Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: UOC Government [UOC] A River Flowing Strong.

Jo Midori

Inactive Member
With a soft sight, the New Tur'Listan woman brushed some hair behind her ear, hooking it back as she looked around. River as she was known off world was a little nervous to say the least. Though she had been trained and preened for such things, debates within the great circle of power controllers, the ones who made the real progress, who made the real head way to getting things rolling for their people, River was still nervous.

But that was to be expected, right? After all who didn't get nervous on their first time into such a place. She was in the center of power for a brand new empire, and the voice of the Lorath matriarchy as well, her word carrying power for her people. But she was getting ahead of herself. She was just an adviser, there to be along side of the Helashio adviser that would soon join her. She looked back to her aide, a Helashio as well. A fully intelligent, speaking thinking Helashio. For as long as she could remember, Whisper had been at her side, constantly helping her with what she needed to do.

"So Whisper, what do you think?" She asked of her aide as she idly peered around, trying to get a feel for the area as well as find her office, if she even had one yet.
"I think you have the jitters." Whisper spoke in reply to River as she strode alongside the woman she served as an assistant. "You should have some gum or at least take a breather. You don't want to run into any other senators looking obviously shaken... Its bad for the image." She stated as she reached into the small pouch which was slung over her shoulder, producing a package of Lorath gum. "As for finding the office... hrm... I think we were supposed to make a left at that last hall intersection."
River stopped and sighed, her shoulders drooping and her head hanging. With another deep sigh, she looked to Whisper and nodded, taking the gum from her. "Thank you. It figures that I get so nervous I miss my turn. This has never happened to me...."

Though every time I did something big like this...Mother and father were with me. She sighed again before she turned and headed back down the correct hallway. The entire time she was looking for her office.

"Whisper, is the senate currently in session? Any discussions or anything I can sit in on and get a feel of how they work before I start interjecting. Also, please gather transcripts from all previous senate sessions please."

With the request, River popped the gum into her mouth and began to chew lightly, letting the gum's effects wash through her.
"Currently there are a number of proposals being debated. The prominant ones which I have spotted so far involve compensation for labor, and another proposition which involves removing vague statements from the law. As for the senate being in session, they will be starting again in an hour. Transcripts are being routed to your inbox." Whipser spoke as she strode along with River. She was a fine example of multi-tasking, and the product of Lorath genetic manipulation of Helashio DNA.