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Using other articles as templates.


Inactive Member
Can we get a @Wes ruling on this?

The https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=wip:independent:baron_class_dropship has similar descriptive text as the https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=faction:uso:broadsword_light_cruiser in the systems / room description.

It looks like Alex is worried this runs afoul of the no copy-pasta rule for wiki articles. I think it doesn’t, since the copied lines are changed for the specific ship, and seem to be just one or two lines with a link to the nessisary system/room article included.
At the time I was concerned, it wasn't similar, it was identical. However, Bullroar made changes and now there's no issue. However what I'd like to put to rest is this; is copying of descriptive text okay?
Read the versions of the pages from this morning to see what I mean. I’ll post quotes I guess for those who can’t view the rollback easily.
I guess ive made enough things to say a little somethine here too, I've avoided using copypasta in my articles even from my own other articles and stick to rewriting it within its new context so it ends up being similar but not identical. I can understand people wanting to save time an effort by using pre existing descriptions of "standard" bits and pieces, but I'd like to refer to my days of primary and highschool.

If the intention of the new article is to be an improvement piece or copy piece then quote the original, if it's your own work inspired by the original then rewritie it in your style but keep key points such as perhaps, dimensions or structure.

I know it's not much and I'm not sure if we have a quoting guide for wiki articles but, i think there's nothing wrong with copying or being inspired by other articles, just rewrite the sections a little bit and maybe mention if it's supposed to be IC inspired.
I think articles should have original text unless they're the same thing (like two models of the same starfighter, written by the same author).