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[UOC] Finch-Class Patrol Pod

I think he maybe using the same program as the art on the Raptor. I dunno though. :?
Doshii Jun said:
Where did the art come from?

The program is called "Google Sketch-Up" its a line modeling program which is pretty simple to use. Osaka was showing it off some months ago. The design sprang out of my head one night and I had to bring it to form.

And yes, same program which I used to make the Raptor's design.
Its also what I use for my ship designs, I just skip on the animated image and choose the angles I wish to show off, then export it to Photoshop for resizing and such.

You can get even more detailed with it, depending on how much time you have to spend working on a model.

Sorry to do this Tomoe but I’ve been resisting the art critic within a great deal. I’m sure you’ve put a lot of effort into your ship designs and there’s nothing really “Wrong” or “Bad” about them… It’s just that to me they seem a little bland, just rectangles with barley any distinguishing features. Blocky isn’t bad and nothing has to have smooth curves and ornate wings and the like, but when doing blocky industrial designs, they need something that makes them stand apart, distinctive angles and uniform styles.

Again I don’t want to be overly critical or mean, it’s just that I use the same program and I know its not too hard to bring awesome ideas to life. I’m also a perfectionist with my own work so you can take this with a handful of salt if you like.
The phrase is 'grain of salt'. Additionally; what if I WANT them to look bland and not stand out?

Every faction has starships that stand out, starships that look flashy new like little glittery bugs in the vacuum of space. What I shoot for is something which looks like it is meant to kill or be killed, not a modern art masterpiece.
First, I know the grain of salt phrase, I was paraphrasing to make the point that I often set the standards for my own artwork too high and I shouldn’t necessary judge your work by those same standards.

Second, don’t presume that you can lecture me about the nature of Form vs. Function with regards to starships. You say you strive for militaristic function and deadly form rather than modern art. That’s all well and good but the art does not reflect that intent. There’s nothing in this that says to me “This is a war machine.” It’s a solid uninteresting block and it lacks any of the design features of modern fighting vehicles. (For example, angled sides, this not only increased the chance to deflect solid impacts, but also increases the effectiveness of armour, because there is more armour to get through coming in at an angle than there is hitting it straight on.)

Please, if you want to make your ships look like practical pieces of military hardware, take your inspiration from real military hardware. Modern tanks, Warships and fighter craft look the way they do because of lessens learned both from theoretical testing and lessons learned on the battlefield.

I’m trying to be constructive here, so don’t make excuses like saying you want it to look that way. Nobody WANTS their ideas to look like uninteresting rectangular blocks of metal. And since this is Science Fiction, do not forsake Form for Function. Use your damn imagination and do something new and exiting, innovate and carve out your own place in a way that makes people stop and say “oh wow”

Creating for Sci-Fi is a balance between form and function, you can have a war machine that looks both fantastic and scary as well as practical. You can have both.
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