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Update the forums?

Should we update everything together as a community?

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As a new member I am almost entirely reliant on the wiki to be a guide. This means that when I find out of date articles I cannot be sure that these articles will provide any guidance to making new submissions.

Therefore, I am proposing that after the current list of NTSE articles are finished, the site as a whole stops further development and updates old articles.

It will be time consuming. But avoiding this problem is only going to make it exponentially worse.

Updating the articles of the wiki to match the new requirements also sets forth a good precedent from not only staff but the community. It shows that the community and staff alike are able and willing to make sure that this setting stays up to date with the latest and greatest works.

It would also provide more guidance to new people. If any wiki article can be looked at and known it is up to date then any article can be a guide for making new things.

It would make less work on staff in the long run. NTSE articles would be much more coherent and more readily following templates as well as allowing new players to understand exactly what is expected of them for new articles.

There are many other points that could be made; these are just a few. The only con to this that I can see is that it would require hard work.

Simply point me in the right direction and I will be willing to help out.
I know for a fact Char is working on Nepleslia as its Fm and I have updated some Neshaten stuff before as its Fm, I think wes asked people to update yam articles a short while ago but dunno if anything happened with that.

Honestly its sort of the fms job to maintain the articles of their faction and personally as a writer and designer i like everything to be written how i like it so I don’t ask for help. Yam probably has the most out of date and plain empty stub articles so I’d suggest talking to wes if you want to help him out.

Problem is we have all of about 1 properly active NTSE member, not trying to be disrespectful to the others but its a very visible statistic if you look at who’s working the most in that forum. So we probably need to evaluate the ntse roster for the millionth time or figure out a way to streamline it more or just become immortal beings to try and get through the whole wiki before the sun engulfs the earth lol.
NTSE has halted articles before after half the site left back in I think 2018 if I’m remembering correctly. So shutting down again isn’t completely new. Plus, there are some articles that have multiple line break ups or are so old that they’re lacking relevant information.

I’m not calling for an overhaul of each wiki article. However, I at least want some of the older articles to be brought up to date.

This makes me want to add waiting for the sun to engluf the Earth to the poll and I can't explain why

In short, this is what I agree with. NTSE lacks the number of active member. Which slows down everything. Maybe the implication of people having to choose from either being NTSE or Staff would help lessen the load and give people less power overall. Since realistically, you only have time to be one or the other. You can’t expect too many people to manage both NTSE and Staff.
Because its an accurate description of time for this situation tbh.

To put my view in a nutshell, yes the wiki could use some updating but no I won’t personally work on any articles outside of either neshaten or potentially Nepleslia for personal reasons.

Its too much work with too little people and most of the really old stuff is better off being deleted.
I know Elysia's also in the middle of a rework anyways, so a bit redundant.

And by 'rework' we mean that there are pipeline plans for complete overhauls. And finally a war doctrine. You know, the thing that Elysia didn't have which probably cost them four wars.

Although I'll have to ask you: How do you plan on organizing the rewrite?
What exactly is outdated that needs updating?

The main thing I know of is there's still a lot of articles out there with DRv2 damage ratings.

As far as formatting, I've been already doing this, adding history sections, OOC notes sections, and removing forced line breaks and unnecessary bolding. In the last month I've touched hundreds and hundreds of articles for updates.

The idea that we should shut down for updates is not something that seems necessary. But I like the idea of getting help with updates!
The idea that we should shut down for updates is not something that seems necessary. But I like the idea of getting help with updates!

It's a chance to explore the wiki! And learn more about the setting!

And um, that skeleton over there in the closet. Yeah, he's not looking too good...

I've seen a few articles that had only raw numbers with no format. Mostly Yamatai weapons so far. It's been a while but I could hunt them down when I get home probably.

As for organizing the teams, it'd be relatively simple. Borrowing a method discussed with Scher combined with my own this is how it would work.

NTSE amd staff provide the overviews. They'll approve or reject submissions as needed. The rejected ones are tagged as they come and those will be the ones we as a community work on. NTSE can also mark articles for deleting in the case of retconned and heavily outdated articles. Sometimes it's better to start an article over from scratch.

Faction management will provide the backbone of the operation. They're the most familiar with the setting and the new rules aside from staff. Their players will do most of the leg work but that's split across many people. They'll also be splitting these people into teams. They'll also be the ones preliminarily approving and disapproving articles which means that the factions can be more coherent and also make sure that every article fits their faction or its history.

Team leaders will do preliminary looks for grammar, spelling, etc. That redyces the load on FMs and NTSE since if it's done properly that part is already done and the NTSE only have to make sure the templates are fine and the overall content.

The individuals will help by fixing articles themselves. Ideally, anyone that submitted an article will be the one to fix it. If the owner isn't here anymore, can't be reached or whatever, that article is assigned to someone by an FM.

I've done this before with my own people many times working in game development. It's tedious but easy work. The information and ideas are already there: they just need to be fleshed out.

Reasonably speaking if we all pitch in together we can have this done in a month or two if everyone works hard at it.
I doubt shutting down will be necessary, as a few people have said - but by all means active maintenance of the wiki and making sure articles are updated regularly should be a given - unless there is little else to add.

Honestly, I think this is more a problem with activity, at least as far as I can tell.
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