utilizing our own assets instead of hiring a third party if that makes you feel more comfortable about revealing a ley line location.” The High Priest offered before the senator spoke. “Yes of course, we could also ship to a location which you still have assets at, such as Null and Void, or Port Hope which the Senator was good enough to mention.”

Ayana nodded her understanding. "Understandable, so long as we know where we can send the goods to be distributed, we'll see what we can do, once I discuss the matter with the other members of the Assembly," she added softly.

Destiny simply nodded to the ideas set forth by both her brother and the Prime Minister. Seemed things were going smoothly so far.

Yuriko meanwhile simply looked to Rose briefly, and then brought up the United Manufacturing Cooperative's assets. She quietly went over all of this in her mind as she continued to sit there looking attentive.

“So, Castellan, would you feel comfortable with a loose affiliation? Do not worry, even if you choose not to affiliate, we will still give your people aid, it will simply just not include some of our sensitive technologies.” The High Priest explained as he prepared to move onto the next topic after the reply from the representative.

Ayana started looking a little green around the gills, so to speak. She quickly stood up, "Excuse me," she said quickly as she excused herself from the room and the table.

"One thing I will surely not miss..." Destiny said aloud as she watched Ayana exit the room quickly.

The High Priest gave a soft chuckle at his sister’s comment as he waited on the Freespacer’s reply.

"Hmm, yes, Port Hope should suffice for now." Castellan gave the High Priest a slight frown. "I regret, however, we can't really promise any binding to the UMC, nor the enforcement of them should any nodes agree. The fact a profit-driven organization is trying to impress upon us a binding contract during our darkest hour seems to allude to...exploitation? Maybe nothing so sinister, but it's still cause for suspicious and requires further analysis."

“As I said, we ask no contribution. Its merely a formality to permit us to share some of our technology which will help you back on your feet, and make assets available to you for use. But, I will gladly keep the offer open for later... This moves us onto the next topic of our discussion...” The High Priest went on.

"Hrm... the Prime Minister has been away for a while..." The High priest observed as he spoke to his sister, Yuriko, and Yuriko's companion. "One of you ladies care to check on her?"

Destiny looked to Yuriko, waiting to see if she would act first, or if Destiny herself would go check on her. She didn't mind either way. "Miss Yuriko? If not, I will go instead. My brother can speak on my behalf and you are your only representative."

"If you would not mind Xiaah?" Yuriko asked politely.

"I shall return then." Destiny nods a little and stands, giving the group a small bow before exiting the room in a quick manner, hoping the Prime Minister was ok.

"Well, until my sister returns... we shall continue as much as we can. The issue of trade is next." Tomoe prompted as he looked to the Free State and

Nepleslian representatives. "Since we have an agreement in place, I would like to take this opportunity to confirm and renew our agreement with the Nepleslian Imperium and the Free State to continue our exchange of goods. I'd also like to try to negotiate an arrangement for the potential exchange of United Manufacturing Cooperative goods, and Nepleslian Arms and Munitions goods."

Yuriko nodded slightly. "I have no issues with this, provided some of our proprietary technologies remain within our strict control."

"Of course, there is that topic. Technologies such as some of our armor technologies and power sources will have to be kept under lock and key, however, we would like to trade in some of our less-than-classified goods." Tomoe elaborated.

"Of course, of course, I believe some of our medical technologies and goods could be made available. As well as other assorted materials." Yuriko replied in turn with a small nod of her head.

Castellan propped up her left arm and rested her chin in her hand. "Just give me a list of the items, prices, and estimated shipping times to the depot. We'll let the econometrics programmes run through all that jazz. I can't say I have much of a head for number crunching myself, my AI notwithstanding."

Haytham cleared his throat. "An agreement for the trade of certain goods would be perfectly acceptable, but as for NAM... we do not specifically sell our products, save for certain essential products which are often subcontracted to civilian agencies for distribution under our regulation. Firearms, medicines and cybernetics should be easy to get a hold of once your borders are open again."

Destiny came in after a bit and took her place at the table again. She waited for the others to finish before she spoke.

"So, that is a confirmation from our friends in the Free State... I'm glad we can continue to exchange goods and services." Tomoe then paused as he listened to Haytham's response. "Mmm, would it be possible to subcontract the production of certain goods to the UMC for distribution within the borders of the UOC? I assure you that NAM will receive a majority of the profit."

Yuriko coughed delicately. "The Harbor Master has made me privy to the fact Nepleslian trade vessels are free to enter and exit the UOC." She pointed out.

"Sister, how is the Prime Minister?" Tomoe asked as he looked to Destiny with an inquisitive expression.

Destiny shook her head a little. "Unfortunately, the Prime Minister is to sick to continue. I've had her taken to our medical wing to be watched after, and she was asked that the Crowned Prince continue for this."

"I assume she has contacted him?" Tomoe asked in follow-up as he stood up from the table to go to a nearby closet to retrieve a volumetric projector.

Haytham expression hardened a little bit, but remained largely at ease at Tomoe's question. "Nepleslia will export freely, but it is not within our economic policy to subcontract production outside of our country."

"Yes, I aided her, but yes." Destiny nodded a little to her brother before looking to the Nepleslian.

"Yes, yes. We know." Castellan waved her hand dismissively at Haytham. "You're both looking out for your respective manufacturing cartels. It's such a shame you two organizations won't get with the times and adopt proper industrial automation; infinite, expendable labor simply can't be competed with."

"That sounds acceptable." Tomoe replied as he ducked under the table and went about plugging in the volumetric projector... Within a few minutes the projector was active and it merely awaited the signal from the UOC's Prince so it would activate and project him. Tomoe made his way back to his seat where he waited a moment to allow the Free State and Nepleslia representatives to speak.

Tomoe looked at the projector patiently before he released a sigh. "When the Prince's communication line is opened, we can move onto our next subject which requires his attention."

Tio's image appeared, a slight grin on his face as he addressed those gathered at the conference. "I apologize for not being able to come in person. Either way the United Outer Colonies are happy to continue being apart of these discussions." The crowned Prince fell quiet, he awaited their comments on his greeting.

"We are gracious you could step in on such short notice Prince. Do not worry for the Prime Minister, she is being watched over by our medical personnel." Destiny bowed her head slightly and smiled to the Prince, simply watching his expression.

Tio gave a slight nod in response to Destiny. "Thank you your highness."

"Welcome crowned Prince Tio, I am glad that you are able to join us. We were waiting on some important matters until you could be reached. We have plenty to speak of, and I am quite sure you would like to be able to give feed back." The Lorath High Priest said welcoming the Prince. "So, onward to our next topic... Trade route defense."

Tio quietly rerouted the feed to one of the Tange Ops Centers so that the meeting could be observed more closely.

Castellan briefly touched her ear piece for a moment, and quickly sat up straight. "Oh, good news. Here they are." She smiled, sweetly. "I hope you won't mind; we invited one more. Since you're not elitist swine like the Yammies, I assume it wouldn't be a problem."

"Well, since we have all agreed on trading with one another... I think it is a wise choice to speak on the matter of defending the ships which will be conducting said trade. At this time, we have a---" The High Priest paused when Castellan spoke, he raised his brow before asking a simple question. "Who?"

Yuriko covered her mouth and coughed to cover up a chuckle at Castellan's choice of words before quirking an eyebrow quizzically.

Destiny narrowed her eyes a little at Castellan as she heard the news, resisting the urge to roll her eyes before she nodded. "It would be rude to refuse when they are on our doorstep.

"Well... you can be cheap about it and solve a safety problem the Nepleslian way. Give everyone more guns, so they're all equally prepared to get into fights." Haytham piped in, fiddling with his data pad He perked an eyebrow at Castellan's words, but continued. "But that would be poor economic policy."

Tio raised a brow, he kept quiet as usual.

A message sounded from the communication system built into the room. A rather generic automated voice spoke up. "A Motoyoshi Fleetyard-Novacorp representative and an Elysian representative are requesting admittance."

The announcement quirked the High Priest's brow before he gave a look to his sister. "We don't want to be rude, do we?"

"Why, the Elysians, of course. Our sociological projections indicate that, due to their turbulent past with Yamatai, there would likely be a fair number among their ruling class who harbor hostile feelings towards our common adversary. Since you're not elitist pigs," she said with added emphasis, "I thought the more, the merrier!"

Destiny shook her head, mentally giving a command to the security detail to meet and escort the representatives to the room.

Tio offered quietly "I have no problems with the addition of these delegates."

Tomoe also accompanied Destiny's permission for them to be admitted by sending a message to the workers outside of the cleanroom-turned-conference-room that there should be a welcoming package set out for the representatives. Gloves, face masks for anyone who may be ill, and data pads detailing the conference details.

Yuriko scratched her chin at that. She'd heard plenty of the 'Old Wars' from Koharu. "That they do, I've heard many things in regards to past wars between the Elysians, and Yamataians. Right back to the times of the Heavenly Wars." She said as she sat there tapping her fingers on the table.

Andariel always felt somewhat uncomfortable on board a Thantros. The S19 was a brutally efficient crewman, but they made her uncomfortable, very uncomfortable. However, as she found herself surrounded by them she had to deal with it. Well, anyway. A transmission was necessary so she made one! "This is Second Legate of the Elysian Senate Andariel Vokos speaking. I would like to request permission to land, by shuttle."

"Permission granted. Please follow our directions to the nearest clear landing area." Came a female voice, the feed audio only.

"Our additional guests shall be joining us soon... so until then... Castellan I am interested in your description of Yamatai, could you tell us more?" Tomoe asked as he sat back in his seat, patiently awaiting the incoming guests.

"Well Miss Castellan, we sure as hell aren't elitist pigs. Elysians..." Haytham said to the Freespacer as he scratched his head. "... I'm a little surprised they'd show. We're neighbors for two years and we don't even get as much as a bitter hello. But you've got moxie kid, and I like it."

Fleet Admiral Tomori had come ahead of the Elysian and stood at the entrance of the room, in front of the security detail. She promptly went through the security checks, and the doors to the room opened, Rina was wearing a black suit, her silver and gold hair done in its usual bob cut, her blue eyes rather alert to her surroundings as she looked at the arrayed people. "High Priest, I'm here to represent the MFY-Novacorp assets." She said, and gave a curt nod.

"Acknowledged. I will await further directions." Andariel made for the prepared Velcior shuttle, and dispatched from the Thantros. She briefly considered the originally planned contingent of bodyguards. And she promptly decided against it, dispatching on her own, a minor break in protocol that she deemed necessary for her personal comfort. And she followed directions as they came, for landing.

Tio sat quietly and listened absorbing all the information being discussed. Awaiting for the true issues of matter to come up to comment. His mind absent, more concerned about the condition of Ayana.

"We've got no lack of moxie or courage in the State," Castellan beamed, "and you Neps aren't too far behind either...though I'm actually curious as to how much of it is natural since Nepleslian per-capita alcohol consumption is unprecedented."

"Greetings Admiral. I am glad that you have been able to make an appearance... Even if it is unexpected." The High Priest stood up before stepping to a nearby closet... He pulled out a pair of chairs and brought them to the table. "You and another guest are arriving at the same time, so it is only easier to set out both seats."

A group of Fyunnen awaited at the landing pad with a small package in hand. As the ship landed, they would of course run the normal precautionary checks on the Elysian, before ushering her to the conference room.

Rina nodded, un-perturbed by the remark as she took the offered seat.

A mere few minutes would go by before the Elysian representative would be escorted to the hatchway which lead into the conference room, the Fyunnen escort stepped aside to allow the Elysian to enter and announce themselves.

Andariel, upon going through the inspection and being escorted to the conference room, took a bare second to observe the others there present, then offered the requisite announcement. "I greet you. I am Andariel Vokos, Second Legate to the Elysian Senate, and Elysia is honored by the invitation extended to us." She moved to take a seat after that, pulling away her soh'k'tohs before sitting and letting it fall to a rest in her lap.

"It's why we've gotten along fine so far, toots. Anyone that can hold their liquor, hates the cats and likes machines are always welcome." Haytham replied, this time smiling quite mischievously. Despite his experience as a gambler and businessman, he still had a terribly expressive face. He glanced up and tipped his hat to the Elysian. "Nice to have you here, Miss Second Legate."

"A pleasure. Welcome to our meeting, I hope the trip was pleasant?" Destiny asked, keeping her tone and actions civil. Internally she was a little ticked, but this was less meetings she had to deal with now.

The High Priest gave a nod of his head to the Legate. "Greetings Legate, I am the Lorath High Priest, Tomoe. I welcome you to our conference, and I am glad our Free State friends had the whim to invite your people to this gathering."

"Then maybe one day we three need to go and toss a few back." Yuriko suggested to Haytham and Castellan as the Elysian seated herself. When the female introduced herself, Yuriko inclined her head. "It is a pleasure to have the Elysians amongst us in these proceedings."

"It wasn't a whim," Castellan glanced at Tomoe,"It was very well thought-out, you know. We just think very quickly. You'd understand if your head was crammed full of wires, too."

Destiny chuckled a little at Castellan's words, thinking to some of the older Occhestans.

"But it is." The High Priest replied with a chuckle to Castellan's comment. "A calculated and processed conclusion made at a query concluding with a majority opinion to carry out the behavior at that time seems like a whim to me... Who knows what the query could have resulted in if asked again?"

"I thought it called a cooperative, not a majority rule." Castellan waved her hand dismissively. "Plus, you should be happy with more nations. That means a larger market share."

"If I may, I do not see the relevance to this discussion." Andariel offered up a silvery smile. "As pleasing as small talk can be, I was of the impression that there was more purpose to this meeting than debating what qualifies as whimsy." Andariel found Castellan immediately far more likable than she had expected. Though what she knew about the Free State disturbed her somewhat, this representative was interesting.

"Absolutely true Castellan... and also true Legate." The High Priest quirked his brow at the no-nonsense attitude of the Elysian. "Since we have two guests which have arrived late, I suggest we backtrack to accommodate them... Our previous topics consisted of trade agreements The Free State and Nepleslian Imperium have agreed to establish trade routes with the United Outer Colonies and the United Manufacturing Cooperative. At this time, I would like to offer the same to Elysia... along with a friendship pact establishing that there is no ill will to be had between us. A matter of formality, I'm sure you understand."

Rina entwined her fingers together, and rested her chin upon them. "I would be more then willing to open our borders to such trade with our friends." She said quite kindly.

"At present any race may petition me for entrance into UOC space, I am however very very wary of any YSE vessels close to my border." Rina added with a slight narrowing of the eyes.

"I can assure you, all of you, that Elysia has no interest in aggression or ill will. Friendship between all of our nations is of tantamount importance." Andariel did not explicitly agree to a pact to that affect, perhaps notably. "As for trade routes... Elysia is open to the idea of trade with the U.O.C. and with Nepleslia, however, we have little need to import, and little of interest to export."

Destiny smiled a little, but otherwise simply sits back and watches the going ons of the conference. It was most likely the first time since the peace summit thing that ended horridly that this many foreign countries had gotten together.

The Lorath High Priest readied a data pad and slid it over to the Legate. "Could you please formalize that friendship? I'm sorry, but formalities. You can also agree to a trade pact, which of course sets no obligations for volume of participation."

"Well, I would think Elysia would be open to some cultural oddities, knick knacks, and so on to trade, perhaps even resources, ideas, and so on. We never not know if there is something to trade or not until we put our cards on the table after all." Yuriko said as she sat there looking pleased at the proceedings thus far. "Besides, I have been quite curious on some of Elysia's beverages, foods, clothing and so on."

"It would come down to what Elysian entrepreneurs are willing and allowed to export and import. I imagine that you'll want to restrict what comes in and comes out of your country." Haytham shrugged, tapping his data pad with a pen. "I never really got to deal with any of you people, but I remember hearing about cultural and economic protectionism. Probably why I never got around to it until I became a politician." He said quite blankly, keeping his gaze on the Second Legate until she replied.

"It must be finalized by our Senate, of course, but I will agree to your terms of friendship and give my full support to them with the Senate." Andariel paused there. "While I appreciate your interest in our culture, much of it is quite sacred to us. We would be most uncomfortable marketing our clothing, save perhaps for the simplest of articles. I can bring up the possibility with our Senate, but that I can assure no outcome on."

The Lorath High Priest frowned visibly "If you're unwilling to sign a friendship pact, then I'm unsure of feeling easy about you sitting in on the upcoming sensitive discussions between those gathered here... Could you contact your senate?"

Andariel mused for a moment. "I would like to know precisely what the friendship pact entails before I take it upon myself. If I am to sign something, I would like very much to know the details of your proposal." She cleared her throat. "Friendship Pact is, after all, a rather vague term."

"Just as what was agreed between the Free State and Nepleslia prior to this conference. It is merely a pact stating that our ships won't consider your ships hostile, and vice versa. It also establishes that we will not take undue measures against one another's citizens and assets. It essentially means that we won't look to hurt you, and you won't look to hurt us."

Andariel nodded once, brushing her fingers over her lips, then smiled again. "If that is the term of your pact, I can and will sign it on behalf of the Senate. There is nothing there that we do not already observe. If that will allow us to proceed in this conference, then let it be done."

"Thank you, just press your thumb or whatever digit you favor against the plate on the data pad and that will be accepted as your signature." The High Priest explained.

Destiny let out a soft sigh of relief as she heard everything go smoothly. She hated politics, needing get this approved and that approved. She was so glad that her race just followed her and her brother.

Andariel signed with her thumb as directed, then folded her hands on her lap. "Can we move on now, then? I can promise for a pact of nonaggression, I can not offer the same promise as it applies to trade. As I have said, there is little Elysia would be willing to export that others may be interested in."

"Well, we shall see at a later data in individual communications... Now we shall move onto the topic of trade route defense." The Lorath High Priest spoke as he looked upon the group which seemed to stretch at the seams.

"Mmm, to plan a proper defense of the exchange of goods between our groups is a small logistical issue. The primary problem is the Yamataian Empire which sits directly between us, and the potential possibility of third-party raiders along the way." The High Priest commented as he summoned up a map of the charted portion of space upon the table. Tiny dots of light hovered in an inky blackness, some were bare, others were marked with names and flags. Between them were lines, markers, and little dots indicating ship movements.

"I am rather wary...pirates have taken advantage of the aftermath of the YSE/SMX war, and have been roaming the space lines so to speak. We just had to clear out a fleet about four days ago that had been preying on our freighters." Yuriko pointed out, and then tapped the table idly with her fingers. "I have however been trying to alleviate these issues, from my main posting as a Commodore, and as a chairperson of the UMC."

"Commodore, what is your assessment of the strength of the pirate space forces?" Tomoe asked as he looked to Yuriko.
Yuriko tapped the table softly as she thought this over for several long moments. "Given my resent engagement, and the losses involved on both sides, they are not the threat they once were, or are now hiding to wait for an opening. In other words, for ships to exit our space to become easier prey." She pursed her lips a moment before continuing. "As I stated I have indeed been working to ensure safer routes by building up a private force to use as an escort for our trading vessels. However, it would still be prudent otherwise for other nations to aid in this endeavor."

"Understood... so, my friends, can we arrange for our respective military forces to assume responsibility for portions of our shipping lanes?" The Lorath High Priest asked as he looked to the representatives from Elysia, Nepleslia, and the Free State.

"We don’t have much in the way of standing military forces," Castellan pondered aloud, "but we could probably provide intelligence and signal analysis services for the purpose of pointing you in the right direction, if the State should see fit to do so."

"Would you like to have a standing military force?" Tomoe asked directly as he shot a short glance in Yuriko's direction as if to give her a nudge.

Yuriko gave the softest of shrugs. "It would be helpful."

"I always thought that it would be especially difficult to raid transport vessels equipped with Hyperspace Drives. I mean, I don't know much about the physics behind em', but going in a straight line without actually passing through the immediate space." Haytham pondered aloud, before bringing up the numbers of the Assault fleets on his datapad for a moment, and grinning. "Nepleslia can handle her own security issues, and those in the immediate vicinity of our holdings. If you call your arrival in in advance, the odds of getting attacked by pirates are effectively at a nil."

Tomoe gave a nod to the Nepleslian representative. "I figured as much, all I am worried about is passing through our neighbor's backyard. I assume Nepleslia's military is willing to side with a friend if the neighbors decide to throw a fuss?"

"If it is needed, I could speak to a friend of mine amongst the Grand Admiralty." Yuriko offered.

Andariel watched and listened for the moment, staying silent. It was all interesting to her, but she did have a caveat. Elysia trading at all was a rather questionable thing, and as such she waited for several exchanges before she offered any addition of her own. "Elysia's space is well-protected, and our terms with Yamatai are quite sound. We should be able to help smooth over any fuss with trading lines near Yamataian space." She didn't promise anything explicitly, but she did lay the possibility on the table. It was, of course, contingent on whether or not Elysia decided they had any reason to trade. With... anyone.

"I am glad to have your assurance, it is highly uplifting to have such a positive response, even if you do not intend to take part in the exchange of goods at this time. When the time does come, I am sure that we can feel safe in the process of delivering or receiving goods." Tomoe said in reply to the Elysian, giving a wide smile to show his gratitude.

"If you wormhole gate or hyperspace to Delsauria or any of our established 'gateway' systems, you wouldn't have to worry about it. As for any conflicts with Yamatai..." Hytham grinned for a moment. "It's not our business to start a war we can't afford to fight, but if they do try anything close to our defense network or colonized systems. Well... you needn't worry."

"Mmm... then that matter is settled, except for in the court of our Free State friends. So, would your people enjoy having military assets to protect your end of the exchange of goods?" The Lorath High Priest asked as he looked to the Freespacer representative.

"While additional assets are welcome -- so long as there are no hidden fees of binding contracts -- we can still manage without them. Our fleets haven't survived this long purely due to luck." Castellan was wary about having ties with such a readily profit-driven organization, but had no reason to assume malice as of yet. "Our strategy is simple: instead of presenting an unfavorable target to the enemy, do not present one at all."

"Understood... so I take it your people utilize ECM and constantly moving clusters of ships to prevent being tracked down?" Tomoe said, guessing at the matter.

"Decentralization, gate technology, early warning systems and active stealth are all part of the equation." Castellan nodded.

"Yuriko, what kind of difficulty would be involved in retrofitting a number of our surplus ships to be friendly to the Free State's methods of operation?" Tomoe asked as he picked up a datapad, which he began to put figures into.

Yuriko stroked her chin at this and thought. "It should not be overly difficult provided we know which ships, and the methods employed, as in the hardware." She now wore a look of deep thought as she considered this, running through the different classes of ships at their disposal.

"Would it be easier if we gave them the tools so they could do it themselves?" Tomoe proposed and inquired as he tapped his chin with his datapad.

"Very much so." Yuriko replied promptly.

"Well that settles it. For the sake of the defense of our trade lines, to promote the long term safety of the Free State, and to prevent excess surplus... We will be giving the Free State a number of Wh'ki shipyards and surplus military vessels. No strings." Tomoe spoke, firm and certain on the matter. Of course... he could be firm and certain considering that he'd be receiving a number of new Wh'ki within a matter of weeks and he had a massive surplus of ships recently mothballed.

"I doubt there will be any objection then. Done and done." Castellan gave the High Priest a slight nod. "Send the relevant data to my ship at your nearest convenience."

"How would you like to receive your new assets, will you be picking them up or will you like them delivered?" Tomoe asked as he slid a datapad to Castellan. The screen on it indicated an asset transfer document which awaited a thumb-print confirmation.

"I imagine another node will contact you about that soon. I'm merely a proxy here, after all." Castellan pressed her thumb down on the datapad then slid it back. "They'll decide what's to be done with them."

"I see, then we will await their communication... That settles our trade route defense arrangements... So, this takes us to the next matter. Its a rather simple one." Tomoe pressed a key or two upon the panel before him. A star map was then volumetrically displayed which indicated the UOC and it's surrounding area. A number of star systems were marked in a shining red. They spanned from just above the UOC to many light years distant to the 'south'. "I would like to announce the UOC and Lorath Matriarchy's plans for expansion in the next few years. There will also be outposts established around these assets. We wish to receive your opinions, and take into consideration your concerns, if any."

"That's your business." Haytham shrugged, not really sure what to make of some infant race deciding it was going to colonize more worlds than the Imperium held twelve months ago. They weren't interfering with the needs of his nation in doing so, after all. "Nepleslia is pretty much set but if you want to go around planting flags on every moon south of Jiyuu, it's not like we're going to stop you."

"The State has no concern with what you do several dozen lightyears away," Castellan shrugged. "To each their own."

Yuriko merely shrugged as well. "I have no qualms, I am in the military, not the high ranking politics."

Andariel raised an eyebrow quizzically, then shook her head very slightly. "Elysia has no plans or concerns in that region of space. Your concern for other opinions is appreciated, however." And just that quickly she returned to being a silent observer. Insofar, little that had been discussed was of any particular concern to Elysia, or to Andariel personally.

"Well, then we're able to move along quite quickly..." Tomoe nodded as he mentally moved subjects in his mind. "Ah... the next matter. Future military plans. At this time, I have one of our scouts headed into the far northern reaches of charted space. I would like to alert each of you that we are searching for the remains of the Occhestian government which separated from our own. Our scout will be indicating to us where the Occhestians are, after the indication it is expected that we will be mobilizing our military. I would like to make it clear that this military expedition will not be aimed at any of the nations present here, only at the enemy which we seek out."

"Just be sure to go through the relevant channels if you have to pass through our territories, as Miss Shichou has done quite well in recent memory. As long as you work with our government, and not in spite of it, relations stay good." Haytham said calmly. "And at the moment, Nepleslia has no external major threats which we cannot resolve diplomatically."

"Thank you for remembering." Yuriko said brightly with a soft smile. "I am glad Nepleslia remembers my tact in such circumstances."

"And what of our Free State and Elysian neighbors?" Tomoe asked as he looked to each representative.

"Your internal politics are not our concern, and we will have no part of it." Castellan replied coldly. "We are an anarchate, and despite having many opposing ideologies among ourselves, we peacefully co-exist. You should learn to do the same."

"Mmm, we would, but they're feeding the local pirates, also, they shot my sister in the face." Tomoe replied just as coolly to the Free State representative. "We're settling debts."

Destiny shrugged a little, watching the Free State representative with a somewhat neutral face. The scar on her forehead would be easy to see though.

Andariel raised both eyebrows, eying Castellan with a warm look. It was true that she found many things about the Free State rather disturbing, but this representative was after the Legate's own heart. "If they shot your sister in the face, I would suggest you may not be the most impartial of judges. Elysia will not interfere in your workings. We will not allow warships through Elysian space, however." It was doubtful there would be any need to travel through that space anyway, though...

Yuriko coughed ever so slightly and looked at the others at the table. "Personal feelings, grudges, and thoughts of revenge aside, and ideologies. We are here as friends, I would hope we remain that way, and please continue to work towards ensuring the mutual benefit for all of our peoples?" She both asked, and pointed out politely.

"Acknowledged. We will refrain from entering your space. However, if Occhestian assets are detected in your space we will most likely request that you drive them out so we may deal with them." Tomoe stated before he pulled a warm smile upon his face. "I am sorry to appear so barbaric before our guests, however, it is a matter of racial vendetta, political agenda, religious divide, and revenge... Several topics which are quite difficult to approach without looking somewhat backwards... Of course, we hope that our guests do not judge us poorly. For the sake of saving face and in the interest of continued productivity, we will move away from this subject." The High Priest spoke.

Right, and I guess it means that I should have arranged for a mass nuking of Kennewes after the Reds killed Junior. Kids with wings and fancy toys, but still fucking kids. Haytham's good mood had suddenly taken a nosedive when vendettas over the harming of kin came up in the discussion. Worrying that his anger might jeopardize the meeting, he fake-coughed and cleared his throat as an excuse to pop a capsule of Calm, cleverly disguised as a lozenge. He seemed to suddenly go blank in terms of feeling. He could still probably put on a facade, though. "Well... Nepleslia will deal with those conflicts, should they arise, on a case by case basis."

"Our next subject was to be industrial aid for the Free State. However, we have already premptively handled the matter in our previous course of discussion." Tomoe stated as he glanced to a display on his table. "We would now like to speak of travel rights and clearances for civilian ships into your spaces, for the sake of tourism and private trade."

"As for trade, I have to ask myself. What is there to gain from any kind of deal?" Haytham asked, before making a small nod to Castellan. "No offense or anything, Miss Castellan. Your people have star charts, information and a few technological oddities. But you're not a people of exports."

"Well, despite there maybe not being things visible on the surface to trade Mr.Haytham, pray look deep down. And through the looking glass so to speak to beyond the surface. Forgive me if I am rambling and sound overly mystique' but, there is always something to trade, it may not be easy to see such as raw materials and so on, but, there is always something." Yuriko pointed out to the Nepleslian's words directed to the Freespacer Representative.

"Everyone has something to offer in the private market. I can think of a decent sum of my citizens which would be interested in Castellan's attire style for example." Tomoe spoke as he smiled softly. "And another portion of my people would be quite interested in some of the more creative goods which Nepleslia has to offer."

"Actually...I for one have wanted to spend a few days absorbing Freespacer culture by living amongst them. Since frankly, I am curious about species I have not interacted with overly much." The Commodore added.

Castellan sighed and shook her head. "Only if your sole interest is raw material. Much of the Free State's so-called economy is vested in information: what can be found where, how much of it, who is looking for whom and where they are. A relevant data disc is worth a thousandfold its weight in precious metal. The IPG, for example, hire our hackers at a salary that probably surpasses that of most corporate CEOs."

Yuriko smiled rather enigmatically at Castellan's words.

"Well, the core of the matter is not trade, but the movement of our civilians of each of our nations. I am comfortable welcoming Elysian, Nepleslian, and Freespacer civilians onto my world, so long as they're able to pass through harbor master customs without objection." Tomoe stated, getting the group back on track.

"But if material wealth is your concern, our mass adoption of industrial automation and robotics gives us a labor capacity many times greater than a population of our size would normally afford." Castellan's thoughts turned to their vast Motherships and numerous automated manufactories scattered around space. "Thus we can produce equipment in far large numbers than nations who are more concerned about employing citizens for the sake of employment, rather than actual production efficiency. Machines never tire or get sick, after all."

Rina nodded. "Nepleslia already has my Ok. They're our friends, and friends do not treat others at arm's length without warrant."

Tomoe quirked his brow at Castellan's words. "Mmm... that does sound quite interesting. Maybe you do have quite a bit to export after all... We may have to make a purchase later. Maybe, if we can come to an agreement on the matter of our civilians moving about, we could send a representative to evaluate your automated production capabilities to conclude if we should invest in purchasing a sum of your equipment."

Andariel watched and listened. "I do not believe it would be possible for foreign tourism to reach Elysia. Our people are very sensitive about the topic." She paused. "I personally would like to see others experience the culture of Elysia, though even were we to open our home to tourists, the Holy City would remain restricted. I am not sure what else one would wish to see on Elysia Novus."

"Well, what of limited numbers of tourists to your space? Carefully selected and screened by both of our governments to ensure that they will not cause a fuss." Tomoe offered the Elysian representative.

"The Senate may prove more amenable to that. The Exarchs will raise unholy hell, but they are far less influential than they like to think." Andariel offered a coy smile. "I believe there is only a positive to be found in sharing our ways with others. Unfortunately, many of my colleagues do not share this view."

"Maybe, we should conduct an experiment with a select group comprised of both our peoples. Allow them to mingle, maybe in a social setting such as a neutral station or recreational vessel. Then, we can gather information regarding how well our peoples relate to each other. We may also exchange scholars to investigate the compatibilities of culture to ensure that we will not cause an incident simply by speaking or a gesture." Tomoe stated, he did wish to make a new friend for his people to associate with.

"That seems like a good proposition to me. I will bring it to the Senate floor." Students from the Empyrean Academies seemed the most natural choice for such a social experiment. Andariel couldn't, unfortunately, promise more than that immediately. Particularly as there was no real danger of negotiations falling apart over such a matter.

"Good then... that only leaves the Free State. Would our free spirited friends indulge the idea of civilians and guests coming and going between our respective assets?" Tomoe asked quite straight forward as to avoid weaseling from the topic like which took place earlier in the discussion.

"For now we would have the trade interactions limited to Port Hope. With Yamatai still threatening genocide, we would prefer to avoid unnecessary traffic in order to keep our positions clandestine. I'm sure you understand the need in these trying times. However," Castellan scratched her ear, "There could be an expansion of trade ports in the future should State referendums show a general agreement with the idea. But I can't promise anything for now."

"Understandable, and your people are welcome to our assets so long as you file your flight plans with the harbor master, and don't allow your people to do anything malicious, such as prying where they should not be." Tomoe stated. "Agreeable?"

"We concur." Castellan nodded.

"Well then, that concludes the light hearted matters which we have to speak of. Now, I would like to move to our final topic, which will be presented by the Commodore." Tomoe stated as he gave a nod to Yuriko.

Yuriko looked up blinking several times as she was mentioned. She'd appeared as if she were in a trance. She looked to the High Priest, then to the others in the room. With a silent mental command, a centralized volumetric projector blossomed to life at the center of the table. It showed the known universe, in much detail. "What you see here, is my current knowledge of our universe, and, it is up to date. The how is another story." As she said this, a horde of new icons, blips really began appearing on the map by the hundreds. "This, is how I have been keeping up to date, along with my own ties to some shady dealings in my past." She coughed delicately. "I offer this, in the hopes of binding us together in friendship. This, is one of my secrets, one I have kept close for a time."

The Commodore stood there ramrod straight, her mind a whir, but her face a delicate mask of calm repose.

Tomoe quietly leaned back in his chair as he looked over the information which he and his sister had seen before the conference once before. He then gave a soft nod to Yuriko, allowing her to continue if she desired. She was a well of information, she merely had to be tapped.

Yuriko arched an eyebrow at the High Priest, letting it speak for her.

Tomoe gave Yuriko an expression and a quiet message which explained his feelings on the matter, he was unsure of how their guests received the information, and if the gift was enough to earn their trust.

Castellan's eyes widened as she realized what she was looking at. She broke into a wide grin as she leaned forward to get a better look. "This is-- Doubleplusgood! Excellent, indeed. Do you have unrestricted access to the network? More importantly, will we?"

"That is up to Yuriko." Tomoe spoke as he gestured to guide Castellan's gaze to Yuriko.

"Unrestricted, no, only enough to see what you see before you." Yuriko said, paused and brought up several technical schematics. "However, it may not be much, but this is what is being used to my current knowledge. As it is MFY made, I had access to it." The Commodore replied.

Andariel examined the present information. "That is certainly intriguing." She neither looked nor sounded very impressed, but in truth she was. She was also wondering what the appropriate response to this information would be, considering Elysia's alliance to Yamatai, which she was legally required to uphold. It was something she needed Karael's advice on, alas. Andariel second-guessed herself often on sensitive matters.

Now what of Nepleslia? Tomoe quietly asked himself as he looked to the Nepleslian representative, curious as to his thoughts on what was before him.

"... and you're sure they don't know about this?" Haytham was oddly stony, not really reacting to the revelation. With no dilated pupils, tremors or sweating, it would be especially hard for one to notice he was completely wired on Emrys Industries pharmaceuticals. His eyes were especially drawn to the positions on the edge of Nepleslian space. "So how long have they been watching us wank it? And what are the sensory capabilities of this network?"

"The capabilities are within the technical schematics I have supplied. As for your first question..." Yuriko turned a bright shade of pink. "My lover...she was the Director of SAINT, and had asked for my participation in the deployment of these systems. I however going ahead with another mission at the time and could not. But, she provided me with all of this information..." The Commodore sighed very gently, and sat down. "So, this information comes at a cost for me, personally. So please forgive me if I do not seem enthusiastic at all of the questions."

"How about a date, then Miss Shichou? Oh, not that way..." Haytham asked in a serealy calm manner. "... I meant that since you knew so much about this network, what was the estimated time the entire grid went operational?"

Destiny nodded a little and smiled. "I think I am in agreement with everyone in saying that we are all very appreciative for the information you are sharing with us Yuriko. Just, for some this has larger implications then others." Destiny seemed to look around the room for confirmation of this statement.

"When I received the information, it was just beginning. At the time I had no need to do what I am doing, so I do not know. But, I received the information around February of this year. Maybe late January." Yuriko replied as she sat in her chair, arm's at her side limp as she spoke.

Tomoe gave a few moments for the information revealed to sink in before he spoke up. "Does anyone have any more questions about this matter?" He asked as he looked upon the group.

The resulting quiet drove Tomoe to break the silence. "I take it that each of you would like to talk to your respective governments before even giving a comment, thats understandable. So now, I leave the floor open to your topics which you may wish to bring up to the Matriarchy, and her associates."

"Afraid I do not and..." Haytham checked his now beeping datapad. "..I'm being recalled to Nepleslia immediately after our little session. How much longer until this meeting is concluded?

"Depends on if any of you have questions." Tomoe replied.

Andariel responded coolly, her lips curving in some semblance of amusement. "Every question I may have had... has already been answered to my satisfaction." She, much like Haytham, was reasonably eager to see adjournment. She was a little more tactful about it, though...

"That is good... and what of our guest from the Free State?" Tomoe asked as he shifted his gaze to the Freespacer.

Castellan leaned back in her seat. "I'm good. I'll direct any further questions to your diplomatic staff if the need arises."

"Then, with that, I consider this meeting to be concluded. You may each depart at your own leisure. I thank all of you for taking your time to come." Tomoe stood and gave a soft nod to those gathered as he gave his hand to his sister to guide her in her rising from her seat.

Now... we will see if any of them squeal... The High Priest thought to himself as he bid farewell to the departing guests. He knew full well it was downright absurd to disclose the information Yuriko held, yet at the same time it would tell him and the UOC if friends were meant to be trusted. It would be simply a matter of timing to know the facts of the situation. For now though, he was happy to give a victim new teeth, and to forge stronger ties with those who watched over the victim anarchist nation.
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