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[UOC] Variable Configuration Drop Pod

Few things I've noted this morning.

Where are the plasma thrusters located? If they are the four protrusions from the top, do they have the ability to swivel? to counter movement.

This module has no power system. Since there is no power system, how does it operate once dropped from the Phoenix? In an aerial drop this would basically just fall from the sky to impact on the ground.

Also since there is no power generation system what powers the plasma generator to allow it to recharge?
I knew I was forgetting something about the thrusters. i'll add that in a later today when I have the chance. As for the space, I might have done the math wrong but: 20(height) x 20(width) = 400 x 40(length) = 16000 x 4(# of pods)= 64000
Actually my original calculations were off as well.

However, what you just posted would be cubic feet (three dimensions) not square feet

Square feet since from the description your pod is a single open space
20w x 40l = 800 square feet per pod

Cubic feet

20w x 40l x 20h = 16000 cubic feet per pod.

I would suggest you reword that sentence from
vehicle transport with over 64,000 square feet of internal space(4 pods attached to a Phoenix dropship).

to something like

vehicle transport with over 16,000 cubic feet of internal space per pod, for a total capacity of 64,000 cubic feet with 4 pods attached to a Phoenix dropship.
Where are the plasma thrusters located? If they are the four protrusions from the top, do they have the ability to swivel? to counter movement.

Added that in under the propulsion section. I had originally meant to add it but totally forgot.

This module has no power system. Since there is no power system, how does it operate once dropped from the Phoenix? In an aerial drop this would basically just fall from the sky to impact on the ground.

I had mentioned a plasma generator system in the power section for the thrusters and doors. However, I decided to elaborate a little bit more. The Power section has been updated accordingly.

Also since there is no power generation system what powers the plasma generator to allow it to recharge?

Well, funny you should mention that. I'm not really knowledgeable about that kinda stuff...I just figured that we had that kind of technology easily available since SARP has no shortage of plasma weapons. Regardless in the new updated power section I've mentioned that it uses a system similar in operation to this.

I would suggest you reword that sentence from
vehicle transport with over 64,000 square feet of internal space(4 pods attached to a Phoenix dropship).

to something like

vehicle transport with over 16,000 cubic feet of internal space per pod, for a total capacity of 64,000 cubic feet with 4 pods attached to a Phoenix dropship.

I totally agree with you (and reworded it). I actually had realized that mistake this morning as I posted my response. Unfortunately I was on my cell phone and updating the wiki would have been a nightmare using 9 keys and T9 text input. Anyway it's fixed now.

Other additions: I added a very small amount of detail about the internal wiring for rooftop solar panels that could be installed as well as wrote another civilian configuration for the pod that utilizes this in a different way.

Thanks a ton for looking this over Nashoba. I look forward to your next response.
Found some typos
Under Aerial drop - seperate
Under power - posses
Under Type 2 - travelling
Bathroom/Shower pod - resovoirs

Drop pod has no life support capability. Recommend giving the pod basic capabilities, if only the ability to process the air.

Since you have not put a dedicated power system in the design, I suggest that you add a note to the Aerial drop to the effect.
Warning: Aerial drop can only be peformed if a power supply has been added to the pod.
Because as it stands, a basic pod if dropped aerially with no modification is basically a rock being dropped.
Maybe have two versions? I know that we can't use copyrighted material, but the idea behind ODSTs is similar. That would mean use the unpowered ones for quick, dangerous drops when needed.
@Aendri: I haven't looked at anything regarding ODST. The only way I even know what it is is by looking at an article that made the frontpage of Yahoo news. IMO, ODST is a cheap left4dead clone and unoriginal in it of itself, but that's me. (I also rather like HALO) Any resemblances (if any) are completely coincidental.
Well, no, I was suggesting the possibility of a more ODST-esque pod as a second version. And actually, the campaign is almost the exact same as the other Halo games, just with a more human set-up. I was referring to the pod though, and the possibility of making a more dangerous, faster dropping version of this pod for the more important, high-speed drops.
All changes suggested have been made with two exceptions.

On the Power: I thought adding in that little bit about a power generator would be enough, evidently it is not. I've changed that little text to be so vague as to say it now powers any of the pod's systems.

On the life support: I know it lacks life support. This is partially intentional. Not every configuration will require life support, for instance transporting vehicles won't require it, neither will transporting most dry or canned foodstuffs, blankets, etc.

Another reason life support was left out is because there is no internal ductwork naturally present on the pod. Because of its potential to have various layouts that could cover any number of built in vents it makes more sense this way. Part of the panel system even indicates that ductwork can easily be added in, logically one would also reason that life support, if necessary, could also be added with little difficulty (insert air scrubber in duct...done). As for transporting personnel in space without it, the pod door section indicates that they can be sealed so it's not an issue so long as they're not in space for longer than the air already on the pod allows. Since the dropship lacks FTL it'd be silly for them to be in space that long anyway, not that it matters since practically any fold capable ship in SARP could get to a habitable planet long before they ran out of air.
Actually with regards to the power and life support I was just thinking a simple entry to make it clear that it was not an oversight.

Life Support
Default: None, optionally can be added.

This review is for: [UOC] Variable Configuration Drop Pod

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[x] Use second-person language (“you” or “your”) unless it is an instructional guide aimed at players.
[x] Use bombastic language (“virtually immune,” “nearly indestructible,” “insanely powerful,” “horrible effects”)
[x] Use an unbalanced header/text ratio (many headers but sections are one-liners)
[x] Use major unapproved sub-articles that should be submitted separately
[x] Lacking Detail

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Missing IC year of creation
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Status: Approved.

This field is for any extra description needed for the issues stated above or (as the name suggests) and additional notes you wish to state in the record regarding the item.
Alrighty, all taken care of. Concerning the namespace I've gone ahead and moved it but generally when I'm working on something I stick it in my sandbox namespace just in case I go off and abandon it. That way it generally stays out of sight for folks and doesn't clutter up namespaces that have approved content. Once approved (or in the case of the phoenix dropship once it's accompanying tech is approved) it will then be moved to the appropriate namespace and linked as well.

https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=mo ... c:my-m1-1a

new namespace
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