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Universal Railmountings

Seems pretty standard to me. I do have one question about this though:

Volumetric Sights said:
Volumetric Sights

A variant of holo and telescopic sights, volumetric sights are completely digital and produce a floating cross hair above the gun in addition to allowing magnification should the sights support that. This allows for a greater range of scope types in a smaller package and makes them much more reliable and less prone to breaking or becoming un adjusted.

How does this work? On starships volumetric windows are created by trillions of nano-machines floating in the air. It is highly unlikely that this is the case here.
No, that's not required for volumetric projection. Most Star Army ships don't have any nanomachines in the air.

I thought that was how all Star Army ships did volumetric windows. According to the Nodal System Wiki anyway.

Nodal Wiki said:
Trillions of tiny femtomachines are distributed in the air, allowing anywhere to become a control panel with a simple swirl of a person's finger.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't nearly every ship in the Star Army use Nodal systems?
No, barely any of them do, and those that do usually only have it in the fabrication bay.
Are you sure about only in the fabrication bay part? I am pretty sure the nodal wiki states distributed. Its functions certainly indicate such. These functions seem standard to every ship in the YSE so logic would then lead me to believe that there is a nodal system on every ship (or nearly every ship) in the YSE. I assumed that they were just there in a higher quantity and concentration in the Nodal production rooms.

Nodal Wiki said:
Trillions of tiny femtomachines are distributed in the air, allowing anywhere to become a control panel with a simple swirl of a person's finger. A ship can use the system to sense what is happening throughout the interior, thus giving it more information to use for environmental control, security, and communication. Using the nodal system, a ship's computer may manifest herself anywhere on the ship in physical or holographic form. This system is also used to decorate the interior of some ships.

it's --> its

I know it's is it is. I just love possessiveness and keep thinking it's as it the object-in-question's possession. Yea...I know it's wrong...I'm really trying to fix it.

double edit:
Though I believe this discussion is pertinet to the article, for the most part it is unrelated. Could we get this part moved to a seperate thread where we can discuss it without clogging up Wes's tech submission?
I like the concept of standardized weapon mounts, so other than the few typos in the proposal and the question about nodal system being on ships or not it sounds good to me.


On the question about the Nodal system, the Plumeria says about the Armory
There is no nodal system available in the armory.
And that is the only place that actually uses the the word Nodal on the Plumeria page, the fabrication bay does mention nanomachine colonies which could be considered Nodal.

Just my two cents worth.
Aye, I found that too. That means that there are only 2 conclusions you can really draw from it.

1. The Plumeria doesn't use nodal (nozomi does though, it's a pretty common ship as well), but that doesn't fit with the comment about the armory.
2. The nodal system is everywhere. If the armory is the only place that specifically notes there is nodal then it is an exception, else there would be no need for such a comment. That could mean then that there are femtomachines everywhere else in the ship.
In response to this discussion, I discovered that the nodal system was listed on the Standard Life Support Systems page for Star Army ship and have removed it.

The current Plumeria only uses the Nodal System in the armory, unlike the Nozomi and Sakura, the only two ships that originally had it everywhere (although the Chiharu got it on its last upgrade by Andrew and other designers put it on the Kyaa and Yuuko). The armory mentions the nodal system because it's copy-pasta from the Sakura.
I really don't see the problem with the nodal system honestly. It seems like a good idea, a system with multiple uses etc. Obviously it's unclear just how much data the femtomachines can provide but it's a good system. Also, the Himiko-class light escort and Anri-class deep space repair vessel both make use of the nodal system internally (not just in the mrb for the anri).

Perhaps instead of being lifesupport it should be under a different category (electronics or systems perhaps) but really nodal is a great system. It explains how you can do all the neat fancy holographic stuff that Star Army ships can do, without it I really don't see how they can do it at all. There's not even an attempt to explain it either, so in my book this is the best choice. It works. It could be argued that the femtomachines in the air aren't really harmful in low concentration, perhaps they are inhaled and automatically break down or something. In high concentrations, almost anything is harmful (including wator vapor) so I can see why those areas of the ship are sealed off from the rest. For example, the Miharu uses the nodal system to reconfigure her rooms from beds to nests or bunk beds. Obviously the occupant of the room can't enter it for a while since the concentration of femtomachines would be increased greatly to facilitate that change.

Frankly I don't see the reason to not include nodal on Yamataian ships. You would imagine that a military, especially one so large as the Yamataian military, would standardize certain things. Also consider that almost all of the Yamataian military's ships, equipment, and systems are provided by the Ketsurui and I really don't understand why there would be too much variation between such basic systems as this. Production-wise it makes even more sense when you consider that the Ketsurui Zaibutsu would only need to have equipment to produce and install one type of system, instead of several.


On this submission though: My issue was mostly with how the volumetric scope worked. I just didn't understand where the femtomachines came from. I also kind of feel that it was made slightly redundant by the holographic scope.

Also copypasta mistakes happen. Totally understandable.
If it helps by comparison, I've always thought (and used) volumetric imaging as a sort of 'hologram'. Nepleslia doesn't use the femto/nodal method, but just projectors that display the images.

This gun looks to do just that. It just brings up some holographic sights.
As the designer of the Kyaa and Anri, I included nodal systems mainly because it was my understanding that they were standard issue on all SA ships (undoubtedly fuelled by my experience on the Sakura plot, having bondage equipment spawned anywhere and time by a certain someone... :P), though it definately was needed for the Anri with all its manufacturing/repair facilities.
On the other hand, I never really thought that it was necessary for volumetric projections, where I thought more along the lines of holgraphs *shrugs*
volumetric scopes

A slight gust of wind will ruin these and water or a hard shock would shatter the display.

This is over-engineering to excess: If you can't give it power, it dies, and nodal has a high energy demand.

Why not just have a "dumb" scope wired to an electronic receiver and use an implant or scouter like device so the user can see in all directions and aim decently, even when on the move (where footsteps would ruin their aim normally because it displaces the perceived aim)?
The difference between holograms and volumetrics is simply 2D vs 3D holography. It has nothing to do with nanomachines, and wind is not a factor at all.

Article approved.