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RP: UOC Government [UOC] All Roads lead to Jiyuu

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Well-Known Member
There was an old NDI saying, "All Roads Lead to Rome". Or in this case Jiyuu. Alexander thought as he disembarked from his shuttle and onto the open streets of Tokyo.. Alexander Romani was the newly elected official for the second region of the newly formed, and independent United Outer Colonies. The fact he had been elected came as a shock to the man, but he dived into his new position with a fervor, and dedication rarely seen.

Now, Alexander stood in the hustle and bustle that was Tokyo, a black suit on, white buttoned up shirt beneath, and a gold striped tie. His hair was neatly combed, and tied back into a ponytail, bangs hanging down framing his face. And as always, glasses on and in place. He adjusted the handkerchief inside of his coat pocket a moment, and checked his pocket watch noting the time. Replacing it, he caught sight of a young neko in uniform eying him up and down, her companions did so as well.

He dropped into a gentlemanly bow to them, his hair falling forward slightly before he stood straight again. The girl and her companions giggled, and walked off, a small smile on Alexander's lips. He emitted a soft sigh of longing before moving on. He had sometime to kill and intended to do so in style, maybe check a few of Tokyo's shops or explore more of the city.
"In' remembah, Arnie, you stay outta dos gurly bars. You know what happens in dos places."

"Yes, mother."

"In' remembah, Arnie, don' you be votin for any of dem communists I heah are down there. Y'know what happens wit them peoples."

"Yes, mother."

"In' remembah, Ar- oh da gewls are heah! Bye Arnie."

"Yes, mother."


Arnold Fritz closed his phone, sighing and rubbing his forehead. That woman will drive me insane. The Assembly Member for the United Outer Colonies strolled slowly through the crowded streets of Jiyuu's capital city. After all, he had some time before the first assembly session, and he was certainly hungry.

He spotted a nice restaurant, Sol food, by the looks of it, and headed for the door. Pleasant smells drifted from the Italian food cooking within. As he checked his wrist watch, Fritz noticed the other government official currently present.

Something Romani, isn't he? ... Romani... Romani... where have I heard that before? The Geshrin walked towards Alex, waving a bit as he approached. "Mr. Romani, isn't it?"
Alexander had been speaking to a rather cute waitress at the time. Upon hearing his name being spoken, he politely excused himself, and turned to see the person calling him.

"Yes, how may I help you?" He asked formally.
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