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Laz Public Network [Unknown] Seeking Independant Shipyards


Inactive Member
Sender Unknown... tracking... tracking... signal lost. Estimated 40 LY N/NW of Yamatai....

My Clan is in need of a non-governmental shipyard facility to engage in large-scale repairs of our small fleet. They should be in at least of functional status, and be able to repair vessels employing old KFY, Geshrinari, NAM and NovaCorp technologies. It is our desire to remain anonymous, and as such we are willing to pay an additional 15% on top of the usual rate for the renting of the structures.

Our main priority is to refurbish outdated and decaying internal sections, replace troublesome electronics with more reliable modern units and conduct a full hull repair cycle. Engines and weapons systems are, for the most part, in excellent condition.

A second, less important issue is acquiring some of the new weaponry and ECM devices that has been recently introduced into the st by the Lorath Matriarchy and Free State.

[link engaged]

Routed through Comm Node #228, origin unknown:

We have a shipyard or two available. If you can get here, that is. We don't want any money, rather we want to analyze your ships as they're being repaired to improve our own designs. We can build anything you have the blueprints for.

Coordinates will follow if you accept this offer.
Thank you for your interest in Stalwart Defense Industries! We assure you that we can meet the needs of your nation/corporation/military/police/covert terrorist organization, no matter what they may be.

Though this is a rather...unorthodox method for our corporation, our headquarters on Nyli III is capable of housing several starships at a time, and we do have designers who have the skills required. Materials, too, are no issue.

However, you may be more interested in what else we have to offer. Due to our close relationship with the Lorath Matriarchy, we have access to much of their weapon schematics - many of which are based on our own designs. In addition, we may be able to aquire the Freespacer technology you desire...though it will be difficult.

I request that you route all communications through Public Relations, as well. Stalwart has been...stressed, lately, shall we say, and he doesn't have the time to respond directly.

SDI Public Relations; Automated AI Response Unit
The Ermine will accept Stalwart's offer, as even in our small sector of space, the corporation is of some repute and you have the connections to the Lorath Matriarchy that interest us. My clan will enter Lorath space in a month's time from today and dock with your facilities at Nylii III. Negotiations will be undertaken at that time.

A pleasure doing business with you.

The UOC's borders are currently closed, though it cannot hurt to check back upon the end of that month. Also, alternate arrangements between the Lorath and this party may be possible, such as meeting at the border.

Mikami Abe
Civilian Liason
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