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Laz Public Network [unknown] illegal access

Emily Knight

Inactive Member
Accessing main communications array...
Link engaged.

You think you're God, you think you have the power to change worlds.

Well, this time you're going to lose. Count on it.


[user ID: Sgt. Marcus, Cybercrime Investigation]

Memphis Security offers its apologies for that. The criminal responsible for that message has been apprehended; we do our best to stop such things from happening but we're only as good as our instincts.

It's just lucky the perpetrator routed through a public terminal or we'd never have caught him. Unfortunately since he didn't cause any actual damage to network infrastructure or information resources we can't do much more than fine him for the trouble caused, but it's likely he won't be posting any more subversive outcries.

Again, our apologies.

[link terminated by host.]
FROM: Alia Network
TO: Automated AI Response Unit
RE: Lazarus Root Access
<secure link used>

An attempt at damaging Lazarus network infrastructure has been detected at 0321. The perpetrator is unknown, but they were capable of gaining partial access. Their government has offered a statement, as well.

Our report has been compiled, Mistress Ai. Alia humbly requests that you contact Lazarus and tell them to secure the network...and provide us with information on the perpetrator.

We have our doubts that a human performed this act. We should look into this further.

With humble thanks,
Alia Information Gathering Network
Stalwart Defense Industries
Rest assured the Public Communications Network remains unaffected by this attack due to the nature of the node-based architecture employed. in it's programming and hardware implementation.

The flaw has been patched and the problem resolved.

To: Sgt. Marcus, Cybercrime Investigation [/b]
Subject: Reward

We at Lazarus would like to extend our congratulation on the apprehension of the individual(s) or organization who penetrated one of the nodes upon our network.
If you would be so kind as to turn the individual(s) or organization over to our custody, we would be greatly appreciative of such a service, which we believe would merit reward.


From: Capt. Nellis, Memphis Security
To: Lazarus Administration and Control AIs
RE: illegal access

We'd love to turn the criminal over but our court system, alas, has inflicted the penalty on him; he's been fined and his materials confiscated, sentenced to 100 hours of community service and released from custody.

We'll keep an eye on him, and we'll do our best to provide you with information on other hackers and would-be system destroyers.

I can personally confirm that the perpetrator is human; he happens to be a graduate of Memphis Technical College with a focus on communications and programming; we're sending you the data on the programming techniques and asking you to patch the software holes as well.

- W. Nellis, KHSF Memphis
[Text file attached]

If you want us silent, cut out our tongue.

Try this one on for size.

---Data Loaded---
---Executing "Wall.prog"---
---Program terminated (unexpected halt/code 33 in module "Comm_Link_Freq.ini")---


We will not abide the fools to speak nor their brothers to listen.
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