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Update: Separa'Shan


Inactive Member
(format belongs to Matt, used with permission)

Table of Contents

I. Species Information
Basic Information

II. Location
System Information
Planetary Information

Species Information

Basic Information

Name of Species: Separa'Shan

Homeworld: Essia

Population (approx.): Pythus: 1.17 Million, Venis: 1.17 Million
Total: 2.34 million
Male: 50%
Female: 50%
Percentage of: Venis (Venomous): 49%
Male: 45%
Female: 55%
Percentage of: Pythus (Non-Venomous): 51%
Male: 60%
Female: 40%

Type: Barter System
Main Exports:
Main Imports:
Currency: Bronze Coin with small hole in the center
Valuable backing currency: None

Description: The Separa have little to no body hair, as their world is mostly tropical, having body hair would be more of a curse than a benefit. Since they evolved from snakes, they all have slitted eyes in the colors of Amber yellow, lime green, white, or pale blue, anything darker is possible but extremely rare. Most have scales on some parts of their bodies in their adult forms and coarse hair. Their adult form is one of a lamia or half human-half snake; generally they have snake heads especially the Venis but the ones born with more human features are often made priests as they believe their patron: Nagashun was a beautiful human faced lamia with hair of Gold and eyes of darkest blue.

Their life cycle consists of four stages. It should be noted that the egglaying season and the Ascension period are biannual events but the times are different for each species (Venis and Pythus).

First Stage: Egg- The Separa are egg layers by nature as their evolution still holds them to some facets. They consider this a sacred stage of life and once it's begun no living soul may interfere with the development of the eggs on pain of death by consumption or fitting means.

Second Stage: Young/Child- After they hatch, the Separa appear to be nothing more than snakes that are slightly larger than average earth snakes. They are cared for by their parents who are probably the one ons who can recognize their own offspring.

Third Stage: Ascension- Another sacred right in their culture. This is the time in a young Separa's life when he or she transforms into their adult form. Always proceeded by a feast that provides the fuel for the bodily metamorphosis, the young are sealed into a quiet cave which they can only leave in their adult forms. A stockpile of Fruits is always made available to the young adults because they're starving when they're finished.

Fourth Stage: Adult- This is the final stage of the life cycle, they'll continue to grow but not by much.

Due to high levels of carbon in their diet, the Separa's bodies create radio interference. It not only creates interference but it also makes their scales tougher than they appear to be without losing any of the natural flexibility. They also have a distinct immunity to natural poisons as they either have it themselves or have developed an immunity over the lifetime of the species.

Races: Venis and Pythus. Venis is their word for the venom clan or those descended from venomous snakes and therein possess their own powerful cocktail of a mix of Hemophilic and Neurotoxin. Pythus is the clan descended from the powerful constrictor snakes such as the anaconda, boa, and pythons.

Culture: The Separa are a polite, if unemotional race; holding clan ties and tradition very seriously. They often believe in eye-for-an-eye when it comes to the eggs or young, but if say someone were to insult a adult Separa: they're likely to bite you and forget further grudges. They also an artistic people, enjoying performance arts and useful but still artistic objects like pottery and things like that. They have intricately built temples, like more of the ramps have a form of hieroglyphics along them that explain how it was built, it's name and the Separa who created and built it. They are big on appropriate accreditation of artistic creations.
Culturally speaking they are primitive compared to the YSA but they have a rich culture based on traditions and their beliefs, especially in their creation, believing a combination of evolution and creationism (though they don't call it that). They have the ritual "ascension" of the young, as it is a very important part of their culture as well as the ritual of egglaying, both of which are always done on a seasonal schedule. They have a sophisticated language that tends to emphasize the typical hissing sounds of snakes as well as a writing system of both Hieroglyphics and a more advanced writing style but it's only been perfected by the Council members and the priesthood.

Venis Information

Description: Usually brightly colored to warn of their poisonous nature, their colors are usually in their hair and along their scales.

Areas: Anywhere

Culture: Tend to be calm and reserved as a trait from their ancestors, not wanting to waste what they have on things that wouldn't have little significance for them.

Pythus Information

Description: Usually drabbly colored in their hair and scales, prefering to ambush enemies and prey using their coloration to hide from them.

Areas: Anywhere

Culture: see above^

Many millenia ago, the goddess Nagashun came to their tropical world and deemed it a beautiful world and declared it her own. She planted her eggs upon the land that would hatch into the twin races of Venis and Pythus in their basic form: the snake. With her gentle guidance and love the species was carefully guided to grow slowly over 10 millenia to where they are now. She had watched over her child races but tried her best to keep her hand out of it but when they reached a point they could understand, (about 2000 years ago) and guided them to the point they could advance and evolved to the level of intelligence to about a human.

*Note: this is the race's belief in their origins. Nobody quite knows how they got to this point scientifically and this is of comfort to them*

The actual story is less spectular.

Well over 2 million years ago, an ancient race of humans visited the planet in a search for a new home. They were from the now destroyed earth and had found Essia, the world had the needed beginnings for a new earth and the pioneers began to use nanomachines to terraform the planet into a more habitable world in an attempt to create their "eden." But something now lost to the flows of time happened that severely corrupted the AI's of the time, bringing all the ships of the small group down (about 5 ships) on various areas of the planet. One corrupted AI survived it's ship's crash, and created a physical incarnation of itself based of it's personal interest in serpent/human hybridism and managed to communicate to the other ships half surviving computers and released the terraforming Nanomachines.

Because of it's fascination with its own physicality, it began to use it's millions of nanomachines to slowly, over a long period of time, evolve the serpents of the planet into their current Lamia forms. Using that infomation was left. The AI also had the nanomachine slowly evolve human intelligence in it's "child" race. The years progressed as the did until about 10,000 years ago another small band of starships came into orbit and attempted to land and study the world...the AI now calling itself Nagashun who had long sense learned how to. radiated a light from the world that rendered any ships entering it's atmosphere unusable for fear that they'd tamper with her "children.." the AI had developed personality and a mothering instincts...

After that scare, time progressed to the present day with no inferences. The history only known in truth to the AI which now resides in a shine built around a ruin of it's ship.


System Information

Name: Essia
Location on Star Charts: 625154
Type of System: Planetary
Star(s): Binary
Planet(s): Essia and it's moon Largis, uninhabited planet Ssinisa.