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UOC Resettlement in the DION


Inactive Member
Submission Type: Setting Submission
Submission URL: ... settlement

Faction: Nepleslia
FM Approved Yet: Believe it is

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles NO

Notes: I know it's orphaned right now but I need help with formatting and concept suggestions. Working on finishing the partner article for the evacuation of the Tange. First setting submission so am unsure how well made it is.
I saw this a while back, and overall it is fairly sound.

But the item I have issue with is.

Widespread anger at Yamatai

Can play up anti-Yamatai sentiments

There is no IC rationale for this. Yamatai did not make the NMX, and they did not tell the NMX to attack the UOC. Anger should be where it is deserved the NMX, and I have to say it, the UOC leadership. After all they failed to build defenses, and such.

Get rid of the slamming Yamatai and you get my nod.
See I added that because I kept hearing how much the average Nepleslian does not like Yamatai. And when the Sky Marshall stood up for the short lived Freespacer splintering, Yamatai got its dander up. That tells me that Nepleslia, politically, is allied with Yamatai by convenience.

Before I get rid of it, can I get a definitive position on how the average Nepleslian views Yamatai?
Its not the average Nepleslian, they may dislike its that this document seeks to promote and build such negative feelings. Especially at a time when both Empires are fighting for their lives. To use a Klingon quote.

Only a fool fights in a burning house.
-Coughs- Warning: Big Post incoming.

One of the big reasons the UOC couldn't build adequate defenses in time was partly due to OOC disinterest and ICly Yamatai taking pretty much 'all' of their technology back. Bodies, ships, stations and so on. And if I remember correctly Yamatai hired Privateers to raid UOC territory (Or that may have been taken out, in what I refer to as 'The Dark Times' which is basically the drama wars of 07'-'08.) So it was a combination of the UOC's inability to adequately build defenses due to needing to build an entire interstellar infrastructure from almost nothing. Compound that with pirates, privateers, raiders (And remaining SMX forces that did not go away in the magical meta-plot gates of endgamedom.) swooping down on fledgling tradelanes and so on the ships that Yamatai took back could've been useful.

However, the UOC had built a few vessels by this time but couldn't patrol all of their space with a handful of untested prototypes.

With the arrival of the Lorath (And forgive me, but my memory is hazy around here due to wanting to block this whole sordid affair out.) we added a few million Lorath, billion or so Helashio, and their clones and so on to our already strained resource base.

There is going to be resentment for Yamatai, no ifs, ands or buts about it and no amount of admin or modfu can change it. You will find it somewhere. And I'm telling you this as a former player, and FM of the UOC. The 5th XF felt morally wronged by Yamatai at large while still under their rule due to the Battle of Taiie and other factors. In IC time it has been a little over four years since then.

Logically they'd still hold some sort of grudge and resentment especially amongst some of the former military. I'm not saying it is entirely Yamatai's fault, but they are not faultless here. The UOC is to blame in part as well, do I know that the UOC'd be still around and strong ICly if they'd not had their ships, weapons and such taken away? No idea, from an IC standpoint they'd likely still be around if we didn't muddle it up with the OOC business.

Can I say that Yamatai's demands for their stuff back led to the downfall of the UOC? In part, and only in part (Along with the series of events that followed which were not their fault). It was a domino effect, an already small, weak newly founded nation was left defenseless, mostly grounded and with a substandard economic base/military force at the time that could have been bolstered by those ships and weapons. That may stick in the back of their minds, in addition to the stuff during and after Taiie.

Yamatai did not make the NMX, but they had a hand in making its predecessor, the SMX, which in part led to the development of its successor the NMX, some, not all may feel that "Hey, we should be mad about this!" but likely a small part only (And if they actually KNEW). The majority may still feel wronged, and hold some not a lot, but some resentment due to other things along with the fact their nation just got wiped out.

Tempers will be flaring, but that only comes after the shock, guild, and depression has had time to fester and something else will come up. Given time they will more than likely calm down and come to their senses, blame maybe given during the start, but near the end the UOC survivors will want only one of two things. A new home in which to pickup the pieces, and possibly to avenge the loss of any loved ones when their nation fell. As is normal for any person. I'm not going to hand out ratios on which for fake people, and we as real people should take these things into account if we were put into their shoes. We'd be mad, angry, and looking to the nearest source of resentment that is etched into the back of our minds, blame them, hate them, but then come to realize it is fruitless, futile, and then move on. Or, mope, feel sad and so on. Or indifferent, it varies too much to put into words.

As for the Nepleslian views, that is free to interpretation from player to player. Most Nepleslian players I have dealt with have had their characters dislike, or partly distrust/loathe Yamatai. So unless there is an OOC campaign to change this, or some IC Pamphlet campaign or whatnot to 'change' these views, it is going to vary, and vary widely. Don't quote me on the latter of my huge post. It is just what I have observed over the years from Nep players in IC. But with the war, I can't paint a clear picture.
I'm not saying there isn't resentment. I'm saying that I do not like the idea of making building up the resentment to higher levels a goal of this setting element.
It's not really a goal and it's something that's actually going to be seen in game as far as I'm aware of. The point is to make this setting change realistic. To me, playing the "Yamatai are losers" card by mass media is fairly realistic. Consider how much bashing the US media did to France (its NATO ally) back in the early 2000s, if we are to make a comparison with Nepleslia's real world counterpart. Yet, we still saw France and the US cooperating as NATO partners in the early stages of the air strikes on Libya.

If anything, the goal is to outline the difficulty that the Jiyuuians and Nepleslians have in adapting to each other's presence.
Then kindly remove it from the Listed Goals. I am fine with your explanation of your intent to use that in IC mass media, but it should not be listed as a Goal. A goal be definition is what you are attempting to achieve. ;)
But it's not listed as a goal. It's listed as a result and as an event, which is done in response to increasingly tense racial conflict.
I'm still awaiting feedback on this from others. I don't want this approved before I've heard from multiple reviewers.
It's a good article Sigma, and a good idea as well, however:

The problem Sigma is that the anti-Yamatai deal feels like a play at diverting the people's attention away from the NMX and UoC Leadership, the NMX who are the REAL THREAT to them and the UoC Leadership for not acting in a timely manner. (yes, I saw what Soresu wrote, but still, the UoC leadership are still at fault)

Keep in mind, I'm sure there will be people angry at Yamatai. However, why do I see 'zero' resentment toward the NMX? There is a brief mention, but thats it. Also, I'm not saying what you are doing is wrong or bad, I'm just wanting to make sense of the reasons behind it.

After all you do state its not a goal, but its listed as such.
Discussing the semantics won't do much to help the case for the anti-Yamatai bit, it seems.

So I've just changed it to anti-NMX.

What I'd like are some suggestions to expand the article because I can't think of anything else to add.
I think it is approvable in its current state. We can always expand on it later if needed.