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[UOC] Amaterasu-Class BattleCruiser

As someone who is totally cool and likes warships, this ship has my blessing and endorsement as a worthy addition to the UOC Fleet... Now we just need the powers that be to say the same. :lol:
Fire and Hull Breach Suppression

Through the use of precision force fields and a foam spray system the Amaterasu is capable of effectively snuffing out fires and halting hull breach caused decompression. Fires are put out by cutting off air circulation, and forming a foam layer over combustible materials. Hull breaches can be sealed by creating a force field layer which will halt decompression, and allow for a foam patch to be placed over the hull breach until it is properly patched.
Considering foam is mostly air, how effective is a foam system going to be in a vacuum?

Shield Systems

The Fifth Expeditionary Fleet has utilized data gained from the Himiko-class Light Escort (the YSS Asamoya) assigned from the First Expeditionary Fleet for joint operations in YE 30. Motoyoshi Fleet Yards selected this system to be utilized in some of their designs. Using a series of shield generators each with a redundant generator that provide alternate coverage on specific regions of the ship when integrity drops below a predetermined percentage. In practice, this allows the active shield generator to bear the brunt of incoming fire while the redundant generator remains on hot standby. As the primary generator drops in integrity, power is then increased to the redundant generator which seamlessly takes over the burden of shielding that portion of the ship, allowing the other generator to once again recharge on standby. As shield piercing/tunneling properties are generally only good to cleave through one layer of energy shielding, the Amaterasu can offer up to six layers.
What effect do you think this has on DR, if any?

https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=un ... ion_system

When was this approved?
Wes said:
Considering foam is mostly air, how effective is a foam system going to be in a vacuum?

Soresu said:
In addition, the same gel used on the primary frame's major truss junctions has a thin layer within the secondary frame. Should a breach occur, the nodal based gel will harden, and act as a seal.

Wes said:
What effect do you think this has on DR, if any?

It has none. It's what we have, so I'm using it. As you can see, the Shield Rating is perfectly legit, and in compliance.

Wes said:

A while ago, and has been used on a number of designs already in use on the forums.
Mmkay, lets see here. I'm going to help the man out since he is more than likely busy at the moment.

First off, the foam. I'm the one who gave the guy the suggestion. I recall that method going by just fine in the past, but since it isn't going by okay this time I think I'll help Soresu out and provide an alternative such as pico-jelly.

Second, the DR was listed earlier in the article, its SP 40 and Threshold 4.

Third, the ablative armor system I submitted back before I put the Raptor-Class up for review since I wrote it along with the Raptor-Class. It passed through without much of a fuss.
https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=um ... _gammatron

What does this fire exactly? There are a lot of words in the tech description but none of them really seem to mean anything other than saying something happens then things explode. Where the reactions occur and what they are used to do aren't even really described at all.

Aside from that, I am also fairly sure the weapon wouldn't work. Carbon + uranium doesn't make anti-matter, Gamma rays don't react with positrons in that way, and an anti-matter reaction wouldn't create a 'void' in space.
Uso said:

What does this fire exactly? There are a lot of words in the tech description but none of them really seem to mean anything other than saying something happens then things explode. Where the reactions occur and what they are used to do aren't even really described at all.

Aside from that, I am also fairly sure the weapon wouldn't work. Carbon + uranium doesn't make anti-matter, Gamma rays don't react with positrons in that way, and an anti-matter reaction wouldn't create a 'void' in space.

I'm sorry, but if you have nothing constructive to add on the entire design beyond harping about a weapon already approved for use by the Boss Man himself who has deemed it passable, and usable in the setting and is on a number of designs already which have all passed, why are you in here?
Soresu said:
Uso said:

What does this fire exactly? There are a lot of words in the tech description but none of them really seem to mean anything other than saying something happens then things explode. Where the reactions occur and what they are used to do aren't even really described at all.

Aside from that, I am also fairly sure the weapon wouldn't work. Carbon + uranium doesn't make anti-matter, Gamma rays don't react with positrons in that way, and an anti-matter reaction wouldn't create a 'void' in space.

I'm sorry, but if you have nothing constructive to add on the entire design beyond harping about a weapon already approved for use by the Boss Man himself who has deemed it passable, and usable in the setting and is on a number of designs already which have all passed, why are you in here?


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Because this ship's main gun doesn't make sense?

It says it fires radiation emissions in one part, and then some sort of physical round in the next. The description of how the gun works also doesn't make sense IE: it explains some sort of reaction (which couldn't work because gamma rays are not a positron's anti-particle among other things) but it dosen't explain how that reaction relates to the gun in any way.

I also don't know when this was approved as it seems to have been created only a few days ago.

I also don't see it being used on any other ships listed on the wiki.
I also don't know when this was approved as it seems to have been created only a few days ago.

It was approved November of last year, however, we had wiki troubles a few days ago, and Wes had to beat some life back into it, and more or less refile everything.
Ok, but the weapon still doesn't make any sense.

Gamma rays and positrons are not anti-particles

Gamma radiation can't be 'destroyed'

Creating a literal void in space couldn't be done with carbon and uranium.

Changing the wavelength of a gamma ray would change it to a different type of radiation.

Positrons are not radiation.

A nuclear fission reaction on that scale would be significant because it is what is producing the radiation and it changes the two elements into a new element.

The above would also not produce a positron.
The Amaterasu ship has a name taken from the anime Starship Operators, which is a practice frowned upon in this setting.

It does not list a range for its interdiction field.

It also has a main gun which is at best self contradictory in places.
The Amaterasu ship has a name taken from the anime Starship Operators, which is a practice frowned upon in this setting.

I chose the name after the Japanese Goddess of the Sun, Amaterasu actually, get your facts straight.
It does not list a range for its interdiction field.

It does now.

It also has a main gun which is at best self contradictory in places.

Stop mewling over the gun and move on. It was approved already.
Uso, please keep your comments down unless they are constructive. One out of three on that last post isn't good enough.
Gamma Rays and positrons are not anti-particles
Where does the original article specify this?

Gamma radiation can't be destroyed
The energy can be lost and the meson carry a lower force. The meson can be decayed or fission into a lighter particle ergo partial width. There is also K-Decay but this isn't compatible with the existing GUT model.

Again... Is this specific to the Amaterasu?

Positrons are not radiation
They are unstable and their decay products are photons in the 10^12 MeV charge range. I think this is what was intended.

The above would also not produce a positron.
It is entirely possible that the process is not the same as the contemporary method -- There may be a new way to induce a nuclear fission event and new ways to condense the photons with sufficient charge into positrons (since photons are the decay products of positrons) - My knowledge of particle behaviors isn't rock solid but to be honest, neither of us are up to doing the necessary math and examining the model - but it's a well established rule that products can be condensed back into a desired state provided the charge of the system and the level of entropy is reasonable.

And to be frank, if we can manipulate space-time the same way we do a blanket, it is entirely possible that we can control entropy on an extremely small scale through mechanisms similar to the operational functions of a quantum computer (probability logic bias).

The age of nuclear rockets, handguns and crude 60's-esque cybernetics is dead, Uso.
Just let go.
Each shot is measured by the built-in targeting computer so that the speed differentiation will cause the positron and gamma ray photon to collide upon the point of impact. When this occurs, an anti-matter/matter reaction spreads out from the of impact

Here is where it states that a matter/anti-matter reaction happens between gamma rays and positron.

his anti-matter/matter reaction also causes the stray nitrogen atom and the remaining gamma radiation to be destroyed

There is also no mention of energy transfer, just that the energy is destroyed. K-decay isn't compatible with GUT just like how destruction of energy isn't compatible with our understanding of the universe.

They are unstable and their decay products are photons in the 10^12 MeV charge range. I think this is what was intended.

Which is what I mean by the article being unclear. Just like how earlyer in the article it says that the weapon fires radiation and the description implies it fires some sort of physical round.

There may be a new way to induce a nuclear fission event and new ways to condense the photons with sufficient charge into positrons

No, there isn't. At least not without violating conservation of energy as when you produce anti-matter you are also stuck with a similar amount of matter which rules this process out entirely.
This is the main weapon of the ship, and it is at best poorly described and at wost internally contradictory.

As the main gun is a major part of what a ship does in most RPs, then having a weapon that players and other GMs can't react to because of the above problems is a major issue.