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Interest Check Uprising - Commandos and Guerrillas


Banned Member
Inactive Member
Potential Rangers of the Star Army!

Do you want to drop from orbit, past enemy warships, into worlds currently under total Kuvexian control? Do you want to do it with nobody but your under-equipped squad of infantry? With no chance of support, extraction or backup? Fighting a hostile fleet in orbit and enemy armies everywhere?

Do you want to organise and lead resistance movements, underground conflicts and unconventional stratagems? To train the brave to realise themselves as freedom fighters and hit your foe where it hurts?

Do you want to help the oppressed stand up against the oppressor and rise up when the time is right to take back your land? To undertake one of the most brutal roles in the entire Star Army?

Register your interest with Uprising, a plot centered around the actions of a few Star Army Rangers utterly alone. Your job as members of the Unconventional Regiment will be the organisation, training and armament of resistance groups to assist with an eventual recapture attempt of your world.

When and how is still a mystery, as is how long you will go with no contact from the Star Army and how long you'll resist. It will be tough, heavy losses will be sustained and any facilities necessary including those of Soul Transfer will need to be captured, held and kept secret.

Good luck and have fun

Jack Pine
Charmaylarg Dufrain
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I read the first two words of OP as "Power Rangers" and my heart leapt!

This plot looks cool, good luck and Yui-speed.
We're still in the planning stages but as long as you're a Ranger (Unconventional Regiment) I'm open to any ideas about your character. I was looking to get 3-5 players before starting so I could potentially get the ball rolling very soon. The roles are gonna be pretty fluid at least originally but if you have anything in mind that's cool
There are now five (5) players with registered interest, which is all I will be taking at this time. I'll begin officiating things and will reopen spots if they become available. Post here to make sure I know who you are if you're interested. Thanks everyone
if 5's the limit ill make a char and wait until a spot opens up or you are comfortable letting a 6th in since theres already 5, will be following the plot tho~
I'll slip you in @Charmaylarg Dufrain because you did hint you wanted in earlier. DM me in Discord so I can get you a link to our server.

I'm not comfortable with any more people than that for sake of keeping it a fairly speedy plot if possible though. Anyone else looking to join please refer to my previous message.
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