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[Urgent] Alien Threat


Head in the Stars
Staff Member
🌸 FM of Yamatai
🎖️ Game Master
To: 2nd Assault Fleet Grand Admiral Violetta De Luca
From: Captain Ally Gally of the NSS Inquiry

Hello and thank you for your continued leadership for the people of DIoN.

Our ship has come into contact with an alien threat as my message's title suggests. At about 0800 hours, a shuttle was sent down to the recently discovered planet of Polup. After the shuttle landed we were attacked in an orbital engagement. We managed to jump away from the flotilla of about ten ships and have currently just disengaged from the battle after losing them in an asteroid field. We have sustained heavy damage and need an escort back home immediately. They seemed to have aether weaponry, Sir. We are lucky we escaped with our lives. When we hailed them we were met with a strange sight. Aliens of a different race than any we have seen greeted us coldly and called themselves the Elefirn. We are to rendezvous with the shuttle that landed and, hopefully, will have more information for you shortly.

For now, this is all I know.

Ally Gally, Captain
CC: Sky Marshal/ Premier Gaelan Sanders
From: Grand Admiral of the Second Assault Fleet Violetta De Luca


This is an urgent message from a ship of my fleet that was probing a signal found in deep Westerly space, Premier. I am collecting some ships to meet with the Inquiry urgently and would like your knowledge of the events to be up-to-date. I would also like to hear any recommendations from you, if you have them.

Waiting to hear from you for further instructions in this matter,
Grand Admiral Violetta De Luca, Second Assault Fleet
CC: Grand Admiral of the Second Assault Fleet Violetta De Luca
From: Sky Marshal/ Premier Gaelan Sanders

Grand Admiral,

This is a grave matter. They have attacked a DIoN vessel and crew without causation, and they have made a grievous error.

Grand Admiral De Luca, I am authorizing you to do whatever you must do to ensure the survival of that ship and her crew. If you require support, I will dispatch part of the First Assault Fleet to aid you in this endeavour.

For Nepleslia and her people,
Premier Gaelan Sanders
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