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[UOC-Unsub]Variable Configuration Drop Pod


Inactive Member
Okay, this IS NOT ready for submission. I'm looking for feedback at the moment on this. I have a feeling that some of the configurations listed in the OOC heading (which for me is like an idea workspace) are redundant. I need to write out the background, specifics, etc. a little more anyway so if you ask me questions about it I'll be able to get a better idea for some of them.

Anyway, I present to you the concept of the UOC Variable Configuration Drop Pod, which is quite unfinished. I'd like to thank Nashoba for the main idea for this, Wes for the inspiration (he was making a shuttle that made me think of a rapid delivery method, to be created later), and to Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles RPG (Palladium) which has the Horizon T transport that inspired the delivery method. Of course there's also the folks from the UOC who made me realize how useful it is (without even saying anything) for a nation of Peacekeepers.

https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=us ... c_drop_pod
Double post :O I think the pod is almost ready for submission, if I could get some feedback on this from some people that'd be great though. I'm not sure what else to add in (or I forgot something :O ).
Oh, I actually did totally forget the history section. The Harbringer is nice, this holds more troops in an infantry mode (though has a longer deployment time). Unlike the Harbringer this also holds vehicles and can also be used as a base of operations. Using a few of these you could have a forward base up in minutes and fully operational within an hour. With the harbringer you can drop supplies, food, and equipment but it really doesn't have much organization.

It's not designed to make the Harbringer obsolete, after all that can be deployed faster than this and easier as well. But this brings more to the table than just a mere troop/supply deployment.

Will write up a history section, though frankly the about more or less covers it. I'm not sure historically what all is important. There's a need seen and something was made to fill it. I'll figure something out.
Well, the Harbinger is for tactical drops, tactical supply, or PA drops. You know, spearhead OPs and the like. So, the number of people on board is kept small. However, I would like to know, as well as for the sake of possible future usage, and clarification, how many infantry does your pod carry, as well as PA's and the like.
Honestly the Harbringer is better suited for those ops than this is. As for quantity, it really depends on how tight you pack everything. Since you can put walls wherever you want you could go with some pretty tight layouts.

I'm working on a program that will let me work with a grid to determine that, but I went ahead and excelled up an estimate. With each person having a 3' x 3' area to themselves and a 3' wide path (one path is 2' though you could realistically space them evenly for 3 2.33' paths) to run down when deployed you can have 28 infantry per side (if you split the pod into 2 sides) with a total of 56 infantry per floor with 2 floors leaving you with 102 infantry in the entire pod. Now the second floor would access the first floor by ladder or some other method (for instance sliding down a rope hanging from the upper door). There is also a 2' space that runs the width of the pod that could be used to store ammunition though accessing it in this configuration would be difficult.

As for the Power Armor, it depends if you take the racks or not, an armory etc. Without armor racks you could fit the same number of Tenshi no Yoru power armors as with Infantry.

edit: I just realized that these numbers are assuming you go with 2 floors with 10' ceilings. If you shaved 3.33' off of each ceiling making each floor 6' 6.7" you can add another 56 troops (the lowered ceiling still allows Tenshi power armors to fit). This brings the total to 160 troops.

double edit: further clarification, you can add another floor which is another 56 troops
I have art for the pod (and it's craft). Right now they both occupy the same page but the ship hasn't been designed yet.

https://wiki.stararmy.com/lib/exe/fetch. ... op_pod.png

The drop pod.

https://wiki.stararmy.com/lib/exe/fetch. ... x_back.png
The back view of the pheonix shuttlecraft

https://wiki.stararmy.com/lib/exe/fetch. ... x_diag.png
Front view of the pheonix shuttlecraft

https://wiki.stararmy.com/lib/exe/fetch. ... _front.png
Head on view of the pheonix shuttlecraft

The Pheonix fully loaded.

As you can tell it's an awkward object in the atmosphere. Once it drops it's cargo it becomes more streamlined of course. The engines on the pod more than make up for the air resistance, they're more powerful than necessary for that purpose exactly. Part of the design of the craft relies on the resistance provided by the air while traveling through the atmosphere.

The upper pods actually make extensive use of the air resistance for assistance in the 'drop'. Under those pods are rollers which are unlocked allowing the air resistance to assist in pushing the pods off of the back of the ship after which the plasma thrusters on the drop pod will take over in assisting with the landing.
removing this as the Pod was officially submitted and approved.