Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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RP: United Outer Colonies [UOC Tokyo] Blackest Night- Explosion at Serenity


Tokyo, Jiyuu, United Outer Colonies

Black Out: Day 1

The night the rolling blackout hit the entire series of United Outer Colonies’ systems, many of the citizens were asleep. Prime Minister Tange-Katsura Ayana was one of the few awake, as she sat in her home office with nothing but volumetric screens on around her. She was greatly disturbed as she saw the entire expanse of the colonies go quiet. She wasn’t expecting a communications black-out to occur, but, she wasn’t sure what expect. She was held in suspense as she waited for Melisson to come collect her surrender.

Her son, Edmond, was sleeping peacefully in the next room when the Colonies went dead silent. There was no chaos in the streets due to the hour. The Security Forces patrolling the streets were confused and so were the Peacekeeper vessels that were now floating in the darkness suddenly feeling very alone.

Ayana frowned when all of her news feeds went dead silent but she knew that trouble had finally arrived. She stood up from her desk and poured herself a glass of rare 12 year whiskey. “It’s starting. I hope you’re happy, Tio, you’ve brought hell upon us and now we all have to pay…”

“I wouldn’t blame our Prince for your weakness if I were you, Prime Minister,” a young woman’s voice accused from a dark corner.

“It’s a little bit too late, your Prince has abandoned you, me, his child and our entire nation,” Ayana replied bitterly as she took a deep drink of her whiskey. “I don’t know what you Black Coats hope to accomplish here. We’ve lost. We are spread too thin from our expansion and our Peacekeeper charter keeps us from properly militarizing our forces to protect ourselves from pirates, raiders and Mishhu. Let’s not forget that a new democracy entangles the process of passing laws that need to be in place to properly regulate a nation. And where has your Prince been in the past couple years of our existence? Missing, just delightfully absent as he fucks his way across our territories?”

“Your lack of faith in us is disturbing, you are not fit to lead this nation anymore,” the voice stated angrily again.

“I have served blindly, doing the best I can with no support. We cannot peacefully resolve this and we do not have the manning to save ourselves, what should we do? I can’t send our people off to die,” Ayana replied curtly. “I have seen into the devil’s eyes more than once, and I was the only one who has even tried to do it. Tio just ran his mouth and now we are here facing destruction.”

“Have faith, he will come back to us again.”

“Screw that, we have to do something now. Stand, fight and die or just surrender and maybe survive. What do you want me to say or do? I will not keep faith in a faithless man with no regard to his family. He has abandoned his only son, so what makes you think he has any intention of coming home?”Ayana snapped as she finished her glass. “They are waiting for us to make our move, this can only be phase 1. It’ll all end when I send them the word.”

“I can’t let you do that, Prime Minister Tange. None of us can,” the voice replied as Ayana was grabbed from behind with a cloth clamped over her mouth.

The Prime Minister struggled and tried to hold her breath but, she took a deep breath of the sedative and eventually slumped limply in the arms of the Black coats who grabbed her.
In the other room, Edmond started crying as if he sensed his mother’s distress before he too was silenced. The house fell into an eerie silence as the Black Coats made their escape with their prey.

An explosion broke the silence and the Prime Minister’s house burned. It was several minutes before the local fire department responded, but the calm had been broken and the district was suddenly awake with panic.

The citizens all wondered what had caused the fire and if the Prime Minister and her son had even been home when it happened. They began to search for the bodies but found nothing but a burnt shell of a house.

The question of what had caused the fire became a question of “Who” and “Why”. The Prime Minister was fairly well liked by her neighbors and the citizens of the Colonies so no one could readily place a name to who might’ve wanted to hurt Ayana. The only person she might’ve been at odds with besides the Mishhu was Tio and no one had even seen him in months. But something had happened and there was no easy way to notify the Colonies that their leader had disappeared…