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Laz Public Network [Unknown] Hardware and Materials Needed


Well-Known Member
As the title of my article states, I am in need of hardware, and Materials. Money is no issue as I can pay in KS, HS, DA, and AR. What is required is hardware for refit and repair purposes, combat, and defense. Materials are required in the form of plating, frame components, or simple blocks and sheets of the materials. Strength is required of these, and nothing below the strength of Carbon-Ring or Durandium is required Note: The better quality of the material, the more that would be paid. Salvageable components, and materials are also welcome...provided they are of some use and not simple burnt out space junk.

We will take anything, and everything worth while to us, simply put your offers on the table.

Whomever so chooses to take me up on this offer will be richly rewarded, and their efforts appreciated. Reply if interested.

While I am not able to agree to a job due to other pressing concerns, I can provide some advice.

Check around Albini. It's got both Yamataian and Mishhuvurthyar wreckage from the Battle of Albini. I actually found an intact Nozomi there for which I was rewarded 200,000 KS. Just make sure to abide by the restricted technology laws of the SAoY...but if you're lucky, you'll find some interesting things, as I did. A Mishhu Positron Cannon is just one of the interesting things I got my hands on there.

You can try around where Lor used to be as well for Mishhu stuffs, as well as some Lorath goods. The Lorath are low tech, but pretty innovative to make up for it.

Also, if you want construction materials, look for areas that were under construction when they were destroyed, or the wrecks of destroyed shipyards.

Nepleslia is generally full of civilian stuff, but sometimes you can get lucky. I've had some luck with Demon and Elemental series Power Armors out there...but I had to deal with pirates disguised as NAM operatives. It's pretty pot luck there.

Yuki Toshiro,
Yggdrasill Salvage Fleet
While I can appreciate the advice, I myself am not a salvager Commodore. Simply put, "It is not my calling." hence why I ask for assistance from those who are masters of the trade. If or when your business is concluded Commodore, you could assist if you wish.

As for the SCSC... I see you've a wide range of salvageable materials on hand. I would be interested in acquiring the Mishhu Quantum Computer Equipment, and aether generators...also if you have no use for it, the Yamataium you seem to have. I would pay a fair price for it. If you have any worth while starship's or starship pieces that could be fitted back together into a working vessel I would also buy them.


(OOC: Though we'd have to figure out what kinds)
The following items have been pulled from our warehouse and are available:

* Mishhu Quantum Computer System (S Xyainbor, TC: 41-86, IC: 3583-49851-123)

* Intact aether generator, ship size (S Xyainbor, TC: 71-91, IC: 6518-12797-154)

* Huge Yamataium armor chunk (S Xyainbor, TC: 52-78, IC: 4061-38277-124)
* Huge Yamataium armor chunk (S Xyainbor, TC: 33-66, IC: 2235-32463-96)
* Huge Yamataium armor chunk (S Xyainbor, TC: 63-77, IC: 4908-28085-133)
* Huge Yamataium armor chunk (S Xyainbor, TC: 58-77, IC: 4523-16535-129)
* Huge Yamataium armor chunk (S Xyainbor, TC: 36-67, IC: 2433-4144-99)
* Huge Yamataium armor chunk (S Xyainbor, TC: 77-77, IC: 5986-8065-145)

The total for the above will be 105,000 KS.
25,000 Aether Gen
20,000 M Qntm Comp
10,000 Yamataium (x 6)
We also have starships for sale and a huge selection of starship parts from scanners to graviton beam projectors to blast shutters and airlocks and also weapons.
The necessary funds will be transfered to your accounts in short order. I would also like to inquire if you have any small craft, like the Yui available.

We have a few that could be fully operational with only minor repairs.

100,000 KS each.
I'll take two of them. Please ship them to just outside of the Kimura Cloud. Additional funds have been transfered. Until next time.

We've towed the desired items to the specified location.

Yui 4g Scouts:

* Fully or mostly intact small warship, fairly easy to repair (S Xyainbor, TC: 78-98, IC: 7701-55721-167)
* Fully or mostly intact small warship, fairly easy to repair (S Xyainbor, TC: 69-98, IC: 6819-54643-159)

Bonus Items:
* Badly damaged shuttlecraft (S Xyainbor, TC: 51-75, IC: 3882-28482-120) - A fixer-upper Ke-T2 "Kitty"
* Blast shutter assembly, Diamond Composite (S Xyainbor, TC: 34-74, IC: 2573-8937-104) - Maybe usable in a planetary base?

Total cost: 305,000 KS.
>> set/sender/proxy: [OSC Network Address Pseudonymization Gateway] > 6595873730/@sec.node
>> set/sender/user: Opportunists Social Club
>> set/recipient: To whom it may concern
>> set/subject/RE: Shameless Profiteering

Salutations on behalf of the Opportunists Social Club. It has come to our attention you [may or may not**] be seeking military-industrial capacity for an unspecified purpose and buyer.

Fortunately for you, we are considered one of the best unrestricted black market enterprises in the known universe. We [may**] not only possess a majority market share of the Halna and CSEIA black markets, but have access to considerable (former) Red inventory, as well as the professional automanufactory facilities of the Guild and other Freespacers. This means we [may or may not**] be able to pristine quality equipment, or refurbish used ship modules to top quality should your budget and equipment standards require it. This [may or may not**] include, but is not limited to, autonamous ship crew, industrial workers, and war droids, unauthorized special edition starships, long-range cloaking systems, radical resource redistribution network access, electronic warfare specialists, elite freelancer pilots, black market connections, and numerous other goods and services.

We would also like to bring to your attention our outstanding record of contractor and contractee privacy. We [may or may not**] provide the full range of legitimate services, such as highly liquid "resource voucher" currency, high-end banking services, escrow services, and so on; all of it secure, yet without requiring such verification and licensing as to tip you off to authorities or rivals.

The Opportunist's Social Club:
Providing unrivaled services for all invalids, disenfranchised, and nonpersons whom refuse to be collected since Cycle 13407.
[**NOTE: Our legal advisers have recommended that we never confirm that we may (or may not) offer services of questionable legitimacy in any written media.]
The OSC has pique'd my interest...especially with the offer of "autonomous ship crew, industrial workers, and war droids, unauthorized special edition starships".

I could pay for seventy of the war droids, Militant Series in hard currency, and for two of those Cruisers I could provide material compensation in the form of precious minerals or others.

Also, I'm very interested in the "long range cloaking systems" And would also like to purchase one. Monetary, or resource compensation is once again offered.

- An'ei
Sender: Lorath Sales Automated Services, Subdivision of 'Subspace Powered Advertising Machine'
Subject: Can I interest you?


Dear Sir/Madam,

We the Lorath Matriarchy would like to interest you in our extensive catalog of goods. If interested, contact the Lorath Matriarchy Commerce Department for further details!

Thank you!

>> set/sender/proxy: [OSC Network Address Pseudonymization Gateway] > 6595873730/@sec.node
>> set/sender/user: Opportunists Social Club
>> set/recipient: To whom it may concern
>> set/subject/RE/RE: Shameless Profiteering

Feel free to contact our nearest administration node which can be reached exclusively via proxy probe, for both your protection as much as ours. Once payment has been negotiated and verified as received, you will be allowed to register with The Social Club to access further services, some of which are listed below.

  • At your discretion you may initialize a private credit account with the Social Club. This will better allow you to both procure our services in the future as well as vend goods with much more liquidity and security than alternative free trade markets, both government-sanctioned and otherwise.

  • You will receive access to the Private Military Bonding Commission, which will test and testify for your capabilities under whatever pseudonym and chosen display information you chose. Third parties can then contact you at their discretion for employment should you so chose, with payment and bonuses secured through OSC escrow services.

  • Private automanufactory facilities. In exchange for a fee, a so-called "safe house" for vessels under hot pursuit can be accessed. These bays utilize the latest in EC(C)M technologies and will allow you to keep a low profile until active pursuers disengage.

  • The Cargo Cult is a denomination of the Hacker Cult which specializes in breaking into logistic centers, corporate databases, and military suppliers. They can sell you shipping manifests and convoy schedules, which will allow you to pick-and-choose your battles at your discretion, and fight in the mission theater of your choosing.

Remember: The fatter the wallet, the bigger the smile.โ„ข

DISCLAIMER: The information of the aforementioned goods and services may not be accurate, or may even be outright fabricated. Therefore, this document should be treated with that in mind. Let me be clear that this is not a legally-binding or official document in any sense of the word, which has not been signed or notarized by any Gentlemen of the Social Club. All things things taken into account this document probably shouldn't be recognized by any sanctioned courts of law.
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