Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

Approved Character [Uprising] Issei Tatsumi

  • Thread starter Thread starter IQ
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while I didn't make it, unless it says on the page all GH stuff can be bought by anyone however I'd probably check with wes as its a Yam mili plot so there might be rules against using outside tech?

Don't quote me on that
and there's your answer lol, I'll be the first to admit I haven't studied up on Yam mili stuff since I've essentially quit all the mili plots i was in with them :/
From a glance, I see he was born in 35 - 5 years ago. 20 years of age is the minimum for joining the Star Army afaik unless you're a Neko. Perhaps change that. Secondly, since he's unconventional he probably wasn't in MTF units but it's plausible he changed regiments at some point. Other than that, looks good
From what I've gathered from the Minkan page, this is an issue Skully also adressed, that Minkan can also be vat-grown? It's a small change, but if it doesn't need to be done, I'd rather not :p
Yes, they can. It's not like all the people transferring into Minkan bodies have to start over again as babies.
Tbh anyone STing into any body doesn't need to start over. For some reason I've only ever seen Nekos this young but that's obviously just me ^^;

I see you've made other changes and they look good so GM APPROVED
Well technically speaking, all minkans are pretty young as well since iirc the body was only created a few years ago, I remember when i made miles his history stated he transferred into one when he joined the military
Wait, is this person an adult? The Star Army doesn't hire kids (they hire generally people 20 or older). If this character has less than 20 years of age mentally then he's too young for military service.

It's generally assumed that all Minkan in the Star Army are trans synths who were something else before being Minkan. Since the Minkan body isn't that old there's none of them that have had time to grow up the regular way. The Star Army doesn't generate Minkans the way it makes Nekovalkyrja (who basically get an adult mind planted into their bodies in the manufacturing process).

If he was another species, such as a Nepleslian, when he was born, he would still need to be mentally 20 years old when he was recruited to the Star Army.

I recommend adjustments to the character to reflect the above. The easiest thing would be to make him born as Nepleslian or something similar in, say, YE 18 so he turned 21 in YE 39 and then joined then and finished training in YE 40.
Yeah that's exactly what I was getting at when I mentioned the age originally Wes ^^;

I took your comment to mean they could go in at Neko age, which I found weird given Minkans don't get the infused military knowledge when created. IQ if you could make the edits that'd be great :)
I don't know what you might need from me, but "Unconventional Regiment" shouldn't be in the top box as occupation, and "Field Medic" should link here.
Cool, maybe your GM can help you clean up the grammar such as the fragment sentences and add what he trained for in the SAoY at the bottom of his history. He also needs to choose one occupation or the other, as having two isn't common enough to be appropriate for a santo hei.

Oh and his medical knowledge skill is titled improperly.
As far as I'm concerned as a GM they can head into my plot right now, thanky~

It's the job of the reviewer to correct spelling mistakes, touch up formatting, adding additional info and such like. Looks like you've given IQ some neat stuff to work on Ame :)
I don't know what you mean, but I will help IQ out with the specifics for you. Just let me know what you need to know, @IQ, when you can.
Well, I honestly see only one occupation, field medic. Which happens to be for the rangers as his placement, adding extra info to the page. So I don't think that warrants change unless he'll be getting two paychecks. He's not a ranger and a medic. He's a medic for the rangers.

Best example that comes to mind is a SAINT medic. They're not a SAINT operative and rushing to another ship that is lightyears away to do medicy stuff and teleport back to do SAINT stuff, they're just medics employed by SAINT.

Spelling and grammar will be looked over when I get more sleep.