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RP: UOC Government [URGENT] Humantarian Aide to Khorovarolor & ABWEHRAN Issue

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"I apologize for not consulting the Assembly on this matter but I felt it prudent to give the Abwehran Advisor of State a more expedient answer when her diplomatic team is a day out from our space.


To the United Outer Colonies,

It is with great urgency that we, the Abwehran Star Empire, seek a meeting with an ambassador of your great nation. Though it is an honor to finally seek diplomatic ties with you, it is also unfortunate that the reason for our need to meet doesn't come without price.

While one of our civilian transports was illegally visiting the world of Khorovarolor, an illness native to our homeworld was spread to the local inhabitance. The resulting mutation has created an pandemic that is even lethal to our species as well as members of the Local Khorovarans and possibly Nepleslians.

Our current medical technology is unable to find a cure for this ailment, which requires us to turn to you and your advanced medical technology to aid the poor inhabitants of Khorovarolor. We would be greatly appreciative if you can assist us in relief and/or quarantine efforts of this world.

We are also sending a diplomatic team to your great nation in order to better relations and possible open trade routes. This would not only better aid the transportation of relief efforts to Khorovarolor, but also benefit both our nations as we open trade between each other.

The HMS Schneider will arrive on the borders of your territory limit in one of your standard days. If you would please provide her with permission to enter and travel to your great capital world, it would help us immensely.

Iris Schneider
Adviser of State

SUBJECT: Re: Request for Diplomatic Meeting



Iris Schneider,

It would be a pleasure to arrange diplomatic relations with you and your people even during this medical crisis. Since part of our population is part Nepleslian, I would advise that our meetings are conducted with everyone involved in biological containment suits until we can establish some form of treatment to keep the disease contained.

I also request the information about the nature of the original disease and the subsequent mutation of it to better understand what we're dealing with. Is this an airborne disease or is it spread through bodily fluids? Since it is so deadly, we might have to quarantine your team to your ship while you are within our space until we can work towards finding a cure or treatment for it.

We will try to do everything in our power to help out your nation and Khorovarolor stop this disease. I'll send word to our Harbor Master about our intentions and to have her gather a medical team to assist a political representative to the HMS Schneider.

Best regards,

Tange- Katsura Ayana
United Outer Colonies Prime Minister

As you can see from the nature of the communication, it is of the utmost importance to handle this situation as delicately as we can until we can establish the means of containment of this disease. Since they feel this can jump to the Nepleslian population, it would be in our best interests to keep them isolated to their own ship and have a Peacekeeper Medical team in some sort of containment suits to escort a representative to arrange diplomatic relations with them.

I am concerned that this new disease might jump to Jiyuu if we're not careful and if we don't understand the nature of the disease itself. We must exercise caution and do what we can to work towards containment and a cure. This would be a good time to also discover more about this new nation of people and forge diplomatic relations in accordance to our charter.

So the question is, which of you of the Assembly would be interested in accompanying me on the diplomatic team to talk to Abwehrans? I and Crown Prince Motoyoshi have experience in this sort of area but I would not deny any of you the opportunity to forge your international diplomatic skills," Ayana looked over the assembly apprasingly, wondering who would volunteer.
"I believe that your actions were not inappropriate Madame Prime Minister." Shinichi said, "It is a time-sensative situation, and one which our response may be critical to the survival hundreds." What I'm about to do is pretty hypocritical of me... Shinichi thought, recalling his own objections to the Prime Minister wearing the Helashio slave collar, as he pondered how to say his next sentence. "I would like to go with you if I may, perhaps we can work out a way to aid them in their time of need." Shinichi said, his voice filled with hope.
"Absolutely, Shinichi you are more than welcome to come along on this," Ayana replied with a warm smile. She loved the idea of getting the assembly members more involved with their political dealings rather than having the peacekeepers do it all.
"That sounds agreeable to me. I've actually been interested in meeting one." Aymui nodded. "I wouldn't miss this for anything. How soon can we leave? I assume we're not going to actually breach this containment area until the disease has been planned? Valorous intent is something that could just as well have one of us spreading this like pepper ina' rattling cargo hauler air vent, as they used to say back west."
"While I am not a Official Senator, only a advisor at this moment, I am more then willing to come along and aid as well. With our first contact in the recent years, we have had to adapt quickly to most of the new diseases. Of course our full medical facilities will be open to use and of course ready to work along side of all of those within the United Outer Colonies."

River smiled a little as she nodded her head. She had received message from the High Priest just a few moments after the message had been sent out, having forwarded the message to him as well.
"Everyone participating must be wearing bio-hazard suits or something with a self-contained breathing environment since we do not know the true nature of the disease as of yet. I would also like for us to keep all meetings between ships rather than bringing them to the planet, I would hope that the diplomatic team is not infected but.. better safe than sorry," Ayana replied to Ayumi. She looked to River with a nod and a smile, "Of course you, or any of the other Lorath advisers may be in attendance as well. They will be here within our borders within the next 24 hours so this will be happening very soon."
Shuji shook his head.

"It is important that some stay behind as well, to ensure proper fall-back plans are in place in the event of the unimaginable. I volunteer my services in that regard."
"Very true, Shuji. In the event that this spins out of control somehow, we'll have to close our borders until we get an outbreak situation under control. Even if it means we prevent our own people from entering our space again.... but it's better to keep people uncontaminated and healthy than otherwise. Who else would like to stay behind and 'hold down the fort' as it were? We should be getting ready to go shortly," Ayana replied to Shuji before looking at the quieter Assembly members for their answer.
Arnold spoke up. "I would like to stay here, seeing as I'm a little behind on my work. I'd also rather they not set up much in the way of trade routes with us until we've got some understanding of this disease thing."
"Speaking of understanding..."

Saito's voice made itself known.

"We do not know the effect of this mutated alien strain on our Jiyuuian personnel. If we are to act swiftly, I recommend a sort of containment and protection plan to shield our own people from harm. At the minimum a biohazard suit or mandatory Tenshii."
"I figured the bio-hazard suit or Tenshi but what else do you recommend, Miss Saito? I wasn't alive when the plague happened so I'm uncertain of any typical decontamination procedures," Ayana replied curiously.
The sound of a throat being cleared could be heard from across the room, near the entrance. Any on lookers would find Rina Tomori standing there, arms folded under her chest.

"I have a few suggestions, as the Harbor Master it is my duty to not only enforce the Harbor Master act, police the borders,monitor incoming traffic, but also to monitor for harmful substances to our people. I believe this qualifies, more so actually."
"All right Miss Rina, let's hear them. We should probably get going once we hear them, though," Ayana looked at the Harbor Master with a bright and curious smile, waiting for her suggestion.
"As befitting the Harbor Master Act I suggest they be given a clearance level of red for the time being. If you wish to conduct diplomatic negotiations and help find a cure for the epidemic I also suggest conducting them aboard their craft. Reasons being it will contain any possible out breaks, we will have a chance to collect various samples in different environments aboard."

Rina paused before continuing. "I would also suggest Tenshi be used to board the craft, we do not dock with them and thereby risk contamination of the ship, and crew. Instead those going will fly to their vessel via Tenshi and board them through their airlock. Samples collected will remain inside of bio-hazard containers until taken to appropriate facilities, and will remain under tight containment protocol for highly contagious substances. Once our people return to our ship they will under go a two fold decontamination routine. One beginning with the Tenshi inside of the airlock and inside of a unpressurized environment." She explained, paused to catch her breath before continuing.

"There they will under go intense scanning for foreign elements just in case the vacuum of space did not kill them. Then a nano-machine 'scrub down'. The suit will then be taken away, and the same treatment conducted to the pilots in a pressurized environment including broad spectrum antibiotics incoculation, but in complete isolation. More rigorous scans should be conducted as would a in depth blood analysis."
Ayana smiled with a look of admiration towards Rina. "That sounds like a sound and well thought out plan. I'm in support of following through with Miss Rina's plan of putting the Abwehran's into red clearance status and her containment suggestions. Unless there are any objections, everyone going should get ready to go and meet back up to meet our guests."
"I have one of my vessels in orbit of Jiyuu right now. A medical and scientific team are being formed up volunteers from the Lorath are most welcome to join the team, along with sufficient equipment for decontamination, medical and scientific analysis for a first cursory look. A shuttle will be on standby at a near by star port, and I have already selected the UCS Koumei to be the Abwehran vessel's escort until we arrive on scene. A representative has also been chosen by the name of Roxanne Caldwell." Rina said as she seemed pre-occupied. In truth she was multi-tasking all of this as she spoke.

Rina bowed slightly. "Unless you wish for me to stay with you presently Prime-Minister I will, or I will return to my vessel in orbit awaiting your arrival."
"I'm sorry for throwing this in when the Prime Minister wishes to depart, but I have a few modifications I had been considering. I see no issues with this plan...though I would like to request that the ship being used for this have a skeleton crew, just in case."

Saito interjected, hoping to minimize the potential impact of a containment leak.

"I also recommend that several other vessels stay a distance away, but continuously scan the ship with weapons ready...not to attack THEM, but to prevent pirates from getting close and unknowingly contracting the disease and spreading it.

Perhaps the use of a quarantine beacon is warranted?"
"The intended coordinates I have designated for them take them to an area within UOC space that has heavy traffic from the Peacekeepers, also, I have only four crew on board the vessel. The issue of the skeleton crew has been taken into account already. Plus the Koumei will remain with us, and she is carrying a full Tenshi compliment, including armaments. If additional vessels are required they are a simple call away since I can have another three there within minutes with carrier support."

Rina tapped her lower lip idly a moment. "I have already forewarned my office of the matter at hand, and steps have been taken, the remainder of my ships are currently alerting, and patrolling the area. Should an outbreak get loose pre-cautions are in place, and alerts will be sounded."
Ayana watched the peacekeeper officers interact with a growing sense of wonder at what might be some sort of animosity between the two of them. She smiled despite it and rose from her seat. "Miss Rina, which ship do you want myself and the others to meet up with to leave?

I'm ready to go, and I ask the others going get ready for immediate departure as well."
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